How to decorate a chandelier?

At first glance, it may seem that the chandelier is intended only for indoor lighting. But almost any lighting device has a secondary and no less important function - to make the interior more comfortable, unusual and even festive. Now you can buy a chandelier for almost every taste. But if you want something unusual, you can decorate the plafond with your own hands. There are many different ideas and options. In addition, with the help of decor, old products can be restored quite well.

Everyday decoration
It's no secret that lighting fixtures differ from each other in appearance. That is why a separate decor option is suitable for each category. The easiest way to decorate lighting fixtures equipped with shades.

To update the appearance, the shade can simply be painted. But first you need to prepare it:
- separate from the general structure;
- wash or clean with a brush;
- dry.
Now you can proceed to the staining process. For this purpose, it is best to purchase a special glass paint. It is most convenient to apply paint from a spray can. The paint must be applied to the surface of the plafond from a distance of 20-30 cm. After the first coat is applied, the paint must be allowed to dry well and a second coat must be applied. It is possible that a third will be required (it all depends on the chosen color and the state of the plafond). At the final stage, the plafond must be covered with a layer of varnish.

You can do without the use of paint. So, to create a decor, you need some kind of picture, for example, a flower. It must be glued to the shade and fixed with varnish. It will turn out to be very unusual and original.

The plafond can be decorated with interesting objects.Not a bad option when small pebbles and shells brought from the sea are used as decoration. To create a decor from tools, you only need a glue gun with rods. Of course, you should prepare the decorative elements themselves: all shells and pebbles must be clean and dry.
Using a glue gun, the decor must be glued to the surface. There are two original options:
- pebbles and shells can be arranged in a chaotic manner over the entire surface of the plafond;
- you can glue them on the top or bottom edge.
It is noteworthy that this decor option will be relevant for both hard and textile surfaces.

If you have to decorate the ceiling from the children's room, then it can be decorated with homemade figures cut out of colored double-sided cardboard. For girls, butterflies are suitable, and cars for boys. They need to be cut out on your own according to the prepared sketch, and then glued to the surface of the lamp with a glue gun.

LED and ordinary chandeliers can be used as an object for decoration. In this case, a good option would be to use beads made of beads, glass, stones. The base of the chandelier can be decorated by wrapping it with colored ribbons or ordinary twine.

If initially the chandelier has all kinds of hanging elements, they can be removed and replaced with homemade ones. So, you can decorate the chandelier with bells on ropes, hanging lanterns.
Decorative elements that tend to glow in the dark will look good.

Ideas for the holidays
The decor of chandeliers and lamps can be not only permanent, but also temporary. The last option is performed on the occasion of a holiday. So, on the eve of the New Year and Christmas, you can make a decoration from:
- spruce branches;
- Christmas tree decorations;
- tinsel;
- snowflakes cut from white or colored paper.
The New Year's decor of the plafond most often consists of themed stickers: Christmas trees, figurines, snowflakes and much more.

On March 8, the chandelier can be decorated with flowers. It will turn out to be very unusual and beautiful. However, such a decoration will not last long, since the flowers will wither. You can also wind beaded ribbons around the shade.

To celebrate your birthday, you can decorate the ceiling chandelier with balloons. There is an option to make emoticons out of cardboard. To create them you will need:
- yellow cardboard;
- a compass or some object with a circle, for example, a bank;
- black marker;
- awl;
- threads.
On yellow cardboard, using a compass or a jar, you need to draw the required number of circles, then cut out, draw emoticons. Use an awl to make holes in the upper part of each smiley and thread the required length through them. Now these emojis can be hung from the chandelier.

Beautiful examples
The unusual decor of the textile lamp is shown in Figure 1. This is exactly the case when the surface was decorated with small seashells. Figures 2 and 3 show illustrative examples using ordinary twine. Very original and inexpensive.

For the holiday on March 8, the plafond can be decorated with fresh flowers. A very beautiful example is shown in Figure 4. Despite the fact that such a decoration is not durable, it will still create a festive atmosphere.

For the New Year, it is recommended to decorate the chandelier with traditional attributes. A good example of fir branches and balls is shown in Figure 5. You can also use paper cut snowflakes. An example is shown in Figure 6. It all depends on individual preferences.