Bedroom design options 17 sq. m

The bedroom is the most important place in the house, created for comfort and relaxation. You can beautifully equip this room even without the help of a designer, the main thing is to think over all the details on your own, choose the right finishing materials and furniture. Bedroom 17 sq. m is a medium-sized room, quite spacious, in which you can implement a lot of interesting ideas.

Features of the layout
First of all, if you want to create a beautiful design yourself in your 17 sq. m, you need to take into account the peculiarities of its layout. Often this is a rectangular room, and in this case, you should definitely leave a comfortable wide passage if the bed is against a long wall, or place the bed along a short wall - this is often done, especially near windows.
It is a little more difficult to equip a square space: usually in a project, furniture is placed in such a way that the room turns out to be rectangular.

The walk-in closet is the second largest piece of furniture in the bedroom after the bed. It should be comfortable - usually it is placed along one of the walls or the corner option is chosen. Also in the layout it is worth considering a bedside table, ottoman, dressing table or chest of drawers.
If you have a bedroom with a balcony, you can equip these few meters for summer breakfasts, store some of your things there, or arrange a flower garden.

Zoning guidelines
A fairly spacious room allows you to create several zones at once. For example, you can arrange a bedroom and living room in the same room. By combining a bed or sofa with armchairs and a small table for guests, you get a cozy room, suitable for conversations with friends, and for relaxing alone. Also, sometimes the bedroom is combined with a children's room.
When zoning, it is important to distinguish between spaces functionally and visually. It should be clear where the bedroom area begins and the living room or nursery area ends.
You can achieve this effect with the help of different colors of furniture, finishes, even combining different styles. It is also worth choosing different lighting for different zones.

Suitable shades
Usually they prefer to make a bedroom in soft pastel colors. Peach, pink, blue, light gray, beige are well suited.
It is better to avoid an abundance of white, because then the room will look uninhabited - a white room requires a lot of bright accents.

Also, do not choose too bright colors. Red, deep pink, neon yellow or light green will make the room uncomfortable to relax. If you do not like pastel colors, it is better to give preference to dark ones: blue, brown, dark green can work fine. However, dark shades will visually make the room look smaller. - this is not a very good option if you decide to zone the room.
Under dark shades in the bedroom of 17 sq. m it is better to choose the most concise setting as possible.

Style solutions
Modern design options are very diverse. Check out the most relevant bedroom styles.
- Classic style suitable for conservative people who value luxury. These are light interiors with silk fabrics and stucco moldings. You can add more small details for the Baroque style, or, on the contrary, slightly simplify the interior to neoclassicism by adding natural wood and dark blue and burgundy tones.

- Provencal style also relevant and perfect for bedroom design. This is an economical and beautiful option: wooden furniture painted in light colors, simple accessories and light colored fabrics with floral prints will look great.

- Scandinavian style bedroom implies a minimum of unnecessary details. Use natural wood, light-colored walls or imitation brickwork, wicker furniture. It is an eco-friendly, comfortable and practical design.

- Contemporary style you can combine the most extraordinary options: metal elements, plastic, wood, bright accents and interesting forms of furniture are well suited.
You can hang several mirrors, which will visually increase the space and give more light.

- Bedroom interiors are also popular now. in the art nouveau style. They combine European design with oriental elements: bright colored ornaments, various wood and stone, porcelain and colored glass are acceptable.
If you want to add some modern elements, you can opt for metal accessories.

Room decoration is the first thing to think about. It is the color of the walls and floor that determines the overall mood of the interior, therefore first you need to decide on them, and only then choose furniture.
Decorating doesn't have to be boring, but it doesn't have to be too flashy - after all, you will be relaxing in the bedroom, so the abundance of bright and complex details will cause irritation.

The flooring can be varied depending on which style you choose. Tiling is not recommended if you have an unheated floor. - a cold bedroom floor will cause discomfort. Also not very practical carpet - it can be easily stained and often needs to be cleaned.
Parquet - the most durable and high-quality coating that will delight you for a long time and will suit any style in the interior. You can also choose a high-quality laminate - they are now very diverse: from imitation parquet to colorful bright options. Linoleum - the cheapest option, but it can quickly break and become unusable.

If the ceiling is initially flat, you can simply plaster it. Plastic panels can be pasted over it to hide defects. Alternatively, false ceilings can be considered if you want sophisticated lighting.

Walls can be wallpapered, painted or laid out with brickwork. 17 sq. meters often combine 2-3 finishes. Staining with texture will look good.
If you choose wallpaper, do not buy too variegated - it is better that they are monochromatic and with a minimum amount of detail.

Selection and placement of furniture
A lot will also depend on the right choice of furniture. First of all, the choice should take into account the issue of practicality. If you are planning a bedroom for one person, you can choose a small bed, a wardrobe, and set aside the rest, for example, for a dressing table or a sitting area with a cozy armchair. If you have a double bedroom, the bed and dressing room will take up a lot of space. To save space, it is worth choosing corner cabinets, sliding and folding tables.
If you want to make the space as versatile as possible, you can replace the bed with a comfortable sofa.

Furniture arrangement is complicated if you decide to zone the room. In this case better to draw a border between zones - this can be done both with the help of empty space, and with the help of a large piece of furniture - for example, a wide dressing room or sofa can separate one area from another.
The arrangement of furniture within each zone should form a single space: do not place furniture randomly, but try to arrange it in a circle.

Organization of lighting
Interesting and daring ideas can also be realized in lighting. If you have a bedroom without zones, you can choose one bright chandelier - it's good if it has different lighting modes: from bright daylight to soft evening light. You can place small lamps on the walls or on the ceiling around the entire perimeter - this way the light will be more even.
When zoning, it is important that there are at least two lighting sources. It's good if they are different. For the bedroom, you can choose a bright light, and for the living area - dim. Colored lighting also sometimes works well, but should only be viewed as an addition.

Textiles and decor elements
Decor elements in the interior of the bedroom can be extremely varied. Curtains play a very important role in the design, usually light tulle for the daytime and blackout night curtains. They can be of different colors, a combination of dark and light tones, as well as different textures, looks good. You can choose pillows or a bedspread under the curtains.
It is desirable that the textiles look like a single ensemble: it does not have to be the same, but it should be combined - try not to use too many different shades and textures.

Decor elements can be functional, like mirrors and vases, or simply for beauty, like statues. If your bedroom is in pale shades, you can afford some bright accessories. If you have a rich design of finishes and furniture, you should limit yourself to a minimum of simple decorative elements.

Interesting examples
Consider interesting interior designs for inspiration.
- If the interior is monotonous and light, you definitely need a bright spot. Beige trim with cream shades looks great with bright green night curtains.

- You can successfully zon the room with the help of small partitions.

- To create an interesting interior, do not be afraid to combine different materials: dark wood, metal, plastic and brick can complement each other.

For information on how to arrange furniture in the bedroom, see the next video.