Bedroom furniture: types, styles and choices

The conversation about the design of bedrooms often concerns wallpaper and lamps, the general color scheme and design concept. But all this will be almost useless if the furniture is not chosen correctly. Therefore, you also need to deal with it very carefully and thoughtfully.

First of all, it is worth talking about modular systems. They are much more compact than conventional case ones. Now it is no longer the manufacturer, but the consumer who will decide how to look this or that headset or a separate part of it. The indispensable characteristics of modular furniture are:
- convenience;
- high functionality;
- outer beauty.

As you might guess from the name itself, prefabricated furniture is assembled from separate blocks. Thanks to this, it is possible in the shortest possible time to equip the space in the dwelling strictly according to your taste.
To make it clearer, it is worth pointing out that sets of bedside tables belong to the modular category. After dismantling the wheels, you can quickly turn them into a cabinet, a set of shelves and other household items. Such a solution will definitely suit the owners of small-sized housing, especially those who love redevelopment and design experiments.
In addition, the advantages of modular kits are:
- expanded assortment anywhere in the country;
- the ability to flexibly vary the view, moving away from a boring solution;
- the ability to supplement the kit with new components or remove existing ones (when moving to a larger or smaller apartment, respectively);
- the ability to follow fashion with minimal additional costs.

Cabinet furniture is a broader concept than modular. It is based on boxes assembled from vertical and horizontal parts. There are many geometric shapes that such products can have. In addition to modular furniture, cabinet systems include furniture sets and custom-made products. Typefaces are compiled strictly in a specific form, corresponding to the manufacturer's concept.
A large number of companies develop detailed three-dimensional models, where the layout of the premises is first transferred. On such a virtual layout, you can easily test a variety of design solutions. If modular furniture is unacceptable for some reason, you can save space by using built-in kits and products.
Their main feature is the absence of a back wall. In some cases, there are not even side edges.

Tight placement (as close to the wall as possible) optimizes space utilization. Very little space is left unoccupied for one purpose or another. In addition, built-in furniture often has an atypical configuration. This allows it to be combined with unusual looking rooms. And the stability of the "built-in" is clearly higher than that of a conventional headset.
Built-in wardrobes are divided into 3 main groups:
- wall cabinet;
- partition cabinet;
- wardrobe space.

Upholstered furniture becomes an equally important accessory in many cases. Even more, the bedroom where there is no such furniture is bad! Many do not notice her presence, she is so familiar and ordinary. But as soon as the upholstered furniture disappears or deteriorates, many problems immediately arise. This group includes all items that allow you to sit or lie comfortably.
The components of upholstered furniture are:
- the soft part itself;
- facing coating;
- a mechanism that transforms a seated piece of furniture into a sleeping area as needed.
There is upholstered furniture in almost all colors. However, it is inappropriate to use overly saturated tones. They will only disturb and interfere with calm down.
The fabric upholstery is cleaned with household chemicals, washed or simply replaced. This allows you to refresh the appearance of the product.

Popular types
The combined transformer format also deserves attention. This is another type of fixture that is designed to maximize space savings. It is used even in the most developed and advanced countries of the world. In the same Japan, Great Britain and other whales of the world economy, millions of people live in small-sized dwellings. It is not surprising that such an original way to mitigate the problem was developed there.
A classic and even textbook example is a sofa bed. In the daytime, this is a sofa, and with the onset of darkness, a full-size sleeping place appears. But converting a bed into a wardrobe or chest of drawers is somewhat more complicated in technical terms. Products with a lifting mechanism easily fit the platform into a special vertical case. As a result, space is freed up for home activities.

There are many other transforming structures. They are actively sold in any furniture store, and are also made to order. The most advanced designers in different countries are working on such things. But you can save space without transforming or built-in furniture. Corner options also come to the aid of people.
Corner furniture can be cabinet, soft and modular at the same time. It allows you to mask uneven wall joints and other defects that so often appear in these places. Many options are designed for maximum filling with useful items. The design is especially reliable.
But corner furniture is expensive, as it has a number of original details and design solutions.

Combined devices contain not only sliding mechanisms and heterogeneous distribution systems. Shelves and racks are used as additions. Solutions of this kind are great when the room is irregular or very small. Hanging furniture is sometimes used as an alternative. This type of bed is fun and original.

The vast majority are made of wood, although models can be found in lighter materials. The use of sturdy chains or ropes can help make the interior more original. Sometimes the space under the bottom is used to store various items.
While hanging furniture is less popular than traditional options, it makes up a significant segment of the furniture market.

Radial furniture is often used in custom-furnished rooms. This is a great way to personalize your environment at no significant cost. An additional plus is the rejection of sharp corners. They are not only unpleasant to look at, but can also cause injury. The facade of radius furniture can have the most intricate outlines - often there are even convex and concave options.

Built-in options
Using compact built-in pieces of furniture is beneficial not only because of the space savings. With their help, you can create a set that is convenient for yourself. All types of built-in kits are divided into stationary and transformable. In any case, you need to check that different items are clearly consistent with each other. Usually they put in the bedrooms:
- cabinets;
- beds;
- bedside tables;
- dressers.

For transformation, use folding or swing-out mechanisms. In the first case, the bed takes a horizontal position due to gas springs. The fold-down legs serve as a support. In the swing-out scheme, pivoting hinges are also added to the mentioned options. This solution, despite the increased technical complexity, simplifies operation. However, the more complex the design, the more moving parts in the device, the more capricious it is, and the higher the risk of breakage.
Sofa beds used in small apartments or rooms in small houses belong to one of three groups:
- folding - the so-called books;
- expandable - accordions;
- with extension - European books or Eurobooks.

In the first case, the back is lowered to the level of the seat, which allows you to create a horizontal couch. In the second, the berth is created by manipulating the seat and back. And the retractable structures are made so that the bottom goes forward. This frees up space for lowering the backrest.
Sometimes the space is also used as a cache for storing money, so as not to keep it in plain sight for all guests.

Manufacturing materials
Whatever internal schemes are used, the materials used to create the main parts of the furniture are also very important. Wooden lacquered objects look perfect almost everywhere. Natural wood has been, is and will be out of competition in the manufacture of furniture. This is solid material with an indestructible reputation. In terms of the sum of its characteristics, it far surpasses all newfangled solutions.
Chipboard with veneer coating is considered a pretty good choice. It is this solution that has become very popular among manufacturers and consumers of cabinet furniture. The demand for such structures is associated with:
- affordable cost;
- excellent fortress;
- attractive performance parameters;
- wide design possibilities.

But there is an even more practical option than veneered chipboard - MDF furniture. In terms of its technical characteristics, it differs little from the previous one. However, MDF looks more attractive and impressive. And the best material in terms of practical properties is natural solid wood.
Most often, oak, pine, beech, birch, alder are used to create it. The combination of natural composition and excellent consumer properties fully justifies the increased price. For a significant number of buyers, solid wood furniture is inaccessible. However, the more prestigious real wood furniture sets, beds or tables look.
As for the exotic options supplied from hot foreign countries, they are even more expensive than the sturdiest oak.

Quite often, furniture is made from rattan. The trunks of this plant are distinguished by a smooth and even structure. Rattan is lighter and more elastic than pine, birch, oak and other types of wood traditional for the Russian furniture industry. But, despite these properties, it is very reliable and serves for a long time. There is no doubt, of course, about the environmental parameters of finished products.
Interior items made from rattan can keep you cool in summer. This is very useful for summer cottages. And for apartments, houses in the southern regions of the country, they will also be very useful. Wicker furniture maintenance is simple. It will only be necessary to remove all dirt and dust particles with a soft cloth or a dry brush with a coarse bristle.

Color spectrum
Glossy furniture has only one drawback - a relatively high price. But this is just the case when quality is worth paying for. Glossy surfaces perfectly reflect all light rays. Therefore, you do not have to fear that the bedroom will be too dull and gloomy. Another plus of using lacquered objects in the interior is the visual expansion of the boundaries in the room.
The choice of a particular color depends largely on personal preference. Many people make original experiments with bright colors and their combinations.
It is helpful to consider the basic effects of any tone here.

The orange color makes the room brighter, and the popular belief about its disturbing properties is exaggerated. You just need to choose not the most saturated shades of this color, but pastel tones.
For example, apricot color will do. Yellow tones can look quite interesting. The main requirement will be the limited use of such paints. Over-saturation of the bedroom with yellow can be unpleasant. The white bedroom is an impeccably classic solution.

Style solutions
A variety of design solutions can be used in a modern style. But still, any furniture of this type is united by several main positions:
- practicality and convenience at the same time;
- compliance with the most promising design trends;
- using a variety of colors and a wide range of construction and upholstery materials.
In a modern room, not only interior details are certainly combined, but also decoration, textile accessories, decorative additions. Therefore, even the smallest detail must strictly coincide with the general concept.
As a result, contemporary style furniture does not, in fact, take any special liberties. Even in the case when, in the eyes of an inexperienced person, this is exactly the case.

Within the framework of the classics, a different approach is characteristic - the external splendor of each object becomes mandatory. Another important feature is the presence of stylistic references to old-fashioned design trends. It should seem that the room is as if transferred from the Baroque or even Rococo era. Classic furniture is characterized by:
- smooth outlines;
- an abundance of auxiliary decor;
- the predominance of pastel colors;
- the use of valuable types of wood (or their particularly high-quality imitations).

Classical headsets, and even separate tables, take up a lot of space. Therefore, in a shallow room, they are unlikely to be pleasant. But where there is enough space and light, it will be possible to reveal all their indisputable advantages. If a modern approach to the interior is chosen, you need to achieve:
- explicit and accentuated practicality;
- strict functionality;
- straight, sharp (but not "chopped" rough) lines;
- symmetry of individual features;
- predominance of dark brown, white and black colors;
- emphasizing the functional features of the furniture with accent items.

Top manufacturers
Romanian furniture has long held an excellent position in the world market. So, 4 factories of the concern Mobex they actively use raw materials from the surrounding forests. The brands Simex, Nord Simex, Prokess also deserve attention. Relatively cheap Russian-made furniture includes products concern "Shatura".
The quality of his products is confirmed by at least a number of awards at international competitions.
In the production process, modern German equipment is used. In the segment of upholstered furniture, excellent positions are held by Moscow firm Anderssen... It has been in business since 2000 and has established excellent quality control.
Also in Russia there are such brands as:
- "TriYa";
- "Lapis lazuli";
- "Silvia";
- "Katyusha" (aka "Dyatkovo");
- Askona;
- Ryton;
- "Borovichi-Furniture"

Lovers of Belarusian products can be recommended products "Pinskdrev"... France has a very strong position has Collinet Sieges. Nancelle, Ehalt Prestige, they do not make furniture of inferior quality. It boasts elegant 18th century pieces Swedish K. A. Roos.
Decent furniture is also made in other countries, an example of which is the product:
- LandBond;
- Red Apple;
- Bellona;
- Istikbal;
- "Slonim factory of upholstered furniture";
- "Gomeldreva".

Selection recommendations
The choice of high-quality bedroom furniture should imply the answer to the most important question: do you need ready-made kits or do you need to make products to order according to individual sizes. It should be further pointed out that online ordering of finished products rarely meets expectations. It is better to inspect the furniture yourself before buying and check for all kinds of flaws. Important: modular elements are sometimes made of materials that are too cheap, and the slightest damage ends up in their rapid destruction. That is why even seemingly insignificant deformations are unacceptable.
It is worth remembering that a set is not a set. Yes, the items included in the kit will be visually consistent with each other. However, one should also consider whether a particular thing is needed in the house or not.
Sometimes it is more expedient to order a set according to the project for a room. Regardless of this, you should abandon furniture covered with film.

Whatever the advertisement says, furniture is easily damaged, and it will be impossible to eliminate defects. All enclosed products must be supplied with a quality certificate. When choosing fashionable designer pieces of furniture, including beds with a soft headboard, one should not forget about personal tastes and preferences. After all, fashion will pass, and guests and acquaintances will also not be at home all the time, and it will take a lot of time to use things. It is useful to take into account a few more nuances.
Determine immediately the budget that will be spent on the purchase. This will automatically cut off any unsuitable options. It is also recommended to draw a plan of the room by hand and mark on it what will stand where. Of course, in the same way you should decide on the general design concept so that nothing is knocked out of it. And the last subtlety - furniture care should be as simple and easy as possible.

Location rules
Once the furniture has been selected, it still needs to be properly positioned in the bedroom. The main place is always occupied by the bed. Everything else turns out to be only an addition to it. Round beds are recommended in larger rooms. Having determined the size of the bed and its properties, it will be possible to think over the planning solution.
To avoid mistakes, you need to draw detailed diagrams on paper or use special computer programs.
The second option allows you to work out an optimal solution and visualize the space more clearly.

The gaps between objects in the room should allow people to pass freely.The approach to the bed from both sides should be at least 0.7 m.
You also need to pay attention to:
- placement of windows and doors;
- full access to sunlight;
- visual harmony and unity of composition.

Successful examples in the interior
The photo shows a composition where only natural furniture is used. Light wood with an original pattern looks very good. Such items are quite logical in a bright bedroom.

And here you can see what furniture looks like in an old-fashioned interior associated with the Baroque era. Carved elements, gilding and a noble dark tone of wood immediately adjust to the desired mood.

Here is another design option for a bright bedroom. The light yellow surface of the long cabinet is divided into a series of smaller compartments. Each compartment is opened by a separate metal door. The bed and bedside tables are made of lighter wood than the wardrobe.

But this is a beautiful solution, where the bed is several shades darker than the surrounding bedside tables.

There is also an excellent example of zoning a bedroom with an office. On the right, there is a sleeping space consisting of a bed and low bedside tables. On the left there is a computer table, a sofa, and a wardrobe. There is another closet around the main white sofa, which is housed in an alcove. Despite the abundance of dark tones, the room will not be overly gloomy.

Tips for arranging furniture in the bedroom in the next video.