Women's bedroom design ideas

In a women's bedroom, ideally, there should be nothing that can be associated with stress. Psychologists advise not to have work tools (which include, for example, a laptop), mini-workshops and desks in this room. If the function of the bedroom is rest, relaxation and recovery, then its interior should contribute to this in every possible way.

Women's room in classic style
The classic style is too broad a concept that requires clarification. However, as well as the concept of a female bedroom. Maybe this is a small room where the wife sleeps and rests, and the husband has his own bedroom. This division is not so rare, and there is nothing surprising in that: for a close marital relationship, it is not necessary to sleep together until morning. Often, spouses have different rhythms of life, modes of the day, conditions for sleep, etc.

In this case, expensive repairs and modern design are not so fundamental for a woman - she makes a room that she will not share with anyone. Space can be ascetic, and this is also a classic.
Look, for example, how modest, but at the same time cozy and free the bedroom of the Swedish Ambassador to Belarus looks. She has several rooms in the Minsk residence, but Christina Johannenson shows by her example that even a multi-room apartment can adhere to the lagom concept.

Lagom is a Swedish philosophy in design (and not only in it), when everything unnecessary goes away, and in your house there is only what you really need.
So, the classic bedroom design involves:
- simplicity of silhouettes, lines, shapes;
- standard color solutions;
- laconic composition;
- high quality natural materials;
- the presence of furniture and a general design solution that does not lose its relevance over the years;
- the ability to easily mix adjacent styles.

If you choose this style, then it does not require radical repairs after a certain number of years... You can replace one element with another (a bed, for example), and this does not violate the overall stylistic concept.
Nowadays, such calm, quiet interiors are in vogue, which can resemble the rooms of writers of the mid-20th century, 60-70s. If there is a picture on the wall, then it is not fashionable and trendy, but beloved, meaningful. If there is a rug on the floor, then not necessarily from the latest collections, but in your favorite color and with an interesting ornament. This is what the classic style is today in a broad sense.

Bedroom for a young woman in a modern style
Most of the young women spend a lot of time at work, then “running around” on extracurricular activities, taking care of children, going to exhibitions, to the cinema, cafes with friends, etc. And now, finally, finding themselves in their bedroom, they want only one thing - relaxation and enjoyment of comfort. That's right - the brain also needs rest.
Multitasking, fast pace makes it work in a good mode, but you can't overclock this mode indefinitely, you need to rest. And if the living room is a place that is more noisy than calm, and you won't get bored in the kitchen either, the bedroom should become an island of tranquility.

What the modern bedroom of a busy young woman might look like:
- wallpaper with large floral print: large flowers on a calm green background are a really good solution for a room that does not tolerate fuss;
- large bed with a massive soft headboard created for relaxation, deep sleep (including joint sleep);
- chest of drawers opposite the bed - a delicate white chest of drawers, combined with skirting boards and a ceiling surface, will not attract all the attention;
- tv on the wall - why not, sometimes before going to bed you want to watch a fascinating series.

But the closet in the bedroom should be discarded, if there is such an opportunity. It makes the space heavier, adds an additional function to it, and the bedroom should be freed from other practical solutions, missions.
An example of an interior for a lonely elderly woman
Women in their 60s are different: someone at this age most of all appreciates freedom, rest from the usual hustle and bustle (home-work-children), and can afford a spacious bedroom. Some women of retirement age, on the contrary, begin to feel comfortable in small, cozy rooms, where there is a place for all their favorite things.

A bedroom design option for a single age woman.
- Bed. There is no standard, at this age you buy yourself a bed that will be comfortable and aesthetically acceptable. Not all aged ladies are able to sleep on a wide bed, often women choose a more modest option and put the bed against the wall. A large bed, oddly enough, often leads to insomnia.

- Wall decoration. It all depends on the individual taste. Many ladies after 50 do not like sophistication and luxury, but simple floral motifs in a rural style. Therefore, light wallpaper in a very small flower, in conjunction with similar curtains and light simple tulle, become a frequent choice for the bedroom.

- Wardrobe / chest of drawers... The wardrobe is often taken to another room, and this is a good solution. But a chest of drawers for little things, which are often needed and should be at hand, can remain in the bedroom. If the furniture is retro, that's even good - today young people are actively looking for old Soviet furniture on various sites, restoring it and equipping their homes in this way. So, choosing furniture "from the past", you will find yourself in a trend.

- Textile. Natural materials are a priority. Colors and prints should evoke pleasant associations. But lurex, abundant fringe, lace, guipure and so on (for example, large flowers on the bedspread) - the day before yesterday.The bedroom may look smart (although this is very controversial), but it is not at all warm or cozy.

- Floor. All kinds of variations are welcome. Pay attention to the light-colored laminate with a worn effect.
As practice shows, the eyes do not get tired of this option, and minor defects on it look as if it was intended.

- Lighting... And at 30, and at 40, and in retirement, you want a cozy, warm, relaxing light in the bedroom. General light is usually used less than local light. Do not skimp on a lamp or a floor lamp for the bedroom - it often becomes a "mood organizer" with which you go to bed.

- Decor... It is good if there is a place for handicrafts in the decor of the room. A panel in the form of work using the macrame technique looks very cute and beautiful over the head of the bed. Macrame today is experiencing another boom in popularity, and this is far from an expensive hobby.

It's great if your favorite vase of flowers will often stand on your bedside table or chest of drawers.
Especially in summer, garden and wild flowers will delight, create a mood.

A beautiful bedroom is a place where there is nothing superfluous, where space and daylight reign, and things, furniture and decor only help them, and do not take away their attention. A good bedroom is always well-ventilated, there are no irritants. If you have a bedroom with a balcony, you can build a small table and a sofa (or armchair) there for drinking your morning coffee outside the kitchen.
In the warm season, you will wake up with special joy, knowing that against the backdrop of greenery and general blooming, a cup of aromatic coffee is waiting for you.

The beauty is in the little things, sometimes they are practically free the main thing is to see them and be able to bring them into your life, and into everyday life too.

Designer bedroom renovation for a young girl, see below.