How to get an interview at the bank?

Among young professionals, the banking sector is considered a rather prestigious professional industry. Specialists with extensive experience and seniority move quickly up the career ladder, thereby increasing their salary and position in society. That is why even those who have just graduated from a higher educational institution dream of getting to work in a bank.
What are the features of employment in such an institution? How to write a resume for a job in a bank? How to get a direct interview? What recommendations should be taken into account? Read more about this in our material.
Features of employment in a bank
If you dream of working in a bank, then the first thing you need to do is find a job that suits you. You can do this yourself or use the services of special services (you can find both an online site and a more traditional company).
Your best bet is to use both methods at the same time. This doubles your chances of finding and getting the job you want.

When looking for a job, first of all, pay attention to those banks that attract you more than others. However, at the same time, we shouldn't forget about the less popular local organizations. Remember that this area is highly competitive, so work experience (even in a not very prestigious, but respected institution) will be a great advantage for you.
Employment at the bank is carried out in stages. So, without fail, you will be offered an interview.At the same time, it is recommended to agree to all such offers. Even if you don't get a job, interviews like these will be great workouts for you, develop your communication skills and help you gain confidence in yourself and your abilities. When applying for a job, special attention should be paid to the resume writing process. Your main goal is to get noticed. The thing is that on a daily basis, HR employees look through dozens and hundreds of resumes from job seekers. Most often they are pretty monotonous. This is why it is important to think carefully about your strategy when writing your resume.
At the first stage of your communication with bank employees, most likely, the interaction will take place via phone or email. remember, that in the process of communication, you need to be friendly.
However, at the same time, in no case should familiarity be allowed - be sure to observe business etiquette, be polite and professional.

Appearance requirements
One way or another, but the banking sector is corporate. Accordingly, you, as an applicant (and in the future, possibly an employee), will have strict requirements regarding your appearance. If you try to summarize them briefly, then the style of clothing should be strictly business. Besides the fact that you must have all the necessary knowledge and skills that a banking organization requires, you must also dress properly. Thus, the employer will have a cumulative and holistic view of you.
The ideal dress code for a bank interview is a classic business suit with a traditional cut. Choose calm and restrained tones (blue, gray, black) and in no case try to surprise the HR employee with your shocking, trying on a bright red or yellow outfit. You should be restrained and modest in terms of the choice of jewelry. It is allowed to use classic accessories in silver or gold, but it is not recommended to wear bright accent details that attract attention. Remember, you should stand out in the interview, not your wardrobe.
It's important to take care of your hair. She must be neat... In this case, you should not do varieties of evening styling. Your hair should be neatly styled or pinned back. If they are quite long, then it is worth picking them up, do not use excessive amounts of styling products (gels, mousses, varnishes, etc.). Moderation should be present in makeup and perfume use. Your ultimate goal is to create the impression of a professional, not to attract attention with your unusual or flamboyant appearance. It is best to give preference to neutral options when choosing shades of makeup, as well as a perfume scent.

How to write a resume?
To date, the employer puts forward certain requirements for the preparation of a professional resume. However, it is also important to stand out from the crowd of applicants and draw attention to yourself. In this regard, it is important to find and maintain the necessary balance of tradition and individuality. If we consider the structure of the resume in more detail, then we can distinguish several sections that are an integral part of this professional document.
- Be sure to indicate full and detailed contact information, which includes your full name, age, date and place of birth, place of residence, as well as methods of communication (landline and mobile phones, email, instant messengers, social networks, and so on).
- Do not forget to write in your resume the specific position you are applying for.
- Register your education... In this case, you should indicate not only the school, secondary specialized or higher educational institution, but also refresher courses, trainings, master classes, online lectures and any other educational events that you have attended. If available, also indicate certificates, diplomas.
- Previous jobs - also a mandatory item on your resume. Here it is imperative to register not only a specific company, but also the position, time of work (date of receipt and end date).Be prepared for the fact that at the interview when applying for a job at the bank, employees of the institution may ask why you left a particular position.
- Be sure to share your professional skills... This category may include skills such as professional negotiation, computer software, and so on. A separate and very important skill is knowledge of languages. Today, conversational English is a requirement that many companies place on their employees. However, knowing other additional languages can be a great competitive advantage for you.
- Regardless of your work experience, a large number of professional skills, good knowledge and prestigious education it is important to have a certain set of personal qualities, which will contribute to your professional development. In the resume, you should definitely indicate your personal qualities, for example, communication skills, discipline, responsibility, diligence, punctuality, leadership qualities, creativity, and so on. It is thanks to them that you can earn the respect of colleagues and superiors.
- As additional information in the resume you can talk about your hobbies. The presence of hobbies suggests that you are a fully developed person, and work is not the only activity that is interesting for you. However, remember to be short and concise when talking about your hobbies.
- You can attach to your resume letters of recommendation and characteristics from previous jobs.

How is the business meeting going?
Today, a large number of banking organizations are successfully operating in our country: Post Bank, Alfa-Bank, Rosselkhozbank, VTB Bank, Sovcombank, Raiffeisenbank, and so on. It's no secret that all employers set specific criteria when looking for employees in their bank. However, at the interview, HR employees ask similar questions. The meeting will follow a specific template and example.
So, at the reception you will be greeted and asked to wait, and then you will be invited to a separate room for an interview. This is where you will meet HR staff and possibly members of the bank's management. After that, the direct interview will begin. So, in your presence the bank employees will once again briefly familiarize themselves with your resume, ask clarifying questions. They may also ask you to clarify certain points, as well as ask any other additional questions. After that, you will have the opportunity to ask your questions (for example, you can clarify the amount of salary, the availability of a social package, work schedule, and so on).
At the end of the interview, you will be told that you will be contacted later. After that, you just have to wait for the final verdict.

Recommendations for successful completion
To successfully pass an interview for a job at a bank, you need to adhere to a few simple guidelines.
Behavior strategy
It is recommended to behave calmly and confidently during the interview, but at the same time observing business etiquette and rules of conduct in the professional corporate community. In order not to get lost at a crucial moment, you should carefully prepare for the interview. To do this, first of all, try to study the company itself in detail: familiarize yourself with the history of the bank's creation, its management. Perhaps the institution has a certain specialization - this also needs to be clarified in advance.

What to answer the questions?
Before heading to a bank interview, it is important to prepare answers to traditional questions. So, you will definitely be asked to tell about yourself, explain why you chose this particular bank, justify your decision to dismiss from previous jobs.In addition, you may be asked to announce your plans for the future: salary expectations, length of stay in a new job, and so on.
Some employers offer prospective employees to take psychological tests or solve puzzles. One way or another, but at the interview it is recommended to tell only the truth, not to dissemble.
Additional recommendations
At the interview, the employer may ask you for additional recommendations, for example, from a place of work, internship or study. For example, a previous employer can tell the future about how successfully you will be able to sell a particular banking product, and a teacher from the place of study can tell you whether you have the special material that you must know at a particular place of work.