What to tell about yourself at the interview?

The most important stage of employment is a personal interview of the applicant with the employer. It is this conversation that determines whether you will be accepted for the position. A professional interview is a stressful process that should be carefully prepared for. Today in our material we will talk about how to properly present yourself during a working interview.
Registration of information
In general, information that is important to your employer can be framed in several ways. Let's consider the main ones.
A resume is an official document that contains details about a job seeker. At the same time, in the resume, you need to enter not only your professional merits, key skills and abilities, but also the level of education, work experience, description of personal characteristics and some other information. The information in the resume must be written in a formal business style as briefly as possible.
Usually a resume is the primary document that is required for employment. It is he who creates the first impression of the applicant as a professional.

You can also speak about yourself during an interview verbally. Wherein the story should be well structured. Speech should be prepared in advance, well practiced and rehearsed (this can be done in front of a mirror). You must have a biographical account of yourself and your professional career. Besides, you should be prepared to elaborate or talk about the information that was in the resume. Also, be prepared to answer questions from the employer.
In some cases, personal and professional information regarding the position for which you are applying may be presented in the form of a presentation. Such visual accompaniment will help you to maximize your personality.
At the same time, you need to make sure that this is appropriate in a particular company (it is not always possible to show your creativity and creativity in a corporate environment).
Creative options
The idea of oneself can be designed in an original and creative way. This option works well if if you are applying for a creative profession... So, for example, you can create a beautiful portfolio for the position of a designer. If there is a creative competition for the position (this is relevant for artists, dancers, actors, singers, etc.), a demo creative number should be prepared in advance. It must be original and copyright - only in this case you will be able to stand out from the rest of the applicants.
As you can see, there are a large number of options for processing information about a job seeker for a job. When choosing a particular option, you should focus on the company and position, as well as on your own skills and abilities.

How to tell correctly?
When preparing for an interview, attention should be paid not only to the content of your self-presentation, but also to take care of its form. So, there are some rules for building a story.
- Structuredness. All information should be clearly structured and organized. Your story should be clear and understandable. Chaotic retelling of the biographical details of your life will leave a negative impression on the employer.
- Speed and rhythm. Your speech should not be excessively fast or, conversely, slow. Choose the most comfortable speaking speed for yourself and stick to it throughout the story.
- Loudness of speech. Insecure people speak very quietly. This causes difficulties in terms of the perception of information by listeners. Setting the volume too loud also negatively affects the employer's perception of the job applicant.
- Articulation. Make sure you pronounce the words correctly and clearly, do not swallow the endings. Regardless of the nature of the position for which you are applying, highly developed communication skills will be your advantage.
- Don't interrupt. If your employer interrupts you during your story and asks additional questions, you should never interrupt. Listen to the employer's comments and comments to the end.
In order for the meaning of the story to be correctly and fully perceived by the employer, it is very important to take care not only of the meaning of your speech, but also of how you will present it.

How to present yourself?
Self-presentation is an important part of an interview. During a working interview, you need to correctly present information about yourself as a professional to the employer. In this case, the story should be concise and succinct, no matter what position you are applying for (for the position of educator, administrator in a sanatorium, for a leadership position, etc.).
Where to begin?
Start your self-presentation with a greeting. When entering the office, you need to shake hands with all the interviewers present, and also say “hello” or “good afternoon”. Be sure to introduce yourself and say the names of each of those present (if you know them). After the offer to sit down, gently move the chair offered to you and sit down.
Personal data
After the greeting, you need to start submitting your personal data. This applies to the name, surname and patronymic, age, place of residence, etc. In this case try to provide this data not as a biographical note, but as a free story.

At this stage, you should tell everyone present about your education.It is recommended to build a story in chronological order. At the same time, it is necessary to clarify the specialization and years of study. In some cases it is permissible to retell the history of university times, describe the learning process, tell about your grades.
In addition, the mention of your extracurricular activities (for example, participation in amateur art activities at the university) will make a positive impression on the employer.
work experience
When describing your work experience, you should not talk about every position and every company where you worked. It is best to focus on a few of the largest companies. At the same time, it is recommended to describe the functions that you performed, as well as the achievements of which you are the author (for example, you introduced a new technology or methodology in the production process).

additional information
As additional information during the interview, you can talk about the feedback about your professional activity from former employers. Wherein you do not have to be unfounded - it is recommended to provide written characteristics.
You can also tell about any other information that is directly relevant to the case. For example, in some cases, it is appropriate to talk about that you are ready to move, that you have a driver's license and a personal vehicle, etc.
When you meet with an employer, it is very important to clearly state your goals. Tell us about why you are looking for a job, what interested you in this field and why you chose this company. The employer will attract purposeful and developing specialist.
Personal qualities
When looking for an employee for a particular position, the employer pays attention not only to the professional skills and abilities of the applicant, but also to the personal characteristics of the applicant. The thing is that when applying for a job, you must fit well into the already established team. In this case, you should not only list your personal qualities, but also confirm their benefits in the course of work. For example, talk about a stressful situation that you were able to successfully get out of.

Having hobbies demonstrates the fact that you are a well-rounded personality and concentrate on more than just work. You must have a hobby. Moreover, it can be both traditional reading, sports or fishing, and more extreme activities. In this respect don't be afraid to show off your personality to stand out from all other applicants.
Summing up your speech, you should give interviewers an opportunity to ask questions that interest them. At the same time, your answer to the question should be short and succinct, don't include unnecessary details and be as honest as possible. The question should be answered immediately or a little later, and the pause should not be too long.
At the end of the interview, many employers ask for additional documents to be sent to them. An indicative list may include references from previous employers, educational credentials, etc.

What shouldn't be said?
During the interview with the employer, you should avoid mentioning some information.
- First of all in no case should you speak negatively about the previous employer and about the previous place of work. Employers perceive such information negatively, because in the future you can also comment on this place of work.
- If you plan to work in this position for a very short period of time, then you should not tell the employer about this at the interview. The thing is that employers are looking for responsible employees who strive to develop and improve in their chosen field of activity.
- It is no secret that work is a material source that ensures human existence. Therefore, when choosing a profession, many of us are guided by those areas where you can earn more. However, this should not be said to the employer during the work interview.
- During a professional conversation it is completely inappropriate to start conversations on topics such as, for example, politics, religion, etc.
- You should not give the employer false information (for example, about their professional skills or about their achievements). Remember that anyway your lie will be revealed in the course of your work - in this case, you will not only lose your position, but also destroy your business reputation.
- Familiar, colloquial and colloquial phrases should be avoided. Maintain a formal, business-like style of speech that is generally accepted in business circles.
Thus, when preparing for an interview, it is very important to censor yourself and carefully select the information that the employer is allowed to say.
In addition, during the interview process, constantly keep yourself under control so as not to say something unnecessary.

Examples of
In order to compose a competent story about yourself, you should compose a text in advance. It is recommended to check it yourself several times, as well as ask the advice of relatives or friends. We bring to your attention a sample of a story about yourself.
"Good day! I have indicated the key information about myself in advance in my resume. I will try to briefly and concisely retell the most important points. My name is ..., I'm ... years old. I have been working in this field for… years. I decided to get a higher education in this specialty because ... Your company attracted me by such characteristics as ... ... I am ready to answer all your questions. "
At the same time, do not forget that the story should be as individualized as possible. Do not retell template phrases and expressions, be sure to add information about yourself.
Job search is an important and responsible task that should be approached with the utmost responsibility. It should be borne in mind that employment is a multi-stage process, an important part of which is the interview. For a personal interview with an employer, you need to carefully and in advance prepare. You should not only compose your own self-presentation, but also study all the available information about the company. This way, you can make a good impression on the employer and land the desired position.