The ceiling in the bedroom: varieties and interesting design ideas

A bedroom is not only a sleeping room, but also an intimate place for two where you can retire. In order to create the appropriate atmosphere, all the details should be provided for in the design, especially for the design of the ceiling. It should be in harmony with the flooring, walls and furniture.

The bedroom should be comfortable and cozy, therefore, when choosing a ceiling for it, you need to follow not fashion trends, but personal preferences. The ceiling in the bedroom is considered one of the main design elements., therefore, it should fit well into the overall interior and calm home owners after a hard day. It comes in a variety of shapes, finishes and colors. Depending on the style, both tension and simple / complex plasterboard structures can be installed in the room.
The main feature of the ceilings in the bedroom is that their design must be carefully thought out before the start of the renovation. This will allow them to blend perfectly with the walls and floor.

Materials (edit)
Today the ceilings in the bedroom are made from various materials that differ in environmental friendliness, appearance and price. In this case, it is best to choose a decorative finish that has high strength and sound insulation. Many owners of apartments (houses) hem the ceiling in the bedroom with drywall sheets, as it is economical and practical.

In addition, this building material has many advantages:
- allows you to create a flat surface (hides all the flaws of the repair), which can then be decorated with other materials;
- various communication systems can be laid through drywall, for example, electricity;
- is an environmentally friendly material that provides good sound insulation in rooms;
- opens up wide possibilities for choosing a design, so multi-level designs look good in bedrooms.

As for the disadvantages of drywall, they include the fact that when sheathing surfaces, this material reduces the overall height of the room.
In addition, when flooded by neighbors from above, the structure will lose its appearance, so it will have to be updated.

No less popular in modern bedroom design are PVC or fabric stretch ceilings. They can be used to cover the entire surface, or create separate inserts, having previously installed a drywall structure. Now in fashion canvases with three-dimensional patterns, the surface of which can be matte or glossy. Dullness gives the room coziness and warmth, and glossy canvases allow you to visually increase the space of small bedrooms.

The main advantages of tension structures include:
- fire resistance - the material is produced in accordance with all fire safety requirements;
- when flooding from the upper floors, the film will not let water through;
- a huge selection of designs - on sale there are canvases of various colors and textures (monochromatic, with drawings and photo printing details);
- the surface of such ceilings is easy to clean with a soapy solution.

There are few disadvantages of tensioning structures:
- the surface of the base is not resistant to mechanical damage, so it can be easily scratched;
- to install such structures, special tools and skills are required, so installation is difficult for novice masters;
- not suitable for bedrooms where the ceiling height is less than 3 m - this is due to the fact that the installation takes about 15 cm in height, as a result of which the room can be very low.

Despite the presence of a huge selection of building materials, many continue to paint or wallpaper the ceilings in the bedroom. To finish the surface in this case, it needs careful preparation, since painting requires a perfectly flat base. Wallpaper also needs to be glued to the pre-aligned ceiling. Painting, as a rule, is used in a modern style, it is carried out by choosing contrasting options, for example, combining blue and white colors.
The pluses of painting include the ease of execution and cost-effectiveness, the minuses - the surface must be well leveled before finishing.

Wallpapering the ceiling also has advantages:
- thick wallpaper can hide all the flaws of the base;
- well suited for ceilings with many curves.

The disadvantages of wallpapering include the fact that the work must be done using high-quality glue, and it is expensive.
If you use the usual types, then the canvases will begin to peel off over time. In addition, with partial flooding or roof leaks, such ceilings will quickly lose their attractive appearance.

Plastic panels are also widely used in decoration. Of course, this is not the best option for a bedroom, since the material cannot be considered safe for human health. Moreover, the popularity of such panels is due to their affordable price. If there is a financial opportunity, then it is better to install a rack or wooden ceiling in the sleeping room.
Structures made of MDF also look good, they are characterized by environmental friendliness and high quality.

Variety of designs
The ceiling in the bedroom is considered a special surface, with the design of which you cannot experiment. To make it stylish and harmoniously fit into the overall look of the room, it is recommended to mount a variety of designs, taking into account a number of parameters.
- The size of the room and the height of the ceilings. The design of the structure and the choice of materials for its design directly depend on these indicators. So, in small bedrooms it is best to install single-level false ceilings. They will look beautiful and take up less space.
- Lighting level. For dark rooms, it is recommended to choose airy and light designs. If a two-tiered ceiling is installed, then additional lighting from LED strips should be placed in it.
- Ceiling shape. Typically, apartments and houses have typical square or rectangular ceilings, but if the bedroom is located on the attic floor, then the beveled option would be the right choice.
- Besides, the type of construction depends on what kind of finishing material is planned to be used... Experts recommend installing a two-level stretch ceiling in the bedroom, which will become an unusual design solution. Such structures are created in two stages: first, sheets of drywall are attached, having a stepped, curved or straight shape, then each level is finished.

Types of textures
A huge role in the choice of the ceiling in the bedroom is played by the type of its texture. Currently, there is a huge variety of them.
- Glossy. Able to reflect light and visually expand the space of the room. Glossy ceilings are perfect for small, low rooms.
- Semi-glossy. Differs in a kind of metallic luster or pearlescent tint. A ceiling with this surface reflects less light than gloss. When illuminated, you can notice the characteristic graininess. Semi-gloss canvases are usually chosen for high-tech bedrooms.
- Matt. It has a slight roughness; outwardly, such ceilings resemble a classic whitewash. Without the effect of light reflection, such ceilings are able to muffle unnecessary glare and bright colors, filling the bedroom with homeliness.
- Satin. It is an unusual combination of gloss with a matte surface. Such a ceiling looks interesting and visually makes the base perfectly flat. It reflects light well without creating glare or reflections. In daylight, satin fabric looks like a natural fabric, and in artificial light it takes on the appearance of gloss.

In addition, it is possible to install a mirrored ceiling in the bedrooms.
The mirror in the interior allows you to play with the space, visually expanding the boundaries and filling the room with light.
But the mysterious atmosphere created in this way will not promote good sleep. Mirrored ceilings are most often installed in bathrooms, but in bedrooms they can be used to decorate individual areas.

Design options
The ceilings in the bedroom should be the most beautiful and consistent with the general style, while some people like to relax in light rooms, others in dark ones, and others prefer bright colors. The color of this design must be selected depending on the size of the room, since light shades can expand the space, and dark ones, on the contrary, narrow it.
The modern decor also provides for the use of exclusive and original patterned ceilings; painting also looks good.

A dark bedroom can be decorated with multi-level colored ceilings without patterns, but in this case it is necessary to install several luminaires. You can also emphasize the beauty of the design with the help of LED strips. Ideas for decorating the interior of this room can be different, for example, many people make a star ceiling or place canvases with personal photographs. If you need to design an unusual interior, it is recommended to make a multi-level ceiling and place a TV in one of its tiers.

How to choose?
Before deciding on the type of ceiling in the bedroom, you should consider such points as the lighting, the material used and the size of the room.Before starting finishing work, it is necessary to calculate the height of the room, based on this, it will be possible to choose the installation of a tension or two-level canvas.
If the height of the room is less than 2.5 m, then it is better to make a classic ceiling, decorating it with wallpaper or covering it with paint.

In the event that the ceiling is low and the windows of the room face the north side, simple designs should be chosen, giving preference to light shades. For example, it can be a stretch glossy option. Besides, you can make the room taller and brighter with mirrored ceilings... As for the shades, they should be selected in accordance with the general color palette in the room.

Interesting examples
Today there are many options for decorating ceilings in the bedroom, each of which is characterized by its own design. Naturalness is in vogue this year, so for the bedroom it is best to choose a classic style with a glossy beige ceiling. It will promote peace and tranquility, and will also allow you to play a little with flowers in the decoration of walls, flooring and furniture. In this case, the walls can be pasted over with light wallpaper.
If you install a beige ceiling with a pattern, then it should find its repetition in the room's textiles, furniture upholstery and wall decoration.

An interesting option for the bedroom will be a floating structure with an unusual night light, it will fill the room with a romantic atmosphere. If the bedroom is small, then side lighting should be provided in it. In such a design, bright colors should be avoided, it is advisable to decorate the walls in pastel colors, and hang light openwork curtains on the windows. It is undesirable to fill the room with unnecessary decor - it should be "weightless".

For large bedrooms, it is good to choose multi-level structures consisting of three or more planes.
If notes of the classic style prevail in the room, then it is advisable to choose white matte canvases for the ceiling, satin ceilings in cold shades (milk, ivory, ecru) will also look great. Light ceilings should be in harmony with the walls and flooring. If the decoration of the bedroom contains various patterns and ornaments, then original drawings with a theme corresponding to the style can be applied to the white canvases. Decor elements such as paintings, framed personal photographs, indoor flowers and small figurines will become the main accent in the bedroom.

A gorgeous view will give the bedroom and a two-level mirrored ceiling. It looks sophisticated and reflects light well. The mirror sheet can be either installed over the entire surface, or made at certain insertion points. You can get an unusual effect with a wide color palette. Mirror shine is ideally combined with delicate pastel shades.
In order for the ceiling to fit into the overall look, you should provide wall decoration and pay attention to the choice of curtains.

For tips on how best to decorate the ceiling in your home, see the video below.