How to behave correctly in an interview?

An interview is a job seeker's acquaintance with an employer. During the conversation, both interested parties discuss the details of possible cooperation. The applicant has the opportunity to talk about his professional skills, and the manager makes a decision on the applicant's compliance with the company's work standards. Such negotiations are always stressful, so you need to know how to behave correctly and answer the questions posed.

General rules of conduct
There are many different techniques that can help you get in the right place for the right dialogue with your recruiter or CEO. It is important to understand that the first impression that the applicant makes plays an important role. Preparing for an interview is a very important point in getting the desired job.
Before the appointment you need to get a good night's sleep in order to successfully pass the interview. This will help you to motivate and think positively, as well as make a good impression on the employer. Before the interview, it is advisable to re-read your resume and formulate how you are better than other candidates. How can you benefit the company by filling this position?
Learn more about the company's activities from open sources in advance. Study its history, corporate culture, current goals, the motto, if any, the social policy of the company, what it offers to employees, what incentives and awards exist. Even if you have no work experience, prepare a self-presentation based on your achievements during your studies. It is necessary to collect a package of documents for employment. Be sure to include there all existing certificates, awards and diplomas of additional education, characteristics from the previous place of work.
Be sure to bring a notebook and pen with you to jot down the information you need.

Choose your clothes carefully to make a good impression. The created image must correspond to the position that one would like to occupy. Creative people can afford casual wear. For the rest, it is advisable to choose a strict, office style.
Clothes in shades of brown, gray and blue are perceived better. Women should choose a knee-length skirt over pants. Try to minimize bright colors and cut out unfashionable clothing. Use perfume in moderation. A strong smell can cause negative emotions towards you.
Excitement is a common condition in a job interview, especially if you have no work experience. Better to come a little earlier than the appointed time and wait. Punctuality is essential in any job. Knock before entering the office. If invited, go in and clearly identify yourself.
When choosing a seat, try not to sit directly opposite the interlocutor. This can create an association with the enemy. If there is only space in front of the employer, the posture should be collected. There is no need to sit with crossed arms and legs - this creates a feeling of closeness to communication.
You should not behave fussy, fidget, gesticulate and pose. It is better to keep your hands on the table, especially if you feel very nervous. It is advisable to maintain eye contact with the interlocutor. Calmly pause, and if it is too long, do not rush to break the silence. In this way, the employer can check your endurance.

In conversation, it will be correct to avoid the words “I don’t know”, “maybe”, “it seems”, “probably” and other phrases reflecting doubt. Focus on active verbs: “I have”, “I can”, “I have done”. You should not use phrases that can raise doubts about your abilities. “I’m still too young,” “I rarely came across this,” “I don’t know how to speak well” - exclude them from your vocabulary.
Answer the question about the amount of wages without hesitation. State the number directly, without underestimating yourself... If the CTO conducts the interview, he or she can voice the pay level himself. You can ask to increase it or upgrade the category of the position, if possible.
Candidates are often asked questions that are far from the topic of employment. Questions can range from hobbies to dietary preferences.
Perhaps an offer to pay several times more than the amount you announced. Be skeptical about this. This can be a test of the adequacy of the candidate and the ability to find the right solutions in a stressful situation.
Answer confidently, but not in the first person. Try not to boast, but also don't belittle your abilities. Talking about your merits, say that you can easily absorb the information and this will help you easily get used to a new job.

When asked about the shortcomings, it is better to deceive. It's not worth telling that you prefer to spend the weekend on the couch and not leave the house all weekend. Instead of this you can focus on being passionate about your work to the point where you forget about time and it worries you... Present your shortcomings as your strengths.
It is important to remember that the recruiter and the manager have a common goal - to find a worthy candidate for the vacancy. Their tasks are different. The HR manager is looking for and inviting candidates for a meeting. Then he decides on admitting them to an interview with the management. The goal of a manager is to select the most suitable candidate for teamwork.
If the HR-specialist does not like you, then the opportunity to get a conversation with the manager is zero. The manager's questions should be answered clearly, concisely, without irritation and in a friendly manner. To please a woman working as an HR manager, be friendly, calm, exude confidence and a good mood. You shouldn't flirt with her, give her compliments, joke or ask her out on a date.
If a stressful dialogue scenario is envisaged, she may ask inappropriate questions. Do not be offended, this is such a way to test for stress resistance.

With questions of a personal nature, you should not be annoyed, and you decide whether to answer them or not. It will be pertinent to know why this information is needed. Maybe this is due to possible sudden business trips or overtime work in the evening. Management needs to know if they can rely on you. It must be remembered that an HR manager is a specialist who works according to a specific methodology for interviewing and analyzing a resume.
At the first interview with the director, it is necessary to understand that he is looking for a professional in his team with whom he will be comfortable working. It will be right to talk to him, using professional vocabulary... State your accomplishments in your previous job, but do not criticize former employees and management. Don't argue if you don't quite agree with the new employer's views. This will help to present yourself as a professional and conflict-free worker.
After the end of the meeting, you can ask when you can expect a call with an invitation to work and whether it is worth waiting for. Then you need to politely say goodbye and leave the office.

What to ask and how to answer questions?
Listen carefully to all questions and do not interrupt the interlocutor. Answer them clearly and to the point, softening the brevity of the answer with a sincere smile. Try to avoid short yes and no answers. They give the impression of your insecurity and ignorance of the material you are talking about. If you didn’t hear the question, ask again, but don’t do it often.
- At the request of the head to tell about yourself, you need to talk about what positions you held and what career heights you have reached. Tell us about your education, merit, and awards from your previous job. A job interview is, first of all, a dialogue, so you can ask a counter question. Whether the interviewee wants to know about interests related to career growth and development, or is it enough to talk about interests in general. It is advisable not to talk about your hobby, but to report on your readiness to change the work process for the better. Remember that a high-end professional is passionate about work, not counting money.
- The tricky wage problem can be tackled fairly easily. It is enough to add 30% to past income and announce this amount to the employer. The minimum wage should be 10% higher than the previous one. You cannot underestimate yourself, but raising the bar is not entirely correct.
- When asked why you decided to change jobs, it is better to answer, avoiding negative statements. Refer to the lack of opportunities for personal growth. In order to be hired, it is worth focusing on the pursuit of stability.
- The manager may ask how long you plan to work for the company. It is better to answer evasively that they are not yet ready to voice any specific figure. We would like to start work in order to have a better idea of what we will have to do. It would be nice to get to know the team as well.
- Your accomplishments in your previous job are usually not overlooked. One should speak coldly about achievements, not extolling oneself. You can report that you were able to solve a difficult problem in the production process and you were promoted.
- Often the interviewer is interested in your attitude towards overtime.... It is appropriate to inquire how long overtime takes and whether overtime is paid on Saturday and Sunday.Answer with confidence that you are ready to work overtime, as long as it does not interfere with your personal life.
- In order not to fall into a stupor when asked what the applicant knows about the company and why he wants to work here, it is necessary to study its activities. You can share information obtained from the company's website. Talk about trust and career opportunities.
- Many companies are wary of candidates with small preschool and school age children.... Almost always people are interested in information about possible sick leave. The manager wants to have an employee who is completely immersed in the workflow. The answer to this question is that you are not facing this problem. During difficult periods, a grandmother, a relative or a nanny will be with the child.
There can be many topics discussed. It should be borne in mind that there are several interview scenarios, one of which is stressful. The dialogue will not always be correct.
It is necessary to give loyal answers to all questions, without giving out your emotions, especially aggression and discontent.

Common mistakes
When a refusal is received, the applicant begins to look for its reasons. It seemed that everything was thought out and all the documents were in place. A hard analysis of what went wrong begins. Let's take a closer look at common mistakes.
- Being late is considered the grossest mistake. or rescheduling the meeting for another time. It is categorically impossible to do this, because it speaks of your dismissive attitude towards the job for which you are trying to get a job; punctuality must grow into super-punctuality.
- Particular attention should be paid to a neat appearance. - clothes should be clean and ironed, preferably not very worn.
- You need to come to the interview alone, without relatives and friends, otherwise one gets the impression that the candidate cannot make independent decisions.
- Behavior must be confidentbut not aggressive; tune in to the fact that a bad interview is not the end of the world, you get a chance to work for another company.
- Serious error – do not disconnect the mobile phone and talk to strangers, interrupting the working dialogue. This will lead to the failure of the interview.
- An unrecoverable errorleading to rejection is the constant return to the issue of pay.
- Overconfident and arrogant behavior is unacceptable. It is necessary to offer your skills and knowledge in the correct form.
- Lying negatively affects employment. Truth always comes out unexpectedly, adding a negative bonus to a skillfully built positive image.
- Too much frankness is also a mistake. - trying to gain trust and voicing unnecessary information can hurt yourself a lot. Everything should be in moderation, answer clearly and only to the questions posed.
- Annoyance to repetitive questions also plays a negative role. - watch your emotions, try to follow the course of the conversation and voice the necessary information without unnecessary emotions.
- Criticism of former employees and bosses creates a bad impression.
- One of the major mistakes is verbosity.that is simply tiresome; The interviewer wants to hear a clear and complete answer, and not jump from topic to topic, he is especially bored with hearing about your personal problems.
- Lack of feedback is also a big mistake. - if after the meeting they promised to call you back, you should not immediately find out whether you approached or not; contact the interlocutor at the specified time yourself and find out what the company has decided about your employment.
- Will ditch your chance of getting a job and not testing - tests provide an opportunity to obtain objective information about your competence, and refusal will entail doubts about your sincerity and truthful information in the resume.
- Template responses reduce the chance of taking a vacant position; After all, answering, as the Internet and friends teach, you will not be able to reach your potential.

Useful Tips
Psychologists have compiled a list of tips considering which you will provide yourself with a dream job.
- Nobody canceled the rules of good manners, so try to show up at the company office 20 minutes before your interview. During this time, look around, try to calm down and tune in to the positive.
- Smile sincerely. To do this, remember something funny and kind.
- Nervousness can disrupt the timbre of the voice. The voice disappears or becomes squeaky, which emphasizes your insecurity. Be sure to control your voice. If it's stressful, take a sedative. And if you are afraid of public speaking, rehearse it in front of the mirror. Pronounce words that stumble especially clearly.
- Prepare a small self-presentation. The main thing is not to overdo it. A stammering job seeker with a squeaky voice elicits the same negative emotions as a hyperactive talker. You must confidently and clearly state your position.
- Maintain a serious and confident posture. To do this, sit deep in a chair. Straighten your back, press your legs to the floor. Place your hands on the table in a calm position. Look directly into the eyes of the other person while maintaining eye contact. If you are uncomfortable looking directly into your eyes, select a point in the ear, neck, or forehead and look at it.
- Do not forget about gestures - do not make frequent swings... Turning the body also evokes negative emotions.
- Show potential bosses that you are a professional person... Master professional vocabulary and ask professional questions. Show your interest. The main thing is to present yourself in the right light.
- Answer any question asked with pleasure, spread a positive wave to your interlocutors... It speaks of your openness, honesty and confidence.
- The most insidious question about changing jobs should be answered that you want career growth. Don't be negative about your previous work.
Even if the decision on your employment is negative, you have gained invaluable interview experience. With it, you can storm other peaks, avoiding the mistakes made.