What questions to ask a candidate during the interview?

Hiring a new employee is a pleasant experience not only for the applicant, but for the entire enterprise. Especially if the chosen candidate is a highly qualified specialist with sufficient experience in a similar position. But unfortunately, not always the recruiting manager can choose the right person for a vacant position.
Incorrect HR policy is the main cause of huge problems in the company... That is why the process of recruiting a new employee must be approached very scrupulously. Before entering into an employment contract, it is important to conduct an interview in which certain questions should be asked. The answers to them will be decisive in the fate of the applicant and the enterprise itself.

List of required questions
Each HR specialist or recruiting manager, before interviewing a candidate for a vacant position, forms plan of the event. It contains an introductory part, acquaintance with the candidate, a story about the company and its activities, a list of responsibilities and requirements for the applicant. However, special attention is paid to the point of the plan "acquaintance with the applicant". It must contain topics corresponding to the specifics of the vacancy.
But the main thing is that there are mandatory questions in this list, answers to which allow you to fully reveal the character of a potential employee.

Each interview begins with a question: "Tell us about yourself." It may seem that the answer lies on the very surface. But this is far from the case.Many applicants are lost, because not everyone is given the ability to conduct a mini-self-presentation in a few minutes. The employer, from the story presented, is able to determine the life priorities of a person. The answer to the question posed should have a logical chain. Wherein it is necessary to closely monitor the applicant's speech and behavior.
If the candidate pays special attention to his own character, mentions his friends, family and friends, it becomes clear that the priority of a person belongs to a free life, but not to work moments. If a mini-presentation, presented in a compressed format, carries information about education, professional skills and achievements, then the person is completely devoted to work.

A very relevant question for our time: "The reason for leaving the previous job." This question allows us to identify certain aspects of the character of the candidate. If the applicant avoids the details of the organizational aspects of the previous job, criticizes former colleagues more, it can be concluded that the potential employee is a conflict person.
Special attention should be paid to the moment if the candidate divulges confidential information about the past place of work. This is not permissible under any circumstances. It follows from this that upon dismissal, he will easily transfer corporate data to competitors. But a clear answer to this question speaks about the competence of a potential employee. In turn, recruiters shared information about the correct answers regarding the question of leaving the last job. For example, “lack of career growth”, “dismissal due to relocation”, “inconvenient schedule”, “long distance from home”. It is important for the recruiting manager to remember that dismissal of an applicant from a previous job does not always indicate his incompetence.
Perhaps the person was laid off or fired due to the liquidation of the company.

Another must-have interview question - "Expected salary". The provided answer gives the employer an opportunity to understand how professional a potential employee is in his business. It is considered good form if the applicant names a figure increased by 10% relative to the previous salary. This suggests that the candidate knows his responsibilities, does not suffer from low self-esteem and realistically assess his abilities.
Specialists in more complex industries can count on wages increased by 30% of their previous earnings. If the applicant says that he wants to receive a salary lower than at the previous job, then he is unsure of himself.

"How do you see yourself in a few years?" - an important question that opens up the promising sides of the applicant. Depending on the answer, the employer will be able to draw certain conclusions. If the answer to this question affects the working moment and shows a person's desire to prove himself in the workplace, then the applicant is a real professional, ready not only to develop in the company, but also to contribute to its activities... If the candidate's answer is related to education or family, you should be wary. This means that a person does not see himself in the working activities of the enterprise.
Accordingly, in a few years you will probably have to look for a new employee for the same position.

"How long have you been looking for a job?" Following a logical chain, this question should be asked at the final stage of the interview. The provided answer allows you to identify the competence of a potential employee, check his responsibility and determine the demand in the labor market. A recruiting manager needs to be wary if a job seeker has been looking for a job for more than 3 months. Such a long period suggests that the person is not very interested in employment. However, there are times when potential employers make excessive demands on the future subordinate. Besides, this period is justified, if the candidate is looking for a new vacancy while continuing to work in the previous company.
In such a situation, it is clear that a person does not want to change his “awl for soap”, therefore he carefully studies all job offers.

At the last stage of the interview, the candidate should be asked about his strengths and weaknesses. This question during the interview allows the employer to supplement the compiled image of the applicant, to determine whether he is a good applicant or not. If a potential employee first of all talks about his weaknesses, then the person has extremely low self-esteem. If the answer begins with words about strengths of character, then the applicant is a real leader and is able to solve any problem.

What to ask additionally?
Unfortunately, not every candidate is able to clearly answer the mandatory interview questions, but the recruiting manager, in addition to the standard test form, asks some unusual questions. And this is not surprising. Today, finding the right answers for a standard interview form is easy. It is enough to go online and scroll through a few relevant sites.
But it is extremely difficult to find answers to non-standard questions. It is this unusual part of the interview that is very often unsettling candidates. Their voices begin to tremble, confusion arises with the answers, which makes the applicants more open.
Besides, Unusual questions allow the employer to assess the candidate's ability to respond quickly in stressful situations. Find out how resourceful a potential employee is, whether he has a sense of humor. However, it is important for the employer to remember that any form of question should in no case relate to the nationality, religion and personal life of a person.

Further, it is proposed to consider a list of uncomfortable questions that make it possible to understand what qualities the applicant has.
- “The company's management has entrusted a task that is not the responsibility of your position. What are you going to do?"
- "What is your attitude to processing?"
- "What do you think can make a person work more efficiently?"
- "Tell us about your most cherished dream."
- "Why does the car have a round steering wheel?"
The answers to these questions are not specific, except for logical and mathematical tasks. Nevertheless, the result obtained allows the employer to assess the resourcefulness of the applicant, to understand how quickly he makes a decision when difficulties arise and generally reacts to non-standard situations.

How to analyze the answers correctly?
When compiling an analysis of the answers of applicants who have passed the interview, it is necessary to give preference to candidates who have shown self-confidence, are able to make decisions very quickly in difficult issues and are able to correctly express their own thoughts.
The correct answers to the questions asked in the process of meeting the applicant are not as important as the process of the candidate's reasoning.... All the applicant's answers will allow the recruiting manager to form a portrait of the personality of a potential employee and determine whether he fits this vacancy.
At the end of the interview, the employer must draw up a preliminary summary. And in order for the picture to be as complete as possible, you need to get as much information as possible from the applicant for the vacancy. Relevant notes appear on the person's resume. The note should reveal the personal characteristics of the applicant. There should also be a general impression of the conversation. This can be a banal score on a 5-point scale or specific words.
If the head of the company is in charge of hiring a new employee, he will definitely read the conclusion of the recruiting manager... He may even want to re-interview himself in order to make a final decision.
However, most directors fully trust the HR department, which is why they only approve a new candidate or put forward a refusal according to the data provided by the HR manager.