Flight attendant interview: features and preparation tips

A flight attendant interview has a number of nuances that are not typical for other professions. This is too demanding work. Consider the specifics of the flight attendant interview and advice on preparation.
The job of a flight attendant is prestigious and interesting. But airlines have strict requirements for candidates for these positions. The following criteria are taken into account:
- age;
- height and body weight;
- no criminal record;
- attitude to military service;
- health level;
- knowledge of foreign languages;
- lack of tattoos and scars on exposed parts of the body.
For your information: the same requirements apply to the selection for a flight attendant.
The cabin crew interview itself takes place in 3 stages.
The first step is the actual conversation with the members of the selection committee. The second stage is psychological selection. The third - for candidates for international flights - for the knowledge of English. Flight attendant interview to Aeroflot always starts with the provision of basic required documents. This happens in the briefing room, where they briefly talk at the same time with all applicants. This is followed by an individual interview. This is the moment when you can and should show your professionalism, possession of certain skills.
Important: Aeroflot's standards always provide for the rule of white top and black bottom. Whoever complies with this requirement already when applying for a position definitely disposes to himself.

Women need to wear knee-length or slightly lower skirts. They come to the interview only with makeup. The standard of the leading Russian carrier is red lipstick. At the interview, people are expected with a pre-printed questionnaire. You need to be prepared for a request to translate various sentences, sometimes quite complex in meaning.
But flight attendants can also get a job at Rossiya Airlines. The standard for this carrier is knowledge of English at the Pre-Intermediate level. Without this, candidates will not even be considered. The main stages of employment are the same as at Aeroflot. The interview at Pobeda deserves special attention. According to the stories of those who underwent this procedure, it lasts about 3 hours. As in other companies, the initial selection is carried out in the assembly hall for all candidates at the same time. Immediately announce all the key requirements and invite those who do not meet them to leave the hall before checking. The requirements are as follows:
- valid international passport;
- accommodation at a distance of 1 hour by car from the airport;
- beige manicure;
- rejection of false nails and eyelashes;
- bright makeup.
The candidates will be sure to be told about the upcoming opening hours and the level of payment. Self-presentation in English is provided. On it, they ask: "What did you do yesterday?", "What do you plan to do tomorrow?", "How would you describe a new collection of clothes?" and other fairly simple questions. When the general stage of the interview ends, after a break, the names of those who will be invited for a personal acquaintance are announced. The reasons for the refusals are not named, they only talk about the standard rules of the company.

You need to talk about your personality in more detail. Telling about yourself usually implies such moments as hobby for sports, readiness for stressful situations. An additional plus will be knowledge of languages other than English, the ability to provide first aid. English testing includes:
- work with specially selected text;
- listening;
- free conversation.
Given the high complexity of the profession, it is natural that candidates are asked a lot of insidious questions. Most often, airline recruiters ask:
- why a person is going to work in such a field;
- why a particular airline was selected;
- what makes the specialization of the flight attendant attractive;
- what is remarkable about the city of residence;
- how are you;
- whether the person is worried;
- are there any friends;
- what the candidate can say about one friend;
- about the best quality;
- about a hobby;
- who the candidate sees himself as in 5 years;
- what are the main parts of the plane;
- who is in the crew and so on.

How to answer?
They will definitely pay attention to how the candidate looks, how he holds himself, what is the timbre of his voice. It is necessary to show:
- full adequacy;
- openness;
- high level of sociability.
There are also some nuances in answering certain questions. So, when naming the city of residence, you need to add the name of the country (this is literally hammered into the sub-cortex for international flights). To the question "How are you?" you need to answer: "Okay, what about yours?"
You should always say that there are several friends, because it means exactly those people who can be completely trusted. They describe their hobby in detail.
When people ask "What do you do in life?" If the field of activity is not related to aviation, you will be asked to substantiate the reason for the change of profession. The question about the prospects in a few years should be answered vaguely - something about the desirability of career growth. The types of passengers correspond to the classes of service. To the question "What types of classes do you know?" just waiting for the listing of service categories.

Preparation tips
But just answering the questions is not enough to get an interview with any airline. We'll have to prepare additionally. Male flight attendants need to give up long hair and cut their heads off. It should be short, but the hairstyle. But mustache, beard and even light stubble on board an airliner are strictly prohibited. Earrings and piercings are unacceptable.
They come to interviews in formal business attire and black shoes. The entire wardrobe must be in perfect order.
It is equally important to set yourself up for ultimate success and absolute peace of mind. It is necessary to make one more setting for oneself: regardless of the question, it is better to say at least something than to be silent.

In the next video, you will find out what are the 3 main mistakes job seekers make when interviewing for a flight attendant.