Reason for looking for a new job: what to write in your resume and application?

When applying for another job, half of the success depends on a well-written resume.
A short resume presentation provides details of university or college graduation and work experience. This includes personal information, and also indicates what position the candidate is applying for.
Sometimes the resume is supplemented with a reason for leaving the previous place, but it is not necessary to write about this. If such an item is included in the resume, it is better to copy the reason for leaving the work book.

What is the resume for?
A resume is a short presentation by a specialist. Without this document, the employer simply will not know who he is hiring. The better the resume and the more detailed the data, the more chances of getting a good job.
A resume is also an advertisement for a specialist; it should be his business card. Such a questionnaire includes not only information about seniority and work experience, but also personal information. The factor of aspirations, hobbies and personal qualities of the applicant plays an important role: it is from them that the employer will be able to understand whether the employee will fit into the team.

Already at the interview stage, the employer is likely to ask a question about the reason for dismissal from the previous place. Therefore, it is better to briefly talk about this in your resume.
Popular reasons
The list of questions that a recruiter usually asks is known. It is enough to imagine yourself as an employer and ask yourself a question: what information about the applicant might interest you. Of course, questions will be raised about the reasons why you left your previous post.This question is usually asked immediately after the applicant tells about himself and his work experience.
To prevent such inquiries, it is better to immediately include in the resume data on dismissal, which are usually written in the work book. You also need to think about how you will respond if the issue of dismissal from your previous job is mentioned in the interview.

Let's say that the dismissal was signed at will. This is a very vague wording. Most likely, the future employer will not find out detailed information by reading the line "of his own free will" in the resume. Therefore, you can indicate a few additional details that would explain the reason for leaving the previous job.
- The employee did not receive the return from the company that he expected in the previous place. However, there were no complaints about the bosses and about the work itself.
- Due to the limited scope of responsibilities, the employee did not grow up as a specialist, could not improve professional skills and learn something new.
- Misunderstanding or inattention of the management to rational suggestions of the employee to improve the work process.

If a disciplinary offense is indicated in the work book as the reason for dismissal, then it is better to leave a slightly vague wording in the resume. You should not refer to the article of the Labor Code. During the interview itself, you can personally explain to the recruiter the reason for the dismissal and give the details.
If the reason for leaving the previous position is indicated in the resume, it is important to remember that the employer can always call the potential employee's previous place of work.

Therefore, you should not embellish reality and try to reflect this in your resume. You can exclude a delicate situation if you correctly tell about the reasons for leaving.
Presentation rules
The resume should be designed so that the recruiter is immediately interested in you. Not only the basic information is important, but also its presentation. In order for a resume to reflect the professionalism of an employee, it must be composed according to the following rules.
- Laconicism. Information should be presented in a concise and accessible form. As practice shows, the more concisely and informatively the data are presented, the better they are perceived. Some points can be omitted if they do not give an idea of you as a highly qualified specialist.
- It is necessary to provide only true information. In the workplace, almost any data about a person can be found on social networks. As a last resort, the recruiter can make inquiries and understand how the information from the resume relates to the real state of affairs. Therefore, it is necessary to write only the truth about yourself. In the column "personal qualities" you need to indicate the strongest sides of your character.
- Literacy. Even if the resume is well-formed and describes you as a great professional, the slightest grammatical mistake can ruin the whole experience. It is important to re-read the text, correct the slightest shortcomings, because the resume will "speak" for you when the employer reads it.
- Specificity. The ability to concisely convey your message is highly valued among employers. If the resume is written clearly, the employer will understand that you can convey your thoughts concretely and clearly.

Neutral reasons
Sometimes a characterization from the previous place of work is simply necessary in order to get a new job. That's why, even when quitting, it is important to maintain good relations with former colleagues and employers. In this case, the former management can provide a letter with a positive assessment of your work. A thank you letter makes it much easier to find a good job.
If there were several reasons for dismissal from the previous place, only some of them can be indicated. It is advisable to choose neutral motives.

The most common neutral reasons for dismissal are:
- desire to try your hand at other activities;
- there was a desire to grow up the career ladder, but in the previous place there was no such opportunity;
- the size of the salary did not suit (you can supplement your answer by saying that the money is needed to buy an apartment or an addition to the family is expected);
- the company underwent a reorganization, the head was changed, the field of activity changed;
- you have moved to another place and it is difficult to get to your old job;
- the company has moved to another area and it is difficult to get there.
Even if the work book does not contain details of the reason for leaving, you can always find a neutral explanation.

If the dismissal was formalized under the relevant article, then at the interview you need to tell in detail why this happened. End the story by convincing the recruiter that this will never happen again.

What shouldn't you write about?
The ideal employee in the eyes of the employer is non-conflicting, pleasant to talk to and balanced. This is the kind of person the leader wants to see in his team. To create the correct image of yourself as an ideal employee, do not mention the following on your resume.
- Various conflicts in past work. You should not write about the envy of colleagues, about the possible hooking up. It is important to show the employer that you are stress-resistant and capable of resolving any conflict peacefully. If the employer asks about this himself, it is better to say that you try to resolve any dispute without conflict and are always ready to meet colleagues halfway.
- Complaints about the previous employer. Needless to say, the former boss did not appreciate and offended. You can calmly describe the character of the former leader, talk about his shortcomings and, if necessary, give arguments.
- Not given a promotion. This reason can push the employer to the thought, and not whether the qualities of the applicant are overestimated, and whether there was any reason for promotion at all.
- Overtime. It is more likely for an employer to assign their employees overtime work. If you're comfortable with overwork, don't write about overtime on your resume.
- Own reasons. It can be frequent time off, even for a good reason, a sudden divorce or illness. In any case, this is not worth talking about.
- Policy of the relationship of the former management to employees. Usually, many managers try to improve the quality of their employees' work by sending the latter to trainings or courses. Better not to say that you don't feel like taking part in continuing education courses all the time.
- Payment according to the rulesthat were not installed by the company.

By following these rules, the applicant will be able to create a great impression of himself. It will be enough for the employer to read the resume and understand that it is such an employee that suits him the most. A well-written resume is another stepping stone to your dream job. You need to be very careful when looking for a new job, because success depends on any action.