Wallpaper "graffiti" in a teenager's room

In the children's room, wallpaper of pink and blue shades has already become a cliché, so many parents often puzzle over the design of a teenager's bedroom. During the design, many factors must be taken into account, such as the overall design of the room, the appropriate color and pattern, as well as not forgetting the child's preferences. The new designer photowall-paper in the style of "graffiti" will help you to easily solve the problem - a teenager will definitely like this choice, and the variety of styles will allow you to choose a drawing suitable for the interior.

Wallpaper with a pattern in the style of "graffiti" helps to solve many interior problems, thanks to the peculiarities of the patterns. Vivid images perfectly set accents in the room and divide the space into different zones. Artificial street art on the walls nicely complements the interior, allowing you to reduce the clutter of decorative elements.

In order to choose a good version of the photo wallpaper for a teenager's room, you need to familiarize yourself with the varieties of drawings on them. We propose to consider four main types of graffiti wallpaper.
- Subject. Such products are created in the form of three-dimensional paintings that occupy the entire wall. On object photo wallpapers, separate independent pictures are depicted, sustained in a certain style. For a teenager, illustrations with modern superheroes, anime characters or cartoons are most often chosen.

- Panoramic. Wallpaper with a panoramic image occupies all the walls of the room and allows you to visually enlarge the room. Large-scale paintings on such wallpapers usually illustrate large, modern cities with a huge amount of small architectural details.

The drawing creates the illusion that you are in a skyscraper and observe the metropolis through the window from a bird's eye view.
- Background pictures. Classic photomurals in the style of "graffiti", they represent the most real street art. Most often these are bright, large pictures made on a solid, dim or dark background. Stylized words, graphic-style faces, and abstract sweeping patterns can be used as pictures.

- Realistic. Recently popular realistic graffiti people began to place in their apartment - such pictures seem to transfer the sleeping person to another place. The depth and layering of the plot images create a 3D effect that instantly transports a teenager from a cramped room to a noisy metropolis street or a quiet forest.

Ideas for boys
The variety of graffiti-style wallpaper designs allows you to choose any pattern for a teenage boy - from a football theme to popular movie characters. However, there is one important clarification - you can place bright wallpapers in the apartment, but in the children's room it is better to withstand the picture in pastel colors or place the drawing so that the child does not see it before bedtime.
We offer to consider a list of interesting ideas for photo wallpaper "graffiti", suitable for a teenager's room.
- Music. Each person has their own preferences in music and even, perhaps, there is an idol, so wallpaper with your favorite artist in the graffiti style is a great option for a young man's bedroom. The performer or a group can act as the main compositional element, and additional details in the form of musical instruments, lines from songs and notes will be an excellent decoration for the rest of the walls of the room.

- Sport. Many boys enjoy different sports such as football, hockey or tennis. Decorating a room with a picture of a hockey player or the emblem of your favorite football team will be a real gift for a sports fan.

Images like this look great in a sporty setting, especially if the room has horizontal bars or a basketball hoop.
- Comics. Superheroes are at the peak of their popularity right now, and your child will surely like the comic book wallpaper if he is a fan of them. Such wallpapers are usually decorated not only with epic drawings of heroes, but also with images of villains, phrases in a typical style and even comic pages.

- Filling. An interesting solution for the bedroom of freedom-loving young men is to fill the wall with a mass of graffiti, as much as possible reminiscent of real street art. Dim illustrations that take up the entire area of the walls allow you to divide the room into different sectors - for this you need to use your own color for each separate zone.

- Capacious picture. The most laconic and at the same time philosophical and profound image. In most cases, this is a black, monochromatic drawing that carries an interesting connotation and makes you think.

Design for girls
In most cases, girls love images with cartoon or anime characters, music performers or just cute animals stylized as street art. However, teenage girls are different, so the dark walls in the girl's room are no longer a curiosity.
We propose to consider several ideas for the design of wallpaper in the style of "graffiti" in the girl's room.
- Classic graffiti. Street art background pictures will perfectly decorate the children's room and help to create stylistic accents. Graffiti is not attached to the floor, so it can be the same in a boy's bedroom and a girl's bedroom. The difference may lie only in the preference for the color palette of individual elements of the picture.

- Freedom. Everyone loves freedom, travel and adventure, so travel accessories can be chosen to decorate the room.Pictures with suitcases, tents, sneakers and backpacks will look great in the room of a tourism lover.

- Nature. Natural elements always look beautiful in the interior, including those made in the "graffiti" style.
The magic forest depicted on the walls of the room will help to achieve peace of mind and calmly do important things or hobbies.

- Animals. Stylized animals can be not only cute, but also intelligent or cocky. A variety of options will allow every young lover of fauna to choose a drawing.