Interview in English: secrets of preparation and successful completion

Any interview is a stressful situation for our psyche. Moreover, if such an important interview is held in a language that is not native to you. In the modern world, an increasing number of companies (primarily large international organizations) conduct their interviews in English. In addition, you will have to go through such a foreign interview if you dream of enrolling in a higher education institution abroad.
How to prepare for an interview in English and impress the interviewee? How to correctly tell about yourself and what mistakes you should not make? Read more about this in our material.

How to Prepare?
Preparing for an interview in English (or any other foreign language) is a difficult task. If you prepare poorly for an interview, then even if you have a good command of the language, as well as you have all the necessary qualities, you may not get the desired job or not go to the university of your dreams.
However, knowing some of the secrets and principles of interviewing, you can quickly improve your communication skills and achieve your goal. We will talk about them today.
So, first of all, before going to an interview, it is important to carefully study the company... It doesn't matter if you are applying for a job or entering a university, be sure to study the official website of the organization, familiarize yourself with its structure and read the historical background. Depending on the goals and missions of the company, the description of a vacant position or the direction of your possible training, personalize your resume. In no case should it contain general phrases. Only in this case the interlocutor will make sure that you are interested in this particular company.
Before an important meeting, it is recommended "Look at yourself from the outside"... To do this, enter your last name, first name and patronymic in Google and see what links appear. Check your social media sites carefully, as well as any other accounts and profiles on the Internet. If possible, you should smooth out certain controversial things. If this cannot be done, then be sure to prepare a full-fledged answer to questions that may arise in an interview on this or that occasion.

Make sure you not only meet all the qualities required by the employer, but also have personality traits that will help you stand out from the crowd. It is no secret that there are a lot of talented, hardworking and disciplined people among the applicants or applicants. Try to find that quality, that zest, thanks to which you will be remembered after the interview.
It is also important to demonstrate your optimism and benevolence during the conversation. Man is a social being, so even if you have all the necessary technical skills, you may not be accepted because of your character and attitude. Remember that in the future you will have to study or work in this team, so try to make a good first impression.
An important element is your appearance... Traditionally, it is customary to come to interviews of any kind in business attire. However, in the modern world, these rules are changing. Check with the employer in advance or read the job description carefully, in addition, you can focus on the general corporate culture of the organization. If you still have doubts, then give preference to a proven business suit.
Before going to the interview, practice your speech and answers to questions. For more confidence, do this out loud while standing in front of the mirror. You can also ask for help from your relatives or loved ones.

Useful phrases
In order for you to have an elementary idea of how the interview will take place in English, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with a standard set of useful phrases. Such a sample with translation will be useful to you in the preparation process.
Positive personality traits:
- attentive - attentive
- diligent - conscientious;
- modest - humble
- sincere - sincere
- well organized - organized;
- broad-minded - broad-minded;
- intelligent - smart, educated;
- punctual - punctual
- flexible - flexible, compliant.

You can start the story about your education with the phrases:
- I got my degree in training;
- I hold a bachelor's degree in;
- I've taken specialized courses.
Phrases that come in handy when answering the question of why you want to work in this particular company:
- … Become a good specialist - to become a good specialist;
- ... grow up personally and professionally - to grow in a personal and professional sense;
- … Use my knowledge and experience - to use knowledge and experience.
Remember that these phrases are universal and you should definitely add your individual characteristics to them.

How to tell about yourself?
Any employer, university admissions committee member or other specialist who interviews you will definitely ask you to tell about yourself. On the one hand, it seems that this question is easy enough. Nevertheless, for many, it is he who causes difficulties. If you do not know what and how to tell about yourself, then you should definitely use our advice.
So, the most important thing to remember: it is worth talking about yourself briefly and succinctly, without going into unnecessary details... It is necessary to show only your best sides and at the same time try to avoid demonstrating any shortcomings.
To begin with, you can make a short retelling of your resume: clarify the level of your education, talk about previous jobs, individual skills and abilities. In doing so, you can also bring up a more personal topic and talk about your positive personality traits. Characteristics should be disclosed in a way that will help you succeed in your new job.

In addition, you should not approach the story about yourself exclusively formally. Make it clear to the interlocutor that work is not the only thing that exists in your life. Feel free to talk about your hobbies and interests.
On the other side, Some common mistakes should be avoided when talking about yourself. For example, interviewers usually dislike being overly autobiographical in a story. No need to retell your family history or marriage age.
Also, in response to a request to tell about yourself, in no case should you ask counter questions. Beginners, trying to please the employer and trying to predict his reaction to certain facts, begin to clarify what exactly the interlocutor would like to hear. It is not recommended to ask such questions. After all a request to tell about yourself is not a simple curiosity, but a desire to know the level of your language, the quality of preparation and the ability to answer the question posed.

Examples of questions and answers
Depending on the specific company, position and some other aspects, the questions that will be asked to you during the interview may differ. However, there are some general trends. Today in our material we will look at the basic words that will be useful to you.
For translator
During the interview process for the position of a translator, special attention it is important to pay attention to correct pronunciation.
Question: Describe your strengths.
Answer: I'm disciplined, punctual and able to make my own schedule. Besides, I don't have to be controlled because I feel responsible for my words and actions. (I am disciplined, punctual and know how to make my own schedule. In addition, I will not have to be controlled, as I feel responsible for my words and actions).
Question: Why are you looking for a new job? (Why are you looking for a new job?)
Answer: I want to expand my horizons, explore new things and test my capabilities. I think I am capable of more than I am currently capable of. (I want to broaden my horizons, explore new things and test my capabilities. It seems to me that I am capable of more than I realize at the moment).

To university
You can apply to a foreign institute for a bachelor's degree, a master's degree, or even a postgraduate course.
Question: Why did you choose our university? (Why did you choose our university?).
Answer: Your university is famous for its famous and successful graduates, as well as for its interesting history. (Your university is famous for famous and successful graduates, as well as an interesting history).

For a job interview
For job interviews for a school teacher, flight attendant, hotel administrator and any other specialist, it is important to know the answers to both general questions and basic specialized ones. It is especially important for seafarers, mechanics, sailors and other narrow specialists to be knowledgeable specifically in their field.
In addition, if you plan to teach, then you should know its methodology in English.
Question: What qualities would you like to see in your supervisor? (What qualities would you like to see in your boss?)
Answer: Justice and wisdom. As well as the desire to help their subordinates and achieve results together. (Justice and wisdom, as well as the desire to help your subordinates and achieve results through joint efforts).
Question: What attracts you to this job? (What are you attracted to this vacancy?)
Answer: I like both the field of activity and the direct organization of work: flexible schedule, friendly team, high wages. (I like both the field of activity itself and the direct organization of work: flexible hours, friendly team, high salaries).

How to get?
In order to successfully pass the interview, it is important to follow the recommendations of specialists.
So, it should be borne in mind that the interview can be carried out both live and via the Internet (for example, by Skype) or by phone. Regardless of one way or another, it is important to build a dialogue correctly.
First of all you need to say hello and introduce yourself. After that, try to consistently and confidently answer the questions posed. At the end of the interview, be sure to ask your employer what interests you. It is also important to end the interview correctly: say goodbye, shake hands (if applicable). In the course of the conversation, do not forget to hand over all the documents required from you.
Remember, an interview is a business meeting. That is why it is important to adhere to the rules of business etiquette and not allow yourself to go beyond the legal framework.

What should i avoid?
The first thing to remember is discipline. Do not be late for your appointment, but rather come a little earlier. Punctuality is the most important characteristic of a business person, which cannot be done without. It is punctuality that testifies to your discipline.
You should not choose an outfit or print a resume in the morning before an interview. All preparatory actions must be carried out in advance, in the evening. This way, you avoid unnecessary unnecessary stress in the morning.
Regardless of your life situation and personal difficulties should behave positively in interviews... Try not to show that you are nervous, and also do not show that you are in a bad mood.
Rudeness and aggression are emotions that are not appropriate in an interview. They cannot be shown even in response to a negative or in the event that you were immediately voiced a negative answer and did not accept you. Either way, stay professional.

Answering the interviewer's question, avoid memorized common phrases or reading from a piece of paper. Try to communicate lively and tell everything in your own words.
In no case should you misinform your employer about your education, previous jobs and any other achievements. Be honest and sincere and speak only the truth.
Don't speak negatively about your former bosses and colleagues.... It is always worth keeping yourself confident and professional. Also, don't reveal corporate secrets.
By following all the positive advice and avoiding negative manifestations, you will successfully pass any interview and achieve your goals.