Wallpaper color for the bedroom

The bedroom in the house is like a microcosm - it is a quiet, intimate, especially cozy room. This room does not receive guests, does not host parties and does not welcome noise: it should be good to sleep here, relax, be alone with your thoughts and recover from hard work and other hustle and bustle of life. And for such important tasks, the visualization of the bedroom is not at all indifferent: color solutions for furniture, decor, the general scheme of the space. First of all, the general background is important, which is largely set by the wallpaper.

The influence of drawing on the perception of the interior
Shades and colors are not all there is to say about wallpaper in the bedroom. If the owner often copes with the color quickly, then it is often difficult to say which pattern appeals to him on the walls of his own bedroom. Let's take a closer look at this issue.
- Floristic motives. Flowers are a classic that fosters a romantic, light atmosphere of leisure and tranquility. And at the same time, floral wallpaper deprives a room of the emptiness that sometimes comes across as tension and can even exacerbate feelings of loneliness.
But flowers are different colors: if you choose lush roses or a very variegated pattern, not every man will be happy with such a decision. Therefore, a compromise is found in vintage prints, unobtrusive patterns and calm colors.

- Cell, strip. Striped options that differ in tone of color are often a reconciling solution if the disputes about wallpaper in the bedroom are at an impasse. It is difficult to get tired of the strip, it is laconic and moderately strict, does not carry fashionable tasks (which tend to become outdated, succumbing to new trends).With the cage, everything is the same, except that for some reason the cage is more often preferred by men. Women probably consider her to be very strict.
Remember that vertical stripes visually make the room taller, horizontal stripes expand the space.

- Ornament. This is a pattern that repeats at a specific interval. A very large and colorful ornament will give the bedroom such a dynamic that it would not be possible to call it a room for relaxation. Too shallow and frequent will become a distraction. It is good if the ornament on the wallpaper is in tune with another element of the interior, it is not very bright, not very colorful and does not attract all the attention.
If a bright ornament or, for example, large flowers is something that seems stylish to you and ideally suits your idea of a cozy bedroom, you can decorate the wall above the head of the bed with such wallpaper. This will not distract from falling asleep, and will not turn the room into a variegated field. One accent wall is enough.

Popular shades and their psychology
Each color has its own character. And each color for a specific person has additional characteristics. If one person likes green to madness, it calms him down, balances him, then another green wallpaper will lull and annoy in every possible way. Therefore, all the advice regarding the color of wallpaper for the bedroom is only relatively universal. It is worth dwelling on the most popular color schemes in more detail.
- Turquoise and various shades of blue. For those who love and miss the sea dearly, walls like this might seem like a good investment in a partial visualization of a dream. You will wake up and fall asleep in the color of sea water and clear sky, and your mood will rise by itself. Blue and turquoise really have a relaxing, calming effect.
To enhance this effect, remove some coldness that they can bring to the interior, furniture should be the color of warm sand. And the cover on the bed, and other textiles, even visually, should be soft, with a delicate, possibly fleecy structure.

- White. The first association with this color is clean, fresh. And for many people, it is white that will be the most soothing and most appropriate color. But if you decide, in an attempt to follow the fashion, to glue the room white, although you feel that the color is more associated with hospital sterility than freshness, look for other options. Sometimes white is perceived as a cold, frosty color, which is far from understanding comfort.
If the aesthetics of Scandi are close to you, feel free to settle for white, but if not so restrained Provence is nicer, give up the idea of white wallpaper.

- Navy blue. Many residents of megalopolises are sure that the wallpaper should be dark blue, setting for sleep and relaxation. But this option is suitable only for those who are not embarrassed by dark shades, who can not only sleep in such a color environment, but also read, work, communicate.
Despite the main purpose of the bedroom, sometimes it performs a variety of functions, and the calm atmosphere can dramatically turn into sleepy, embarrassing, leaving no other option but to close your eyes and fall asleep.

- Beige. Here it is - neutrality and universality itself. Beige will never leave the trendy shades. There is no need to select special furniture for it: almost everything that is a popular furniture color will suit it. If your bedroom is north, choose delicate cream shades.

- Green. All those who are engaged in hard mental work, and whose brain is especially in need of relaxation, should take a closer look at the wallpaper in green shades. This is a natural color, so it is quite appropriate and acceptable in different variations, from noble emerald to democratic herbal.

- Gray. It is practically the same neutral color as beige. It very often needs a bright color support, dilution with some juicy accent color, it is not always easy to pick it up.
True, in the interior of a bedroom with such a color, you need to be careful - on glossy surfaces, it can create a cold metallic sheen, which does not at all appeal to the very concept of the bedroom.

- Brown. Reliable and warm like the earth itself, this color is well perceived by our minds. Coziness and well-being are often unwittingly associated with the deep brown color.
For a small bedroom, this is a controversial option, but for a spacious space it is very suitable.

Many owners turn to feng shui, believing that the wise thoughts of this philosophical trend are not groundless. The color in the bedroom, according to Eastern thought, depends on its location. For example, a bedroom located in the east or southeast will work well with green wallpaper.
But green must be diluted with other colors so that the active color does not cause insomnia.

For the central, southwestern and northeastern rooms, ocher shades (characteristic of the elements of the Earth) are most suitable. But the southern bedroom, according to feng shui, is suitable for wallpaper with a red tint, but possibly located only in one area of the bedroom. It is believed that this color has a beneficial effect on family relationships. On the north side, wallpaper with the presence of blue is acceptable (but not solid blue).

What colors should be treated with caution?
Take the same red that feng shui favors. This is an aggressive color, for some people it will give energy and vitality, it will stimulate action. But not everyone takes the desired message from red wallpaper: often the red color has a depressing effect on a person, it seems to suppress his will, does not allow him to concentrate.
Finally, in the interior itself, red brings all objects closer and increases, making them more massive: for a small bedroom, this is far from the best option.

Yellow invigorates, but is it necessary in the bedroom. But you can choose muted shades of yellow if you want to glue the colored wallpaper in this room. Yellow, diluted with milk, is a very good option. Another controversial color is purple. For many people, it causes concern, so this color is not so good in the bedroom. But a softer lavender shade can be appropriate in the room, especially if the furniture is in delicate, calm colors.

Bright shades of pink distract, prevent concentration, which can cause negative emotions literally every day. If you use pink for the interior of the bedroom, then it is very dosed.

Combining wallpaper
The most popular option is companion wallpaper. As soon as the design of the room with the combination of wallpaper became not just an option, but a trend, manufacturers jumped at the idea. And now it is not always necessary to choose a pair yourself, the wallpaper is already sold as a set. Wallpaper in the bedroom can be combined for the following purposes:
- room zoning;
- emphasizing the features of the room and masking its shortcomings;
- visual change in the proportions of the bedroom;
- accentuation of a specific wall;
- creating a focal point or adapting the bedroom to the character of the owner.

In the wallpaper, color shades of the same intensity can be repeated: ideal with a tonal combination of pastel and muted shades. To avoid visual irritation in the quietest room at home, add monophonic (textured) wallpaper to the patterned wallpaper. In the bedroom, not two, but even three types of wallpaper can be combined, but this is more difficult.
In this case, you definitely need to take companions or wallpapers from one collection, which a priori may be consonant.

What should you consider when choosing?
When choosing wallpaper, many factors are taken into account: the sunny or northern side is considered, what size the bedroom is (whether you need to choose wallpaper that visually expands the space), and so on. But sometimes the main thing is just not to break rules such as:
- cold and light shades make a small room more spacious, and dark and very colorful wallpaper will further reduce the bedroom;
- in a hot bedroom, do not buy fire-colored wallpaper associated with heat, but pale blue and aquamarine wallpaper with a smooth shiny surface will only come in handy in such a bedroom;
- if the wall is narrow, then the vertical strip will narrow it even more (visually, of course);
- if the wall is not the most even, then smooth plain wallpaper (paintable wallpaper) will not be able to mask irregularities - but wallpaper with a diagonal print copes well with masking, like some types of liquid wallpaper;
- to increase the ceiling, use wallpaper with a vertical pattern, which visually stretches the walls; just do not glue them to their full height, leave a small area that is painted to match the ceiling surface.

Do not be afraid to experiment, for example, in fashion today, paintings from wallpaper cuttings that can decorate the head of the bed.
The more creative, individual and unexpected, but within the bounds of good taste and artistic rules, the more interesting your bedroom. And the more it is yours - unique, special and cozy.