What to hang over the bed in the bedroom?

The main element of any bedroom is the bed. If you think that there are no trifles in the interior, and each of its components participates in the creation of the overall picture, then surely you will not be stingy with the decor of the bed area. And this is a really important place in the room. Even a rather simple, unremarkable interior can be made interesting, stylistically convincing, if you try to design the headboard.

Design features
The main feature of the headboard decor is that it often replaces a global room renovation. It is enough to change the design of this area to transform the whole bedroom., there was a feeling of just completed renovation. This is especially noticeable if the wallpaper is light, monochromatic and can be the basis for any interesting solution in terms of decor.

There are several decorating scenarios.
- Plane design. This means that you do not add any volumetric elements (shelves and niches, for example), but simply change the visualization of the wall, be it tiles, wallpaper or laminate.

- Volumetric design. The opposite case - something is taken that visually changes the solution of the wall, for example, shelves above the bed with flowers or books may well allow this area to look completely different.

- Classic. This is, for example, a painting, which is a standard solution for transforming and accentuating the wall above the bed.

- Creative. This includes any solutions that can be called unexpected, for example, an interesting light installation, a picture in a frame made of pieces of wallpaper, decorative branches, the design of which changes seasonally.

If you do nothing at all with this zone, the interior loses, it becomes boring. It is not necessary to decorate the wall brightly, with emphasis, let the solution be minimalistic, but still the wall will not remain bare.
Moreover, there are plenty of examples of how this can be done gracefully and transform the room as a whole.

How to decorate a wall with wallpaper?
A standard and simple solution is to highlight the wall above the bed with wallpaper. This may be the only place in the room where the wallpaper will be different. You can make a soft and easy transition; when choosing companion wallpaper, this often happens. For example, you have cream wallpaper with an interesting texture glued around the perimeter of your entire bedroom. And above the bed - the wallpaper is still the same cream color, but with dark beige flowers.
The difference will not be striking, but the wall will "sound" differently. To enhance the effect, accent wallpapers are taken in special frames. (moldings, skirting boards), any stylistically suitable design.

But there are other solutions with wallpaper as well.
- Such a finish is also acceptable, in which the wallpaper is combined with painting. The main walls are painted with light paint, and wallpapers of the same color palette, but with a pattern, are selected for the headboard.

- Often, wallpaper with a geometric pattern is taken to accent the wall. - it's stylish, but some restraint and severity are also present.

- Wallpaper in deep, rich colors in the headboard area adds intimacy to the bedroom. The rest of the walls should be significantly lighter. Moreover, dark wallpaper can also be structurally distinguished, for example, take wallpaper with pile, imitation of suede, and so on.

This design is interesting because it can be changed quite often. If you get bored with one option, after a couple of years, by transforming only one wall, a visual change in the entire image of the bedroom is achieved.
And from the point of view of economy, the decor of the zone with wallpaper is an advantageous solution.

How to decorate with drawings?
The great popularity of drawings on the walls arose as soon as special interior stickers began to be actively sold. Previously, you literally had to paint on the wall, which only people capable of drawing can do. Interior decals have made the process much easier: you can choose any picture you like, buy stickers, carefully fix them on the wall, and everything will immediately become different.

Drawings can be very different.
- If you do not like complex compositions and tend to minimalism, it is enough to stick silhouettes of birds flying away on the wall. But so that it is not primitive, some of the birds (only a part!) Can be taken in a black empty frame. It turns out that some of the heroes of the decor "flew" beyond the borders of the frame, such a visual effect is impressive and attracts attention.
At the same time, it does not conflict with other interior elements.

- Landscapes. These can be stickers depicting trees, swings under them, thick summer grass, flowers, flying butterflies. No postmodernism, just a sweet romantic composition. Sometimes in the bedroom just such a mood is needed - a soothing picture with eternal ideas of quiet happiness, memories of childhood.

But if you are against stickers, then walls can really be paint... And even without the involvement of specialists, it can theoretically turn out well (but it is worth practicing, for example, taking a few lessons). Subjects and genres are not constrained by rules: from summer sunsets to references to the work of Picasso. This is your bedroom and has the right to uniqueness and artistic freedom.

Posters and photographs in the interior
A universal option that has found the widest distribution today. You could hardly have guessed what you can hang photo frames over the bed, but sometimes the question arises of how to do it correctly. Examples of diagrams clearly show how compositions from frames above the bed can look like: all that remains is to skillfully repeat them.
Stylistically, the framework should be the same, an eclectic solution is difficult to fit into the border of good taste.

The version with posters is even more used - a poster that is of high quality in terms of printing and design solutions is simply taken, which alone (or in tandem, trio) is hung over the headboard. A poster is not a picture, it can be unexpected, catchy, defiant.
For example, you are an admirer of Freddie Mercury and you would like to reflect this veneration in your interior. Just a portrait of an artist may not impress as part of the interior, but a graphic or "cartoon" image of a singer, an abstract vision - is already more interesting.

We decorate with stucco
Stucco decoration is not a novelty in interior fashion. And often this solution is complemented by a third-party element, for example, stucco can be used to frame accent wallpaper. The bas-relief above the bed, panels in this style are slowly replacing 3D panels, they are becoming a modern alternative to stucco.

But if you are a supporter of classical solutions, then the decor of the headboard with plaster molding will make it a truly royal bed. The splendor of abstract ornate decorative elements can be in color to match the furniture, but can match in color with other interior accessories.
True, most likely, such a solution requires additions, for example, you need to make special overlays for the legs of the bed and bedside tables. If the stucco molding is present only at the head of the bed and nowhere else, this decor cannot be traced, it can look like an alien element in the interior.

Helpful hints
Sometimes it is difficult to figure out which is better - molding or stickers, wall panels or a futuristic metal frame over the bed, a drywall arch or a voluminous floral arrangement made of paper. In this case, the recommendations of designers can direct you in the right direction, help you choose the winning one from the flow of ideas.

Here are 10 key design tips.
- When choosing a color palette for wall decor over the head of the bed, observe the contrast ratio. Contrasts are possible and welcome, but not too harsh or unexpected. There should be something in them that is related to the general mood of the room, for example, the degree of color or the structure of the finish, a repeating pattern or ornament, and much more.
- The subject of the image should also be general. If you have a basic wallpaper with a clearly visible Japanese sakura pattern and a colonial-style accent wall, there will be a strong disconnect. It destroys the image, leads to bad taste.
- If you decide what is right to be done by those who hang the painting in this area, then hang it at eye level. Remember that the type of drawing and style should not fall out of the interior theme. In a baroque bedroom, a picture in the style of Kandinsky will be inappropriate, and in minimalism Shishkin's motives will be alien.
- Small details in the interior of the bedroom are not always good. This psychologically works against you: perhaps everyone in childhood looked at the patterns on the carpet before going to bed. The same mechanism turns on, and I want to examine, analyze, peer at small details. This leads to chronic insomnia.
- Mirror decor has become fashionable in the last decade, but treat such decisions with caution. A mirror or a mirror composition should be placed at least 40 cm from the mattress, not lower. Psychologically, such surfaces can act overwhelmingly, so this option is not suitable for everyone. And from the point of view of practicality, a mirror is not the best option.
- Mosaic or tile finishes always adds spice to the room. Choosing a decor with a whimsical pattern will create a bright, attention-grabbing accent in the room. But then everything else should not be of the same intensity: many bright spots on a neutral background are rarely organically fit into the interior.
- Sometimes the best decor solution - this is the simplest. For example, decorative pillows can be used to gracefully decorate the headboard area. The pillows can be high, and there can be many.Sometimes a drawing or print that is placed on the pillows is repeated in a small picture in the headboard area.
- Shelves and niches above the bed - the solution is definitely practical. But not everyone is comfortable: not everyone likes to sleep with the feeling that something is standing over his head (and, accordingly, can fall at any moment). And, of course, touching the shelf with your head is also a pleasure, because if you are already hanging the shelf above the bed, the height should be comfortable, not restricting movement.
- Niche lighting - the solution is not new, but quite acceptable. It will help those who find it difficult to fall asleep without light. It will also be useful for young parents, in whose bedroom there is a baby's cradle.
- There is no place in the bedroom for a huge number of living plants, fountains and waterfalls, ceramic figurines of wild animals, a large number of other people's photographs. These recommendations are relative, since not everyone agrees with feng shui and related currents, but if you care about energy in the bedroom and such recommendations are worth hearing.

If you are not a supporter of complex and expensive solutions, think about how you can equip such an important area as the headboard with your own hands. For example, today, fashion has made another round and brought macrame and tapestries into orbit... They were not completely forgotten, but still the boom that is observed today in their relationship is impressive. The beauty of tapestries is that very simple, abstract small compositions are in fashion today, which are ubiquitous in scandi interiors.
And macrame in the bedroom should not be very difficult, forcing you to study all its openwork, distracted from sleep.

Do not be afraid to deviate from stereotypical decisions: be pioneers, surprise yourself and your loved ones. The advice remains unchanged - if you want to make the decor well, learn the basics of style and composition. Explore styles, color combinations, textures. It helps a lot in self-decoration of the home "watching". And thanks to the Internet, this quality is becoming very affordable and quickly acquired.

Not always bright, stylish solutions require large investments. The same vinyl stickers are cheap, and how spectacularly they transform a room! Or a small wool tapestry - simple, neat, hand-made, it creates coziness, warmth and at the same time helps your bedroom to be fashionable.
And even the picture that hangs above the bed can be the creation of your own hands (the same drawing by numbers helps even non-artists), and this is already a special decor, created with care.

You will learn 7 ideas for wall decor at the head of the bed in the video below.