Features of the interior decoration of the bedroom in pistachio color

An unimaginable sensation in interior design was made by the pistachio color, named after the Mediterranean nut. It took its place in popularity after shades of gray and white. One of the rooms, in the interior of which it fits perfectly, is a bedroom: in the morning the owners set themselves up for a fruitful day full of good events.

Pistachio is the result of mixing blue-green with yellow tone. Its shades can be saturated (instead of yellow, take ocher or terracotta) and pastel (dilute the base colors with whitewash). Regardless of density, the list of features is the same.
- Formation of a favorable psychological environment: the color will not bore you, will bring the nervous system into balance and remove the negativity that has accumulated during the day.
- Among the many shades, each hostess will find her own. Pastel will create a neutral background in the decoration, and bright will draw attention to a certain detail.
- Harmonious combination with other shades.
- Regardless of the lighting, any shade of green-yellow retains its intensity.

Perfect combinations
With the help of pistachio color, designers implement non-standard ideas in the interior of the bedroom. They combine it with others (white, pink, brown, yellow, blue) and get the perfect design.

Combining a rich and deep pistachio color with white, they create a natural and calm atmosphere in the bedroom. Due to the white, the room is visually transformed, acquiring spaciousness and freshness.

It is not necessary to "forcefully" include tones of brown in the design of the bedroom.Looking at it from a different angle, they will find it has brown flooring, tables and chairs made of solid wood.

In a Provence-style bedroom, you can't do without a combination of "warm" pistachio and "cold" blue.

Combining pistachio with yellow, they achieve harmony, brightness and cheerfulness for the bedroom. The option is not suitable if the windows face west or south: they already have an abundance of sun and warmth.

The bedroom is decorated to create a romantic atmosphere in rich and pastel pink and pistachio colors. The first option quickly gets boring. If this happens, do not make repairs, but simply add a few white accessories to the decoration.

Application options
When decorating a bedroom, pistachio color is used in three versions.
- As basic. In this case, it takes up about 60% of the volume. They decorate the walls to emphasize the advantages of furniture and the beauty of textiles. In such a color scheme, plaster, wallpaper, panel coverings are selected.
Selected building materials can be plain or patterned, pastel or bright.

- How accentuated. The pistachio color in this version fits into modern styles that lack expressiveness and warmth. To carry out their plans, they lay a carpet on the floor or buy a pistachio-colored blanket on the bed.

- As a color for additional decor. In this "role" they use it in order to dilute another base color. It is good to paint one of the walls in the bedroom in it and pick up all the textiles in the same color scheme.

The pistachio color is not always appropriate in the interior of the bedroom. The effect he creates depends on the style in which he is inscribed.
Even a small bedchamber will turn into a royal mansion if painted in pistachio color. The interior will acquire chic and give confidence to the owners that they are related to the royal family.
He will create a background for furniture in chocolate or snow-white color and emphasize the beauty of the gilded baguette that frames the picture.

The pistachio color fits in all directions of the country style. It suits American decor, bringing warmth and comfort to the bedroom. It is used in the Scandinavian version to revive it with cheerfulness and warm colors. Ideally suited to the style of Provence, its freshness is good to use with a floral print.

Contemporary styles
Young people decorate bedrooms in hi-tech, minimalism styles. It is appropriate in them, as it helps to make it cozy and truly warm. At the same time, the design is laconic. Housewives choose interior elements in indigo, turquoise or coral without looking back, combining them with basic materials (glass, metal, gloss) without difficulty.

Color options
The textiles, wall decoration or flooring in the bedroom can be pistachio colored.

Wall decoration
The wall is the main element of the overall background. With its help, the interior takes on character, and the furnishings in the bedroom become attractive. It is painted or pasted over with elite textile, non-woven, liquid or paper monochromatic wallpaper in pistachio color, achieving:
- comfort;
- filling the room with comfort;
- positive impact on the psyche;
- a combination of such wall decoration with solid wood furniture.
Do not philosophize with the selection of furniture for a bedroom with walls painted in pistachio color. It can be blue or pink, white or traditional black.

In the decoration of the floor, the shade is rarely used. Not everyone will like the pistachio floor, but only those who like non-standard solutions. It is appropriate where there is not enough comfort, warmth, and a harmonious background is needed. You have to go shopping to find laminate, linoleum or tiles in this color scheme. Such a floor will be "lost" if, instead of a high-quality and solid bedroom set, you leave a wobbly folding bed.

Often they buy curtains, carpets, decorative pillows or pistachio-colored blankets for the bedroom. Textiles will decorate classic or modern interiors. It can be plain or with prints. The choice is influenced by the type of room decoration. If the walls are painted in one color, the decor is chosen with ornaments or patterns; if they are pasted over with bright and variegated wallpaper, they buy textiles simple and without a pattern.
While it looks daunting, fitting pistachio into a bedroom is easy. It will decorate a room in a classic or modern style.
The main thing is to decide before the renovation what role in the interior solution to assign to him.

In the next video, you will find a useful table of color combinations in the interior.