What types of interviews are there?

The best way for an employer to get to know his future employee, his professional skills, personal qualities, attitude to work, to the team and to labor property is an interview. And also at the interview, the employee can clarify for himself the amount of remuneration, the possibility of career growth, the nature of the work.
The interview helps both parties to make an informed and correct decision for further joint cooperation. Let's take a closer look at what types of interviews exist.
Basic formats
In order not to be mistaken in choosing a new member of the work collective, first of all, you need to determine which type of interview is best suited for the task at hand. The existing types of interviews according to certain criteria can be divided into several subgroups.
In terms of content, they can be of several varieties.
- Biographical... This type of interview is most often used for job interviews. It implies questions about the personality of the newcomer: about the educational institutions where he received professional skills, about his work experience (and in the proposed position) and the previous place of work. You can also find out about the reasons for dismissal from the previous place of work, marital status, the presence of character traits that are necessary for further work.
- Situational... This interview contains a set of specific tasks that help the employer determine the level of professionalism, stress resistance, the presence of certain character traits and psychological characteristics of the applicant.
According to the form, interviews are as follows:
- individual;
- group.
By organization, the following types of interviews can be distinguished:
- in one step;
- in several stages.

Let's consider the main types of interviews.
For some specialties, it is necessary to determine the level of stress tolerance of candidates. That's why use interviews with questions that offend a person's feelings, family values and professional skills, or include tasks that require increased attention and concentration, but the implementation of which is hampered by a variety of distractions: noise, temperature excesses, the presence of strangers, other applicants, an unusual environment.
This specific type of interview is necessary when hiring people of certain specialties, whose work sphere is associated with risk, with everyday communication with a large number of people, with everyday stressful situations at work. It is often used in face-to-face interviews for jobs in banking, tax, insurance, various customer service departments, journalism and television, trade and psychology.
Such an interview, in contrast to a biographical interview, helps to reveal the real psychological qualities of a person, his professionalism and ability to be calm, polite and tactful in a difficult situation.

This interview is used when testing an applicant with no work experience or when applying for a managerial position, or for a position that requires great communication skills. During the interview, the employer in the form of a business game, it gives the applicant certain tasks that allow him to identify the level of knowledge, professional experience, ingenuity, level of thinking, creativity and response to a situation that has arisen. And also with the help of this method it is possible to assess the personal qualities of the applicant, whether or not they are suitable for the charter and internal values of the company.
As simulated situations, the applicant must find a way out of, they use either real problems of this enterprise, or fictional ones, but possible according to the specifics of this enterprise.

When conducting such an interview, it is understood that all interview questions are clearly divided according to specific topics, there is a certain structure... Most often, before face-to-face interviews, it is used method of filling out questionnaires a large number of applicants, and all the questions are identical and are designed in such a way that they require an open and detailed answer.
Based on this survey, suitable candidates are selected and their subsequent face-to-face interviews. Further, the questions in the interview are also asked not randomly, but according to the planned plan, where all the questions are divided into groups. Each group of questions helps to reveal certain properties of the applicant's character, his professional skills, moral qualities, the ability to cope with a stressful situation.

By competence
Competence is a set of personal and professional qualities of a person necessary to perform work duties in a specific position. In this interview, the employer takes into account the experience of the applicant at a previous job and assesses his behavior and work skills based on real past situations. A person is asked such questions in order to get answers in a detailed form about the past positive work experience, about a variety of critical situations and a way to get out of them.
Pre-developed a checklist with a set of necessary competencies for a given position, and based on these requirements, interview questions are drawn up... It is advisable to immediately record the results of such an interview in specially prepared forms with a prescribed scoring system, where each competency is assessed from several positions.
For example, a skill such as communication skills can be rated on a scale of 1 to 5 in terms of literacy, listening skills, persuasion skills, public speaking experience, and self-presentation.

Another name for such an interview is project interview. Its essence is that the applicant is asked questions about people and situations not related to him personally, and on the basis of his value judgments, his chains of logical reasoning conclude about the identity of the applicant for this position. A person's thoughts seem to give a projection onto the description of other people, their thoughts and ways of getting out of life situations.

This view consists only of questions, concerning work skills, professional experience and existing knowledge in a particular area of work. Such an interview helps to assess the real experience and professionalism, the level of training of future personnel.

There are two types of group interviews.
- Interview with several applicants at the same time. It is held in the form of a competition, groups of five to twenty people are formed. With this method, the employer can acquaint with the peculiarities of the company, with the vacant place at once, and find out how a person behaves in a non-standard situation, with strangers and in a team. To do this, each candidate is asked to tell about himself, answer questions, show himself in some skills, skills, knowledge in solving the assigned tasks. Tasks are collective (for a subgroup of several people) and individual.
- One candidate is interviewed by a group of specialists from this enterprise. Among them may be a psychologist, an employee of the personnel department, a specialist from the department where the subject wants to enter. Most often this is done in order to determine the presence of professional qualities and certain personality traits necessary for a future employee.
Usually used for professions with narrowly focused activities, with the necessary set of personal and work qualities.

This is a one-on-one interview with an employer with a job seeker. This interview takes place in a calmer, more relaxed environment, unless it acts as part of a stressful interview. With an individual interview, it is easier for a candidate for a position to show himself in a more favorable light, since the level of anxiety and fear is lower than with a large crowd of people. But you need to remember that the main role in the assessment of candidates is played by the manager's subjective opinion and personal preferences.

- In one step. A hiring decision is made after one interview of the hiring person with a recruiting officer or line manager. Most often this is a job that does not require special professional skills.
- In several stages... With this method, a person is expected to have an individual interview with several representatives of this company at once. Interviews are conducted in stages, sometimes for several days. This method allows you to weed out unsuitable candidates at the very beginning in order to further test the most experienced and most appropriate candidates for the future position, and from them, on the basis of all interviews, select the most worthy one.

Methods of conducting
Basic interview techniques and questions to be asked of the interviewee form the basis of each interview method and allow them to be divided into systems.
- British. The interviewer combines biographical and technical interview questions. Here it is important to find out what family values a person has, what education he received, whether he has his own family and what traditions exist in it, some data from the biography that characterize this person.This technique is suitable for those firms that are interested not only in the level of technical preparedness of their specialists, but also in the moral character of the company, where there is a continuity of generations and a long historical path of development has passed.
- Chinese. A written presentation of his biography is often used, and a person must also describe what attracted him to a new job, what basic qualities and characteristics he has that help in this work. Professional skills are assessed in the form of an exam.
- German. Letters of recommendation from the previous place of work, as well as from teachers and foremen with whom he was trained, are preliminarily considered. It is believed that this is how the acquired experience and skills of this specialist are assessed.
- American... The main focus is on the study of the creative characteristics of a person, his creativity, stress resistance, versatility of perception and the ability to make the right decision. Most often, the interview is informal.

All types of interviews and interviews are rarely in their pure form, where there is only one method.
If the vacancy requires certain skills, experience, or is a candidate for a managerial position, then usually an interview is a mix of a variety of techniques and methods, a step-by-step interview and solving business problems. It is called assessment... Each company draws up their assessments for a specific position, because they are designed to determine the competencies that the applicant has that are suitable for this job.

What are the questions?
Accordingly, the questions depend on the type, type and method of interviewing. But according to generally accepted rules, they can be divided into several types.
- Closed... When the answer to this question can be given in monosyllables, in the affirmative or negative. Analysis of the answer does not give an accurate idea of the psychological and moral qualities of a person, but shows his professional experience and knowledge. Examples: "Have you had any experience of public speaking?", "How many people were in your department?"
- Open. Encourage the interlocutor to give a detailed answer, to think, to reveal more deeply the ways of solving certain problems. For example: “What target audience is this product designed for?”, “What solution to this problem can you offer?”.
Questions and tasks of interviews directly affect the stages of a person's biography, the stages of his formation as a specialist and his capabilities. It turns out what he has to offer to improve the operation of this enterprise and to maximize the benefits and profits.

The following video will tell you more about the types of interviews.