Bedroom-living room: choice of furniture, options for planning and interior design

In many apartments and houses there is an acute shortage of usable space. Merging rooms often helps to solve this problem. It is important to know how to properly combine, for example, a bedroom and a living room.

A single room can appear in two ways. Or, a living room is created, combined with a bedroom (in two-room or more apartments). Or a one-room apartment turns into a studio, which is already divided into a bedroom and a living area. But in any case, you need to work carefully, carefully thinking over all the nuances. The problem is that different rooms have different functions. A calm, peaceful mood should be created in the sleeping area. In the living room, on the other hand, you should use mood-enhancing solutions. The main requirements for creating a bedroom-living room are:
- optimal conditions for sleep and rest;
- ease of passage;
- the most rational use of space.

To make one room, instead of a separate bedroom and living room, comfortable, the sleeping area is usually placed as far as possible from the entrance. However, it should not be used for passage. Often the bed is placed closer to the window. In any case, they first plan the sleeping area, and then they are taken for the guest part. Many people put opaque partitions between them - then additional lamps are used to compensate for the lack of light.

The entire space must be decorated in the same style. This is the only way to achieve real harmony. Geometric shapes, colors and materials should correspond to the general style. It is necessary to take into account the needs of each family member.Having presented in general terms the device of the bedroom-living room, you can now move on to acquaintance with its positive and negative features.
Advantages and disadvantages
The fusion of sleeping and living areas:
- will save space;
- will make the room more practical;
- will help to create an interesting interior and get away from standard solutions;
- will reduce the cost of arrangement;
- will simplify cleaning the house.

You can watch TV and take drinks from the bar without leaving your bed. The bedroom-living room is also suitable for those who are accustomed to being constantly surrounded by their household members. A separate room is ideal for children and teenagers (then they will be able to organize order for themselves without disturbing the adults). A bedroom-living room is much more pleasant than a combination of a living room and a kitchen. Extraneous odors will definitely not spread in it.

But we must also take into account the negative aspects of living rooms:
- Difficulty making personal space
- weakness of sound insulation;
- a more complex choice of furniture (what is usually used in bedrooms or living rooms may not work);
- possible problems with a mismatch in the daily routine or habits in people.

Zoning options
If, nevertheless, the decision is made to create a bedroom-living room, you need to figure out exactly how to zone the room. There are 3 main options:
- the use of dissimilar colors and textures (they are formed using plaster, varnishes and paints, wallpaper);
- creation of additional walls (mainly from drywall);
- delimitation of space with furniture.

The bedroom from the living room can be zoned with transforming furniture. Most often then she is placed on a special podium. To emphasize the living area, coffee tables surrounded by armchairs are used. A fireplace will help to make this composition more expressive. Important: when choosing specific zoning options, you should first check them on the spot.
For this, tests are carried out using laces or unnecessary boxes. So you can appreciate all the subtleties of a certain scheme. For your information: the smaller the room, the smaller the partitions should be. In the smallest rooms, in general, light curtains should be used, which can be removed during the day. Experts believe that it is easiest to zone corner rooms with windows on perpendicular walls.

In this case, they try to leave 1 opening each in the guest and sleeping areas. If the room is large (at least 18 square meters), plasterboard partitions are usually used. They are lightweight and durable, while suppressing extraneous noise quite well. When there is very little space, or for some reason it is still impossible to mount serious structures, color contrast is used for zoning. It can be set using paint, wallpaper or textured plaster.

In rooms with high ceilings, height zoning is usually used. The length and width of the room must also be taken into account. If it is small, mirrored partitions and other solutions are often used for zoning that visually increase the space. The use of textiles opens up no less wide possibilities. This is both economical and allows you to create borders with varying transparency, up to opaque to light.

As for cabinet furniture, wardrobes or racks are most often used when drawing up planning projects. Such a solution is practical (additional storage space appears and space is freed up). Deaf racks are mainly placed so that the shelves go out into the living room. It is also important to consider the geometry of the room. In square living room bedrooms, all possible ways to divide the space can be used.

In this case, the following factors are taken into account:
- using barriers 1-1.2 m high, a rigid border is created;
- furniture 0.8-1.2 m allows you to preserve visual communication;
- furniture products up to 0.8 m are not suitable for separation - they only make the space heavier.

Whatever method of zoning a square room is used, it is necessary to clearly decide what will be the main function and which will be on the sidelines. Then you need to determine what kind of furniture is minimally needed. There are difficulties when zoning long and narrow rooms. The best way to do this is to use lighting. There are two main options - neat minimalist lamps or small-sized lamps on the walls and ceilings. But other solutions can also apply:
- decorating opposite walls in various shades;
- contrast of dark and light colors;
- flooring with a fine texture (or several dissimilar carpets);
- photowall-paper.

Design methods
The design of the combined bedroom-living room includes the use of color in the interior, various finishing materials, lighting, different styles and the choice of suitable furniture.
Color solutions
When arranging bedrooms and living rooms, you need to pay attention not only to the ideas of spatial division, but also to the colors used. The specific color scheme is selected depending on:
- the size of the room;
- individual tastes;
- illumination;
- functional tasks.

In a small room, it is recommended to use a maximum of light colors in order to increase the space visually. If the area is large enough, you can use a wider color palette. - and with soft transitions, and with pronounced contrasts. It should be borne in mind that in sunlight and electric light, one color can look different. When the windows face south, even the use of cold shades is allowed. Otherwise, you need to make the interior as warm as possible.

It is also useful to take into account the properties of individual colors. The beige color scheme is versatile and fits easily into a variety of styles. Recently, gray tone is also gaining popularity. It is usually used in classic-style or loft-style living rooms. Complication of walls with texture and geometric patterns is allowed.
Blue color is traditionally attractive in design. It, like all shades of blue, is prized for its relaxing effect. Such tones in the shabby chic style look great, as well as in:
- sea;
- Mediterranean;
- east.

White works very well and is considered neutral, but it allows you to form any interiors. The mass of shades of white makes it possible to vary the filling as flexibly as possible. In the late 2010s, the use of green is also gaining popularity. It is most appropriate in an eco-friendly style. However, green paint can also be used in other stylistic directions.

Materials (edit)
The next moment after choosing a color is the selection of materials. In the living room-bedroom, the floors are usually covered with carpet. It is a soft, warm finish featuring a wide range of patterns and colors. By placing carpet on the floor, you can achieve excellent sound insulation. And the installation itself is also not too difficult. As alternatives to carpet, use:
- modular carpet tiles;
- massive board;
- piece type parquet;
- parquet board;
- cork;
- laminate;
- linoleum;
- vinyl tiles.

As for the walls of the bedroom-living room, wallpaper has been out of competition for several decades. There are many types of them, and each consumer will be able to choose the best option for himself. Almost everyone will be able to glue the wallpaper on their own. But there is also a certain difficulty - you will have to align the walls as carefully as possible. This can be expensive (a lot of leveling compounds required) and time consuming.

If traditional paper wallpapers are not very popular, then the non-woven type should be preferred. Let it be more expensive, but it sticks easily, does not harm the microclimate. More exotic options for wallpaper are cork, as well as those made on the basis of serpyanka.These are completely natural materials, in addition, they perfectly retain heat and extinguish extraneous sounds.
Painting the walls has its own advantages:
- cheapness;
- comparative simplicity (sometimes even easier than wallpapering);
- increased resistance to mechanical stress.

Oil paints are not suitable in this case. Due to their strong unpleasant odor, they can only be used in non-residential premises. It is much better to use water-based and acrylic paints. Another option for finishing a bedroom-living room is plastering. This technique is appropriate for a wide variety of styles. Another recreation area can be decorated:
- soft wall panels;
- laminate;
- cloth;
- decorative stone;
- MDF panels.

Finally, it is worth considering the materials that are used to decorate the ceiling. Whitewashing remains almost the oldest solution. Even the emergence of a number of new alternatives had almost no effect on its popularity. It is cheap, simple and hygienic to whitewash the ceiling. Besides, white color will fit into any room... Ceiling staining is slightly more expensive than whitewashing. But this solution opens up much more design possibilities. Various colors can be used, even original designs can be created. Usually the top of the room is painted with quick-drying water-based paint.

If you do not want to use these traditional design methods, it is worth considering options such as:
- stretch ceiling;
- plasterboard structures;
- rack ceilings;
- clapboard covering;
- MDF panels;
- laminate;
- polystyrene tiles.

Style orientation
But no matter how important the materials used are, the general style of the bedroom-living room is also important. In a modern style, you can significantly simplify the interior. The decor will almost not be used, so you will not have to carefully select it. Since modern interiors are built as rationally as possible, it will be possible to apply any zoning method. The main features of such a room will be laconicism and ultimate functionality.

The second most popular classic. Yes, it will be more difficult to equip a living room bedroom in this case than when choosing a modern style. But you can create a luxurious environment, use pillows, canopies, chic textiles. Important: it should be remembered that the space should not be overloaded. Be sure to leave more free space in the room.
But many experts believe that classic and modern interiors are not very suitable for combined spaces. They think it's worth choosing a loft-style design. Its indispensable features will be:
- free planning;
- maximum open areas;
- original performance;
- light brutality.

The Scandinavian style is also quite popular. The main thing is not to confuse it with outwardly close minimalism. In a Scandinavian room, a neutral white background is always used. It sets off high-quality furniture and textiles. The decor should be restrained, but the Scandinavian style does not limit people in zoning techniques.
Selection of furniture and accessories
Having decided on the style, they then proceed to the selection of the optimal furniture. An indispensable component of the living room-bedroom is a modular wall in a modern style. It performs not only the function of a rack, but also must create an unusual mood, please people with its appearance. Sometimes the rack is part of the wall. Such a solution will help save useful space. Important: if there is not enough light, you need to choose a wall with a translucent facade. It is also useful for the visual expansion of space. The actual requirement is the reliability of the furniture. Consumers can choose walls with:
- backlight elements;
- facades covered with photowall-paper;
- mirrored inserts.

A headset, no matter how it is designed, should not have too many shelving units.Attention should also be paid to the material of the furniture - MDF will definitely be better than chipboard. It is equally important to create a sleeping place. A folding sofa can be used as a classic option. But there are other ideas that will be discussed in the next section. The selection of accessories deserves a separate discussion - in the bedroom they are no less significant than furniture. Even in the most minimalistic space, there should be:
- table lamp or night light;
- Wall Clock;
- blinds or curtains.

The appearance of accessories can vary greatly. Table lamp shades, made of different materials, with different patterns, are easily adaptable to a wide variety of styles. The glass lampshade blends harmoniously with modern surroundings. If you put a fabric one, you get the perfect combination for a Provencal room. Modern accessories have a minimum of details and are simple geometrically, characterized by rigor and conciseness. In a Scandinavian-style office, you should use natural color additions. With their help, a home and family mood is created. Bright details are quite appropriate. If accessories are selected for an Art Nouveau bedroom, it is advisable to use items made of glass, stone or porcelain. Single-color accents in pastel colors are suitable for the Provence style.

It is important to use the accessories in dosage. They must be carefully combined with each other and with the decor in the room. It is undesirable to buy things just because you like them. It is better to choose a ready-made kit. Important: homemade accessories will be a good alternative to finished products.
In a combined room, it is advisable to use a ceiling light. She not only decorates it, but also allows you to emphasize the necessary details. Important: the bedside area should be illuminated with soft light. For this purpose, use:
- sconce;
- floor lamps;
- spotlights niche.

Graceful chandeliers are hung in the seating area. Separate lighting should be used for:
- niches;
- pictures;
- separate sections of the walls.

A classic multi-arm chandelier is a very good choice as a main lighting fixture. It ensures correct light diffusion. The choice of chandeliers should be made primarily in accordance with the height of the ceilings. In small rooms, simple designs are usually used. If there is enough space in the hall, you can use multi-level ceiling lights.

Professional advice
According to experts, it is not enough to carry out repairs in the house correctly. It is necessary to use other possibilities in the design of the premises. When combining a bedroom and a living room, it is appropriate to put the bed on a podium, inside which a storage system is hidden. But another solution can be applied: a bed hiding inside the podium, which will be pulled out only when necessary. Another option that allows you to effectively divide a single space into two parts is to buy an attic bed. Small models of such furniture can be put into the closet during the day. Other original design moves worth mentioning:
- use of niches;
- installation of compartment doors;
- hanging curtains instead of large partitions;
- dimming the brightness of the light.

Beautiful examples of the interior
In this version of the bedroom-living room, most of the wall is light, and the smaller part is in a multi-colored thin strip. This combination looks very elegant. A low object was used for zoning. The decoration of the space is provided by the colored cushions on the sofa. The glossy stretch ceiling will definitely please the residents. And in this room, a different approach is taken:
- attractive black and white painting on the wall;
- general black and white gamut;
- a rack for dividing a room;
- nice dark gray lamp on the bedside table.

For information on how to combine a bedroom-living room in one room, see the next video.