Combined wallpaper in the bedroom: varieties, choice and subtleties of placement

The correct combination of wallpaper helps to visually solve the problem of the room and make it cozy. For the bedroom, this requirement is doubly relevant - this is the place where a person spends most of his life. The mood, relationships between people and, accordingly, health depend on the atmosphere of the bedroom.

Features and purpose
Combining wallpaper has become the norm in our time. A room with one kind of stripes looks boring, and only extraordinary furniture will help to improve it. But when combining several types of wallpaper material, the bedroom immediately acquires newfangled look and originality. Wherein the amount of furniture in the room can be kept to a minimum.

It is recommended to choose wallpaper of restrained shades and with simple patterns for the comfort of the bedroom. The choice of canvas depends on the interior design. For example, for the classic version, silk-screen printing with patterns in the form of lily flowers or geometric shapes in the form of rhombuses is best suited. The picture should be one tone lighter or, conversely, darker than the main background of the wallpaper.
Style provence already provides for the use of pastel-colored wall paintings and small flower arrangements. But for a modern style, graphics and achromatic scales are used.

When combining 2 wallpaper colors in a single-color bedroom, it must be borne in mind that they should be so-called adjacent shades, that is, closely matching in color. In this case, the canvases should have the same color saturation. Another option could be a combination of wallpaper of the same color, but different in brightness.

Drawing on canvas must match in size and be consistent in the same color palette with the main background.
It is important to keep in mind that a small room should not be visually overloaded - choose a soft color of wallpaper with a simple pattern or ornament.

There are several options for decorating a bedroom with different wallpapers. It all depends on what task the owners of the premises are pursuing.
- Zoning. It is designed to highlight and visually separate the work area and a separate sleeping area in the room. This design is suitable for studio apartments or studio apartments.

- Hiding flaws. When using two types of wallpaper, you can beautifully beat niches. At the same time, a skillful combination will help to visually hide unnecessary protrusions, or, conversely, it is beneficial to emphasize them, giving the room an aristocratic look.

- Visual expansion of space. The canvases will help expand the walls and raise the ceiling in the room. At the same time, it is very important to select wallpaper of the desired shade with the correct pattern.
For example, for a small bedroom with a low ceiling, you can pick up a canvas of light shades with a vertical pattern or stripes.

- Accentuation. Used to select a single wall.

- Stylishness... Skillful combination of two colors will highlight the chosen interior design.

- Focus highlighting. This option is used to highlight an object. This could be a bed or a bedside table.
This method is used by designers to once again emphasize the chosen style of the bedroom interior.

- Adaptation. The method is used to make the room match the character of the owner of the premises. The bedroom is not for the visit of strangers, so canvases are selected for spiritual comfort.

Bedrooms, like any other rooms, have a lot of shortcomings that the combined wallpaper will skillfully hide.
Thanks to the competent selection of the canvas, you can easily "remove" poor lighting, excessive elongation of space, large or small openings of doors or windows, as well as low ceilings.

Combination options
The choice of options for the combination of canvases depends on the solution of various kinds of tasks that the owner sets for the designers. The question concerns not only the style of the room, but also the solution of problematic points.

By placement method
One of the popular combination methods is the vertical method. In this case, you can combine stripes both through one and through two. Chaotic placement of the wallpaper is also allowed. The most important thing is that the resulting composition does not overload the appearance of the interior of the room. This method is characterized by the following options for using a combination of wallpaper:
- stripes of different colors;
- one color, but different in saturation;
- contrasting.
For this method, materials are suitable not only monochromatic, but also with different patterns. The main thing is that the color of the wallpaper is combined with the interior of the bedroom. This type of combination is suitable for rooms with low ceilings.

Another way of combining often used by designers is horizontal. You can use plain wallpaper with different patterns. Designers, using horizontal placement of the canvas, try to focus on some part of the bedroom. It is known that with such a combination wallpaper made of textiles and vinyl go well with each other.
By choosing this combination option, you may encounter some difficulties, in particular, the joining of the strips. Therefore, before starting work, it is necessary to make all the necessary measurements. They will need to be applied to the wall for proper joining.
When placing horizontally, the upper strip is first glued, and then the lower one is glued.
With this method of placing the wallpaper, the following goal is achieved - the visual expansion of the space of the room.In this case, materials of light shades are used.

According to the picture
There are several design options for the selection of sleeping wallpaper according to the pattern. Designers assure that with the right combination of stripes, the room will acquire a unique style.
- If the owner loves a pea pattern, then the designers recommend combining it with plain canvases. In this case, the use of wallpaper with graphics is allowed.

- The cage is another unique option for the sleeping area. A combination of a paisley pattern or graphic design looks good.
By the way, this same pattern will be good in a company with peas and ethnic patterns.

- It is worth remembering that the ornament goes well with the textured canvas. But for broken lines, wallpapers with flowers and geometric patterns are ideal.

- Wallpaper with dots, which perfectly match canvases with stripes, will give a special coziness to the bedroom. It's good to add a floral print here as well.

- Monochrome canvases or with a geometric pattern are ideal for photo wallpapers. But for a print "Damascus", plain fabrics or with a pattern in a strip are ideal.

By color
When combined by color, you must adhere to the established rules, which will allow you to avoid mistakes and create a calm and relaxing atmosphere in the bedroom:
- wallpaper must be selected close shades;
- bright options are used only to highlight a certain area of the room;
- it is best to combine plain and printed fabrics.
It is better not to get carried away with patterns, and if something like this happened, then they should overlap with each other. In this case, one should be dominant.

You also need to know about the combination of colors, and what message a particular color carries.
- Beige is peace and tranquility.... It goes well with white - it makes the room much lighter, but the dark one will emphasize the nobility of the interior.

- Pink wallpaper prefer romantic natures. It is good to combine them with a canvas of white, purple and chocolate shades. When used with other colors, the pink becomes very saturated and too bright.

- Peach blossom creates warmth and comfort in the room. It is recommended to combine it with blue, gold and beige tones.

- Brown create an atmosphere of peace. They go well with canvases and prints in yellow and beige shades.

- Purple intended for mystery lovers. Will look good with white, blue and yellow canvases.

- Blue canvas goes well with brown wallpaper. In addition, they are harmonious with pastel colors.

Canvases of red, red, yellow and lilac shades are not recommended for the bedroom. These colors have a stimulating effect on the psyche. They can be annoying, invigorating, or restless.
Two-tone black and white wallpaper also remains popular with wall decorators. They are often called a daring and bold combination, but at the same time canvases create interesting designs and are suitable for bedrooms in a classic interior or high-tech style.

By invoice
Recently, the demand for wallpaper with imitation of natural materials has increased. The development of this direction was given by such fashionable styles as loft, Scandinavian style and minimalism. Therefore, wallpaper manufacturers offer canvases for brick or concrete.
But we have to admit that such textured wallpaper is still not very suitable for bedrooms. Therefore, the selection should be approached very carefully. Not a single, even the best imitation, will give the required depth or play of shadows, as it looks on real natural material.
Designers recommend using colored wood or concrete imitations for the bedroom. This will make it brighter.

How to choose?
The selection of the required wallpaper is carried out according to several rules.
- When viewing the canvas, there should be rolls in order to see the entire surface of the strip as a whole.It is recommended to stack the selected options next to each other in order to assess their compatibility.
- Wallpaper must be from the same collection. An indicator of the safety of the canvases and the honesty of the manufacturer is the quality certificate.
- Make sure the print, color and texture match the curtains and furniture. Every little thing is important here - do not discount the layout of new wallpaper with carpets, bedspreads and bedding. Everything should be in harmony with each other easily.
- In the case when calm shades are used to decorate a room, then it is worth choosing a canvas with a catchy color in order to make one of the walls visually brighter.
- When arranging plain wallpaper with wallpaper of a different color, you should try to match either only plain one or the same color, but with a patterned print.

Recommendations for placement in the interior
Wallpaper gluing is carried out taking into account the placement of furniture in the room. If there is a plasma TV in the bedroom, then this wall needs to be pasted over with wallpaper that sharply contrasts with the decoration on the other three walls.
Often there are sleeping rooms with niches, where the owners put some kind of furniture, for example, a mirror or an ottoman-chair. In this case, the so-called wallpaper zoning is quite acceptable.
The most important thing is to take into account that both the niche and the zone look symmetrical in relation to the main subject of the sleeping interior - the bed.

To emphasize the style of the room, baguettes and moldings are often used, which outline a specific area on the wall. It must be pasted over with a bright canvas inside. With this method, the room visually becomes larger. In addition, it distracts attention from deformations on the wall.
Wall murals also increase the volume of the room. The drawing creates a sense of perspective. Most often these are landscapes. It is enough to simply glue them around the perimeter of the entire wall. But photowall-paper with flowers or other images is placed inside the frames or they need to be glued next to plain wallpaper that will be in harmony with the print.

Design Tips
Designers recommend when choosing wallpaper to have a sample of the canvas with you, which will be the main thing when choosing future companion wallpaper. This will allow you to immediately make the right choice and avoid future failure from the expectation of a designer bedroom.
It is not recommended to combine more than three types of canvases. You need to adhere to the following formula:
- first type of wallpaper - basic;
- second view - contains colors that match the main canvas;
- third kind - neutral base shades.

In this case, all tones should be evenly intense. White is the ideal base color. If only two types of wallpaper are used, then textiles can take over the role of the base type.
Wallpaper with a large pattern will make the interior more expressive. At the same time, designers recommend keeping no more than three prints in one room.
To make the room more comfortable, it is worth using paired dark wallpaper. Light canvases are best combined with small patterns. The use of wallpaper from one collection will make the room elegant. The color palette should be consistent with the same style.

Beautiful examples
Currently, wallpaper manufacturers offer a wide range of glitter wallpapers. It is very good to combine them with matte wallpapers, which are close to them in color. For shiny canvases, light, small rooms are best.

Another idea for a small bedroom can be wallpaper with a small print. Stripes with small flowers arranged vertically will look original. They can be alternated with a pattern of the same type of the same small type or wallpaper with stripes. Thanks to this combination, the walls will visually increase, and the ceiling will appear higher.

If there are many small details in the room, for example, paintings or rugs, then it is better to choose plain wallpaper.If there are wallpapers with small images on the walls, then curtains are also better without a pattern.

Another design idea that will make the room cozy is the "balance" technique. Wallpaper with a complex pattern and monochromatic are selected. Their color must match the color of the pattern. When such canvases alternate, illusions of space receding into the distance are created, the highlighting of arches or columns.

When using contrasting wallpapers, for example, blue, with canvases in stripes of blue and yellow colors, the space of the room visually expands. The same effect is achieved when using wallpaper with different textures.

Wall murals are another successful design move. But they usually paste over only one wall and combine them with plain canvases of a suitable color.

For information on how to choose wallpaper for the bedroom, see the next video.