US visa interview: where it takes place, stages and waiting times

The interview is the main stage in obtaining a visa. For many countries, the interview is an important indicator that influences the final decision. One of these states is the United States. America is considered one of the most difficult-to-reach countries, where many want to open a visa, but only a few get it.
In this article, we will look at how to behave correctly during an interview, what documents are required and how long it will take to consider your application.
Types of visas
There are a number of visas in the United States that you should familiarize yourself with before applying.
Each block is designed for one or another kind of activity. This is important, because if you incorrectly draw up a package of documents or choose the wrong type of visa, then there is a chance that it will simply not be approved.
Consider the types of US visas:
- immigration (IVs) is aimed at the category of people who want to immigrate to the United States and obtain permanent residence, that is, become a resident;
- nonimmigrant (NIVs) are issued to those who travel to the country as a tourist, student, temporary worker or for medical purposes.

Each type of visa should be considered in more detail.
The first block is nonimmigrant. It starts with the letters B1 and B2. These are subcategories of visas for business and leisure travel, as well as for medical treatment in the United States. This package is valid for up to 3 years, with one entry or multiple entries. It depends on the type of your trip.
Next comes the letter F. It refers to a student visa. Issued to students for language courses or for higher education in American universities. This also includes the letter M.This section means that you want to get professional education in the United States. It is prohibited to work on a student visa. It is issued for up to three years.
Work visa has several categories (H, L, O-1, P, Q, R) and the letter you choose will depend on the type of activity you want to do in the United States. It is issued for 2 years and is additionally considered by the Citizenship and Immigration Service.
Visas are also issued to the following categories of persons.
- For citizens who participate in a cultural or scientific exchange program. Here options are considered either from companies or from the state.
- For the crew of an airplane or for people who travel the world through America. If in the first case everything is clear, then with the second it is a little more complicated. There are no airports with a transit zone in the United States, and visa-free transit is prohibited there. Therefore, passengers have to apply for a temporary visa of category C, if there was no open visa to America before.
- This transit visa is valid only once or twice.
- For journalists and media workers. The category of this visa is I, it refers to a work visa.

How and where does the interview take place?
Many people are worried about where the interview takes place. It takes place at the embassy or the American diplomatic mission in your country, in our case, in Russia.
Of course, there is a chance to get a visa in the country where you currently reside, while not being its citizen... But the amount of paperwork and the period for obtaining approval will increase.
In connection with the strained relations between Russia and America, several consulates were closed in our country. Therefore, there are only four major centers:
- Moscow;
- St. Petersburg;
- Ekaterinburg;
- Vladivostok.
During the interview for a visa to America, you need to answer not only a number of questions from the American immigration officer, but also submit all the necessary documents on time.
The interview takes place in the language of the party in which you are at the moment. All visa officers are fluent in Russian if you open a visa in Russia. Therefore, if you are going to America only as a tourist, then you should not worry too much about the language barrier.
But if you are traveling for work, then the interview will be held in English, since all employers request a certificate of language proficiency.

It is best to arrive for an interview 20 minutes before the start. At the entrance, the guards should show your passport, invitation.
Once you have entered the building, you should check in all your belongings in the locker. Of the technology, only a mobile phone in an off state will be accepted. They do not accept any large items in the storage room (backpack or suitcase). Therefore, it is better to leave all your belongings in the place where you are staying (hotel, hotel).
Outerwear should be handed over to the wardrobe and then go to the registration window to get a personal number in the queue.
People who have specific needs, such as women with small children or retirees, can get a preferential number.

The list of documents for obtaining a visa is standard. You need to have with you:
- valid international passport;
- originals of old passports and their copies (if any);
- a copy of the civil passport and the original;
- confirmation of material wealth for travel;
- bank account statement;
- certificate from the place of employment;
- tickets and indication of place of residence in the United States;
- invitation (if any);
- photo 5 * 5;
- a receipt confirming the payment of the consular fee.
You should apply for a visa no earlier than three months before the date of travel. The time of the interview and the available dates are determined by the consulate itself. They can be verified on the consulate websites.

How do I answer questions?
The main part of the interview is the questions that the officer asks. Their purpose is to reveal the intentions with which you travel to the United States.
There is no clear list of questions. They may ask about the purpose of the trip, about marital status and the presence of relatives in the United States. Much will depend on the category of the visa you receive. It doesn't matter which category you categorize yourself in, answering questions should be clear, calm and concise. Do not drag out the answer or stretch it, so as not to create the impression of a double bottom.
You don't have to answer the questions very hard to avoid giving the impression that you really want to get to the United States.
It is not necessary to lay out all the documents at once, the officer first needs to give only the basic package. And only then, upon request, the rest (material component, marriage certificate).
The style of dress should be discreet and neat.

Waiting times
If a visa is issued for the first time, then a lot depends on seasonal demand, the work of the consulate and the dates of the interview, which are set by the consuls themselves.
Due to the reduction of consulates, the waiting time for a call for an interview can take up to several months. And for a more urgent visa, they can offer to issue it in another state.
The waiting time for a response from the consulate about visa approval takes 2 to 3 days. If you are extending your visa or applying for it again, then the consideration of all documents may take 1–2 weeks.
Obtaining a visa can also be urgent. This is especially true of the medical topic. In this case, the consideration of documents and the interview may be postponed to an earlier date.