How to decorate the room for discharge from the hospital?

The day of discharge from the hospital is one of the most touching, emotional, solemn and wonderful days in the life of every person. This amazing event, when a new family member enters the house, I want to remember forever. For the day to become joyful and positive, to leave exciting, but vivid memories, you need to carefully prepare for it. Most often, preparation for this event becomes the task of the young dad, the help of relatives here will definitely be useful.

Design features
You can decorate the room for discharge from the hospital yourself, or you can order the decor from a specialist in a particular area. Decorating an apartment with your own hands is, of course, cheaper, but it will take time, patience and some skills. But the event will be remembered not only by the emotions of the meeting, but also by the preparation process, there is an opportunity to feel like a kind magician. Before you start decorating the interior, you need to do a high-quality cleaning. Do not neglect this process, it is much more important than beautiful decor, it is a matter of the safety and health of the baby.
It is necessary to "generate" an apartment and especially a children's room before you start decorating the room. No decor will hide a layer of dust, a dirty floor, stained glass and a mess in the apartment from the eyes of a young mother. Therefore, arrange furniture, do a wet cleaning, wash the floors.
Think about whether a rearrangement of furniture will be required for the future decor, if so, take care of it. It is also important to ventilate the area.

After that, you can decorate the room. First, think over the design and buy everything you need.It is better to make a list of what you may need in advance, so as not to forget anything and not return to the store. Therefore, the first thing you should do is choose a design idea, adapt it to your room, baby's gender. Keep in mind right away that not all beautiful ideas turn out to be useful in reality.
It is best to avoid the following points.
- Large bouquets of too fragrant flowers. They look impressive, but do not forget that the baby may be allergic to this or that odorous vegetation. In addition, the moment of caring for flowers is important, they will need to be cut frequently and the water changed. Otherwise, the flowers will die overnight, and the stagnant water will turn into a swamp.
- Luxurious car for rent. This is a waste of money, provided you have your own car. If there is no car, it is better to negotiate with a trusted friend, to provide the car with a child seat. This way you can be sure that the driver is reliable.
- Animation. Actors, musicians on the day of discharge is a very bad idea. Mom and child at home need peace, not performances, they are unlikely to appreciate such an impulse.
But the photographer and videographer will help you capture the touching moment and the beauty that you create at home.

Decor options
Ideal when the child has his own playroom. But at first he will be in the same room with his parents, so this moment is not so important for the decor. The decoration of an apartment or the room itself needs to be thought out taking into account such points: gender, taste, price. The best thing is to choose a design that is inexpensive, since money will often be spent with the appearance of the baby. Optimally, if the wife voices her wishes, then it will be easier for the husband to organize everything perfectly.

This is one of the most popular options that can be implemented in different ways, depending on the desire and budget. You can simply inflate large quantities of regular balloons, hang them around the house and throw them on the floor. You can inflate balloons with helium, create several spectacular ensembles. Balloon compositions are a popular service offered by many companies.
Among the disadvantages of this design is the heavy scent of rubber, so frequent ventilation is required. Another disadvantage is that a bursting balloon can scare or wake up the baby. Consider foil balloons that don't smell or burst, float in the air for a long time, and decorate a room.

From paper
Here the scope for imagination is huge, it all depends on your creative possibilities. The following options are suitable for decorating a children's room.
- Angels. The image of a baby is most associated with a gentle angel, so stencil images decorating a room will come in handy. Download ready-made stencils, cut out angels from white and colored paper and decorate the room as you like.
- Posters. They are sold ready-made, you can make your own. On them, all the guests who will come to the baby will leave their wishes. This cute element can be supplemented with stickers, ribbons, and other types of decor.
- Stretch marks. They are sold in every stationery department and in holiday shops. You can order an individual stretch with the child's name and date of birth.
- Garlands. A very effective decoration that can be used to decorate not only a nursery, but the entire apartment. Garlands are on sale, but it is better to make them yourself if you have the desire and time. You can download and print ready-made templates, for example, in the form of babies and connect them together.
- Pompons. A very spectacular kind of decor that can be ordered or purchased in the store. Bright lightweight pom-poms will create a holiday feeling.

Made of wood
This is a very practical decor option that will last for many years, can be reused for a child's birthdays or simply hung in the nursery. Wood decor is made to order in the form of photo frames, toppers, personalized elements indicating the parameters at birth.

Compositions from children's clothing
A very effective and functional decor that also has practical value. You can order a diaper cake, a composition of clothes. At first, this beauty is used as a decor, and then for its intended purpose.

Felt letters
A very common variant, which most often consists of the letters of the name, but can be supplemented with another word. The letters will last quite a long time, so it is better to order them taking into account the decor of the room.

Another practical type of decor is an ensemble of toys. At first, the composition is simply pleasing to the eye, and then the grown-up kid will be happy to play with its elements. You can just buy one large toy and tie it with a bow. For example, a Teddy bear, a hare, a kitten.
Soft toys have a drawback - they attract dust and take up a lot of space.

It is difficult to imagine an extract without flowers; this is a great option to please a young mother. It is not surprising that floristic compositions are so in demand. However, when choosing flowers, exclude overly fragrant and potentially allergenic plant species.

Ribbons and bows
This beauty successfully replaces garlands, they can be used to decorate a crib, to tie up curtains. Shiny satin will give the room a chic and solemn look. You can order thematic compositions from ribbons or buy special ribbons with images of babies.

Sweet table
The candy bar is another spectacular element that will not only decorate the apartment, but will also delight the mother and guests. Cake, cupcakes, marshmallows, caramel on a stick, laid out on a beautiful tablecloth, look spectacular and festive. The main thing is to choose a design, taking into account the theme, in gentle, pastel colors. If you are planning a festive dinner or lunch, take care of a simple but hearty menu so that the young mother does not bother with thoughts about what to feed her guests.

Interesting ideas
Meeting a newborn is a crucial moment, it is worth preparing for the arrival of the child in advance, so that afterwards you will not regret the "crumpled" event. Despite the fact that the decor often depends on the gender of the child, this division is conditional and has no clear boundaries. The only moment – traditionally, the color scheme is associated with the floor, and the type of decor can be the same.
If you do not want to take into account gender differences, you can choose any pastel shades of a neutral plan - mint, peach, lemon.

For girl
At the birth of a daughter, the room is most often decorated in pink, powdery, lavender, lilac tones. Daughters are associated with tenderness, so the ideas for decor are appropriate: Teddy bears with hearts, bows, ruffles, pink-silver or pink-golden compositions from balls, paper. Stickers and posters, garlands with inscriptions and wishes for the girl are decorated with princesses, dresses, roses and other romantic paraphernalia.

For boy
In the understanding of parents, a son is associated with something more serious and brutal, but we must not forget that this is still a child.... For decoration, it is optimal to choose traditional blue shades, pearl gray, silver, snow-white, aquamarine, turquoise. Figures of cars, all the motives associated with boyish games will be appropriate.
A family tree is often ordered for boys, although this option is absolutely universal.

Beautiful examples
Balloon compositions - the most common type of nursery decor.

Pink balloons and fresh flowers - an excellent solution for decorating a girl's room.

Flower arrangements made of paper decorate the wall and create a great mood.

Garlands can be bright and expressive or delicate and muted., it all depends on the interior of the nursery.

Wood metric will remain a memorable gift and an element of nursery decor for many years.

Volumetric letters of the child's name Is a great way to decorate a room.The grown up kid will play with letters.

Sweet table - this is not only aesthetic, but also practical decoration of the apartment for the arrival of the baby.

An ensemble of diapers and clothes will decorate the statement and will be very useful in the future.

For information on how to decorate a room for discharge from the hospital, see the next video.