What kind of flowers can I put in the bedroom and why?

A bedroom is a room where a person can relax, rest and sleep after an active day. Every decor element should be relaxing, even houseplants. It is necessary to be very careful in choosing the home flora of flowers - some are strictly forbidden to be placed in the bedroom, as they lead to poor health... It is worth considering in more detail the requirements and criteria for choosing plants for the bedroom, which of them are recommended, and which is better to refuse altogether.

Plant requirements and selection criteria
Houseplants are often placed in the bedroom as they can improve the microclimate. With their help, you can achieve the following goals:
- air purification from dust particles;
- creating a normal moisture level;
- oxygen saturation of the air at night;
- absorption of negative energy.
It is better to give preference to home shade-loving representatives of the flora, which do not require special care, and also do not cause allergic reactions. But even if the flower meets all the criteria, it is better to place it away from the bed.
Houseplants need the following care:
- regularity of watering;
- dried flowers and leaves should be cut off;
- maintaining a comfortable temperature and humidity;
- transplant with excessive reproduction.

Important! If the flower is afraid of drafts and loves warmth, it should be placed away from windows and doors.
When choosing a flower for a room designed for sleeping, you should take into account the following tips from professionals:
- initially, you should familiarize yourself with the biological characteristics of the indoor flower, as well as the nuances of care;
- it is better to abandon exotic plants about which there is no information regarding care;
- flowers that are characterized by slow growth are perfect for the bedroom;
- if the plants are sick or wilted, they should be taken out of the bedroom;
- indoor flowers should be cleaned on time so that they look neat;
- it is recommended to abandon needle-like plants, because, according to feng shui, the character of the inhabitants will also become "prickly";
- climbing plants are not recommended to be placed at the head.
Recommended flowers
You should take a responsible attitude to the choice of colors for the bedroom, since not all of them have a beneficial effect. For example, some have a fairly strong aroma, while others are poisonous. However, a large number of indoor plants are ideal for the bedroom. They are distinguished not only by their beautiful appearance, but are also useful and beneficial. Let's take a closer look at the plants that should be grown in the bedroom.
- Chlorophytum. Perfect for purifying the air in the room, as it can eliminate even sulfur and nitrogen compounds, as well as formaldehyde. One adult flower will be enough to provide 3 m² of clean air. This plant provides a sterile space. Just a few plants will create a favorable microclimate.

- Spathiphyllum... The second name is female happiness. The plant is ideal for air purification. It has a positive effect on the nervous system, ensuring sound sleep. Spathiphyllum acts as a kind of filter, since it absorbs harmful substances that are in the air. It releases substances that kill harmful bacteria.

- Aloe. Perfectly absorbs toxic substances that are usually emitted by chipboard. At night, it not only releases oxygen and absorbs carbon dioxide, but also produces phytoncides, which have a detrimental effect on the pathogenic microflora. The sap of the plant is medicinal.

- Ficus. If it is necessary to saturate the air with oxygen, create an optimal level of humidity, and also neutralize toxins, then ficus will be the best choice. Large leaves are excellent at collecting dust, which is quite easy to remove. This plant absorbs all toxic substances like a sponge, and then processes them into amino acids and sugars. Today, many people prefer to put Benjamin's ficus in the bedroom, it creates favorable conditions for healthy sleep.

- Hamedorea. It allows you to clean the air from harmful substances and helps to humidify the air if it is regularly watered, which is very useful during the heating season, when the radiators are working. This plant is represented by a rather impressive size in the form of a palm tree. It is great for the bedroom.

- Sansevieria. The second name is pike tail. The peculiarity of this flower is that it produces oxygen at night, and not like ordinary plants. It perfectly absorbs all the harmful substances that synthetic materials usually emit. This plant allows you to increase immunity, because it secretes substances that have antiviral and antibacterial properties.

- Kalanchoe. This plant is also a nocturnal plant, since it is at this time that it releases oxygen. With the help of this flower, you can overcome depression. It secretes substances that promote relaxation and sound sleep. The flower attracts attention with its amazing appearance. It is chosen for the bedroom because it releases phytoncides that fight disease-causing bacteria.

- Begonia... Perfect for placement in the bedroom. Its unobtrusive scent is great for dealing with depression. The plant is characterized by compactness, which is very important for small bedrooms.You can use various types of begonias to decorate your bedroom. The flower allows you to purify the air, ensuring deep sleep.

- Asparagus... This plant will bring many benefits, because it has bactericidal properties, promotes rapid healing of damaged tissues. Due to the complex structure of the leaf, a lot of oxygen is released, which is very important for a sound night's sleep. The unusual structure of the leaf perfectly retains dust particles. Having just one plant in a room will provide clean air.

- Dracaena. This plant is a reliable air purifier, therefore it is often chosen for the bedroom. It perfectly absorbs harmful substances that are usually emitted by modern furniture, and also saturates the room with oxygen. For a small bedroom, just one plant will be enough to keep the air in the room clean and fresh at all times.

- Rosemary. This flower is ideal for people who have lung or upper respiratory tract diseases. But it is worth noting that it requires special care. It is an oilseed crop from which essential oil was made in ancient times. Rosemary has an unobtrusive and very pleasant aroma. It has a relaxing and calming effect, making it ideal for the bedroom.

- Laurel. It is also an oil plant that is an excellent remedy for insomnia. Laurel secretes substances that help to strengthen the immune system and treat diseases of the upper respiratory tract. The presence of laurel in the bedroom will relieve nervous tension and plunge into deep sleep.

- Geranium. This plant is ideal for being located in the bedroom, because it not only allows you to saturate the air with oxygen and destroy pathogenic bacteria, but also promotes relaxation, and also has a positive effect on the hormonal background of women. But it should not be placed where a person prone to allergic manifestations sleeps. This flower will be a talisman against viral infections and colds. It is worth noting the attractive appearance of geranium, because it pleases with beautiful flowering almost all year round.

Important! You can place an uzambar violet, hibiscus, lavender, money tree, anthurium, Shefler's flower in the bedroom. But the presence of cacti should be discarded. Also, the dollar tree or zamioculcas should not be placed where you sleep, as it is considered a symbol of celibacy.
Harmful plants for placement in the bedroom
It should be noted in more detail which plants it is better to be from when placed in a bedroom, as they can harm a person.
- Jasmine. This plant has a slight but sugary aroma that has a relaxing effect on humans. It has a sedative effect, which is great during sleep, but being around jasmine all the time can lead to headaches. Experts advise to refrain from placing jasmine near the bed.

- Hydrangea. This plant resembles jasmine in many ways. It also has a strong scent that a person can become allergic to, like plant pollen.

- Orchid. It is best to stay away from the orchid while sleeping, because this flower contains strong essential oils that, if inhaled for a long time, lead to headaches.

- Lily. This flower should also not be placed near the bed in order to avoid the harm it has on the human body. This plant absorbs oxygen, while saturating the room with carbon dioxide. The fern has the same effect.

- Monstera... It is worth abandoning this exotic plant, although many are attracted by its unusual appearance. It releases harmful substances that contribute to the development of severe manifestations of allergies. It should not, in general, be kept in a house where children or a pregnant woman live.

- Dieffenbachia. It can be put in the office, but not in the bedroom, because it emits an aroma, which negatively affects the body, and also leads to the manifestation of severe headaches.

- Euphorbia. You should refrain from this flower, as it emits many harmful substances, which is accompanied by headaches. Juice is especially dangerous, because it can even cause severe poisoning.

Important! Particularly dangerous are azalea and philodendron, which not only lead to malfunctions of the gastrointestinal tract, but also provoke seizures.

Flower placement tips
Many people choose the arrangement of flowers in the bedroom based on their knowledge of feng shui. If you like fresh flowers, then only some of their types can be used, while adhering to strict rules:
- only 4 flowers can be placed in the bedroom;
- if the spouses often quarrel, it is worth planting bamboo, moreover, in a pair in one pot;
- if a person has not yet met his soul mate, it is recommended to plant a flowering plant and place it in the love zone;
- not all flowers can be put in the bedroom, even if they have a positive effect on a person, for example, an orchid personifies mutual understanding between spouses, but it is better to place it in an office;
- it is worth abandoning artificial flowers in the interior of the bedroom, since they destroy vital energy.

More information about which flowers absolutely cannot be kept in the bedroom, and which ones can and should be - in the next video.