White wardrobes in the bedroom: varieties, choice and care

The bedroom should be filled with freshness, tenderness, clean atmosphere, which is why many people prefer to decorate the bedroom in white colors. A wardrobe is becoming an integral part of the bedroom; compartment mechanisms are especially popular. And if the owner wants the wardrobe to be made in white, then before buying it is worthwhile to provide for several nuances and take the choice with all responsibility.

The main feature of the white wardrobe is the ability to save space. It is a versatile piece of furniture that serves both practical and decorative functions. Sliding wardrobes have a convenient sliding door system, and also give the owner the opportunity to order a product according to individual sizes. The doors can be made of any material. The design takes up a minimum of space in the bedroom, and the owner can adjust the location of the shelves inside himself. And in order for the wardrobe to serve as long as possible, it is important to choose high-quality fittings.

In addition to its practical function, it also becomes a solution to several design problems. For example, a white cabinet harmonizes well with any color and can highlight other interior details, make them clearer and more expressive. In addition, white furniture is often used in small rooms, as it visually increases the space and therefore is an excellent option for a small bedroom. Such furniture can also make a dimly lit room much brighter. In addition, this piece of furniture is able to hide some defects in the walls and ceiling.

A sliding wardrobe of this color fits perfectly into almost any tone of the room, and also goes well with any textures. That's why successfully blends into a traditional or modern interior in the styles of classic, loft, minimalism, provence, art deco. With the addition of additional design elements to it, it is unlikely to look massive and clumsy. For example, you can decorate such a piece of furniture with golden or silver inserts - it will look luxurious. Many people consider white furniture a brand, but in reality, dust and streaks are noticeable on a dark surface much more clearly than on a white cover, so a white cabinet can be called practical.
The only downside might be the recklessness of a white lover. Getting too carried away with decorating a bedroom in white tones can accidentally turn a room into a hospital room. Therefore, it is important to learn how to use a white wardrobe in a properly designed dormitory.

Any sliding wardrobes may differ in their design. There are the following types.
- Built in... Typically, such a cabinet takes up almost all the space on which it is located. In fact, these are shelves and compartments closed by sliding doors. The side, top, bottom, and back boundaries are the walls, ceiling, and floor. This type of furniture allows you to use the entire usable volume to the maximum, hide communications, for example, sockets that are not quite presentable in appearance.
But it also has disadvantages. So, the built-in wardrobe cannot be moved, and in case of dismantling, the owner will have to additionally decorate the vacated space.

- Semi-built... In this case, one or more support parts are missing. For example, a wardrobe may not have a back or side wall. Such a structure is allowed to be installed in a corner along the wall, and it can also simulate a missing opening or niche in the bedroom.
This variety is also problematic to move, since the cabinet frame can be attached to the wall.

- Case... An ordinary classic cabinet that has a one-piece body - side panels, base and top bar - and is usually located along the wall. When zoning a room, for example, in a studio apartment, this design can divide the living room and bedroom area. In this case, the wardrobe will be across the wall. This option is good for its mobility, that is, it does not cause problems when moving or rearranging in the bedroom, it can be dismantled and assembled with your own hands. But it reduces the useful volume of the bedroom, in which it loses to built-in structures.
But the fact that he does not occupy the entire space (below the ceiling of the room, does not fit tightly against the wall behind him) can be attributed to his shortcomings.

- Angular... A copy that allows you to make good use of the corner of the bedroom, where it is rarely possible to place other interior items. However, this option is notable for the complexity of assembly, especially if the body is one-piece, and this will require additional costs from the master of the bedroom.

- Straight... Traditional wardrobe with a strict straight front. Its design is simple and versatile, but it is a slightly out of fashion model that does not suit every bedroom style. So, white straight wardrobes are mainly used in classic design.

- Radial... A modern stylish piece that resembles a corner structure, but its corner is rounded. The disadvantage is the high cost of the product, because complex mechanisms and non-standard facade doors are required for its manufacture.
Production is usually carried out only for individual orders.

- Modular... It is a structure consisting of several modules, united by a common style. Allows you to change the overall architecture of the set. With such a wardrobe, you can adjust the height or add additional elements to it, for example, equip it with a podium, visor, lighting.

Sliding wardrobes for the bedroom can be divided according to their purpose. They can be clothing, underwear or combined. As a rule, linen closets inside are adjacent shelves for storing linen, clothing options allow you to store things in a hung state, and the most popular and practical combined option has both clothing and linen sections.

How to choose
Choosing a white wardrobe, start first of all from the specifics of the sleeping area. So, for a small area, it is better to give preference to corner or radius structures. They will fit in one corner, leaving the opposite corner free.
You can choose a product made entirely of one material, but most people are still more inclined to buy a piece with mirrors built into the doors. This option is popular not only because of its aesthetic appearance, but also because of its practicality. So, a woman will no longer need to buy a separate large mirror, since its functions will be performed by the cabinet door. In addition, mirrored surfaces will make the room brighter and more visually voluminous.

To make the wardrobe an accent in the bedroom interior, you can diversify its design somewhat. For example, order a product with matte or plexiglass inserts - this element will ennoble a plain wardrobe and make it more interesting from a design point of view.
The white wardrobe can also be made in different colors. It can be a snow-white structure or furniture with a milky or creamy tint. An unusual technique for many modern styles is bright illustrations on a white background, for example, a black and white version, a white cabinet with bright photo printing, gentle pastel abstractions on a light surface. The texture may also vary. For example, gloss will make a room fresher and more vibrant, while a matte finish will add austerity and elegance to the bedroom.
The choice of material is determined by the financial means at the disposal of the buyer. Most often, MDF, wood base, veneer, chipboard are used for the manufacture of a wardrobe.

A sliding wardrobe in white is a great option for lazy housewives. Dust is hardly noticeable on it, stains left after wet cleaning do not shine in the sun. However, you cannot do without cleaning at all, and this must be done with some degree of accuracy. For example, a solid wood specimen can be easily damaged by using the wrong cleaning agent. Therefore, you should find out with what means you can wipe doors, walls and other furniture elements, and then use only them when caring for wood. Light grooming should be done 2-3 times a week. Once a month, it is allowed to use professional cleaning varnishes and aerosols, but do not overdo it with the amount, otherwise these products may leave stains on the coating.

If greasy spots appear on the doors, then in order to avoid the negative effect of aggressive chemistry on the surface, you can turn to folk remedies. For example, toothpaste can help remove stains on a white coating. And also cut onions copes with unwanted marks on a snow-white background.
Avoid solvent-based detergents - after their application, streaks or streaks may remain on the surface. Do not clean the glossy finish with wax polishes, but rather use a microfiber cloth and regular soap. After damp cleaning, always wipe the cabinet surface dry. If the sliding wardrobe has mirrored doors, then take care of them with a waffle towel and a special glass cleaner.
For an overview of the white wardrobe, see the video below.