How to choose the color of the curtains for the bedroom?

The color of the curtains in such an important room in an apartment or house as a bedroom is of paramount importance. Therefore, when equipping a living space, it is worth taking into account the rules for the selection of products, as well as the main nuances that can be influenced by the color palette of curtains on the windows.

General selection rules
Curtains, namely their color, play a decisive role in the interior of the room, since it is from these products that the design of the bedroom can look complete. Mistakes made in the process of choosing color combinations can result not only in the low attractiveness of the products themselves, but also cause an oppressive atmosphere in the bedroom or a lack of harmony in the design.

It will be possible to choose curtains for the bedroom based on personal taste preferences. However, in addition to taking into account some general recommendations, you can be sure of the correctness of your decision.
- To choose products for decorating one window opening or several, you should pay attention to the color of the wallpaper and furniture set. In this case, there are several selection options - tonal, when the curtains will be darker or lighter, but made in the same color, or they will be an additional color accent, acting as a contrasting object in the whole concept.
- It is worthwhile to be especially careful when combining multi-colored, plain or patterned surfaces and textiles in the bedroom. So, a simple one-color interior can be supplemented with curtains with an eye-catching pattern.And vice versa, if the wallpaper canvases contain abstraction, a complex pattern, then, adhering to the rules of moderation, it is better to decorate the window openings with monochromatic products.
- The most correct decision in the process of acquiring curtains that match in color will be taking into account the design direction in which the entire bedroom interior will be maintained. So, for example, for the classics, too flashy scarlet curtains are unlikely to be appropriate.
- Based on the fact that upholstered furniture in the bedroom is changed less often, you can stick to the same palette when choosing the color of the curtains, which will allow the canvases on the windows to remain relevant in the interior for quite a long time.
- You can buy curtains in the color of your largest bedroom object.
- Neutral shades are the easiest to choose for any interior, and they never go out of style.
- If the goal is to focus on the curtains in the room, then they should be of a bright color, then the rest of the decoration will fade into the background. In order for the combination of canvases on the windows to be harmonious for the lush interiors of the bedroom, it is better to take the curtains in a calm monochromatic palette.
- For window openings facing south, east or southeast, which are considered the sunny side, it is not necessary to consider light curtains. As for the northern windows, it is worth choosing products from a light palette for them.
- Today, a fashionable solution when choosing the color palette of curtains will be taking into account the eastern practice of feng shui, thanks to which it will be possible to understand the energy of each color.

Neutral shades
Calm tones are most often represented by light colors and variations. They bring a peaceful touch to the atmosphere, make the room cozy and the atmosphere homey. In the light of minimal design experience, a win-win option would be to purchase curtains in the following colors:
- muted sandy shades;
- apricot;
- cream.

Such curtains will not burden the interior with themselves, in addition, they will perfectly fit into almost any design idea.
Neutral shades can be thinned with a complementary color. For example, a blue or pink lambrequin. For multi-colored interiors, you can choose one of the options for calm shades, and it is in this option that you buy curtains for windows.

Choosing the color of the walls and interior
Another common option for choosing curtains for a room is the choice of products for decorating windows in the color of the wallpaper and the overall design of the room. This applies to existing textiles, decorative pillows and other products. Also the color of the curtains can blend in with a canopy over the bed, bedside rugs and similar accessories.

Curtains do not have to be exactly the same color as the wallpaper or paint on the walls. Products can be made in the same color, but in a lighter or darker tone, repeat the ornament along the edge or in the center, imitate the texture.

You can also stick to a specific color scheme that dominates the design of the room.
However, many designers are still of the opinion that the color of the curtains is ideal for the color of the walls, if it differs by 2-3 tones in either direction, based on the location of window openings or other individual nuances. Monochromia in the combination of canvases on the windows and the general interior also remains relevant, but in this case it is worth paying attention to the play of colors when playing with lighting.

Bright accents
Contrasting and juicy shades of curtains and curtains in the bedroom will be appropriate in the event that if the general concept in the arrangement of the room is made in a calm color scheme... Most often, it is in the rooms, the purpose of which is rest, that pastel colors are used, which will play into the hands when choosing bright curtains.
Products can also be made in a calm range, but contain a contrasting pattern, ornament or any other expressive accent that will take all the attention.

Curtains can be made of the same material, but in a bright color, or they can be multi-colored. But in the latter case it is important not to overload the room with an abundance of contrasting and too aggressive colors in terms of color scheme. Color transitions can be made in the form of bright horizontal or vertical stripes, in the form of an unusual and catchy print in color. To maintain harmony in the interior, you can complement the decoration of the room with pillowcases made in the same original and bright solution.

For daring experimenters, combinations of turquoise and gold, deep and rich blue with beige, pink with light green, lavender or olive are offered.

When choosing the design of curtains in the bedroom in the form of a bright accent, it is worthwhile to understand that such products can fill a room with different moods - add lightness and freshness, or, conversely, unnecessarily overload the room, making it visually smaller in size, too dark. The main thing is to adhere to the basic rules of harmony and correspondence of products to the general stylistic concept in the course of such bold experiments.

Create a mood
It's no secret that color can convey a certain message, as well as create a mood and atmosphere throughout the room.
For rest
The most suitable options for colors and shades that can tune the human body to a pacifying mood are tones and undertones of green... When contemplating curtains in such a range, a person will be able to fully relax and calm down. Variations in cool greens can make even the hottest south-facing bedroom look cooler.

According to Eastern teachings regarding the influence of color, it is believed that blue products on the windows will help create a relaxing and serene atmosphere in the bedroom. Blue will turn out to be relevant and useful for interiors where basic tones will prevail, such as cream, yellow in discreet undertone, and light green.

Blue and green will act as a harmonious solution. curtains or curtains for bedrooms in pastel beige tones, in shades of cappuccino or coffee. Thanks to this combination, it will be possible to maintain a cozy atmosphere, eliminate monotony in the interior, and create an area for a quiet pastime.

For the wakefulness
To fill the room with vital energy, designers suggest using products for decorating window openings. in an orange palette, for example, for a white bedroom.

Also, it will become a fairly active, but not eye-catching color. purple, which will provide a fresh mood to the entire atmosphere, set you in an active way of life. However, in this case excessive bulkiness should be avoided, therefore fabrics should be flying, without heavy folds.
Lilac curtains, as well as purple, will come in handy in bedrooms where an active mood is important. In this case, you can use several shades of the color you like, harmoniously combined with each other.

For relaxation
In order for the bedroom to become a real island for relaxation, it is worth giving up black, dark blue or red curtains. Since these colors are capable of exerting excessive pressure on the psyche, which will become a real obstacle to relaxation.
An excellent solution for relaxation will be terracotta products, which can be perfectly combined with light walls, beige wallpaper, yellow interior. Cool colors and shades can add extra freshness to the room. This effect can be achieved with turquoise, variations of heavenly color, light gray.

It is best that the interior of the bedroom is filled with a minimum of things, and that the interior items are as functional as possible. Turquoise, pastel blue or gray recommended to be combined with white marble or ivory. Such color schemes will help to abstract, plunge into your own inner world.

For a romantic atmosphere
Designing romantic bedrooms, for curtains it is best to use shades of burgundy, red or scarlet... According to the philosophy of feng shui, such paints symbolize fire and passion, which in a positive way will affect the relationship in a couple. To complement the sensual atmosphere of the room, it is also important to pay attention to the compatibility of wallpaper with such curtains or curtains.

It is best for the composition to consist of light gray and burgundy variations, or red and white combinations. If dark tones prevail in the bedroom, then the color of the red curtains should be as light as possible, which will avoid the oppressive sensation. A deliberate balance of red, scarlet and burgundy shades will allow you to create a romantic zone in your home, without unnecessary color load.

For fashionable curtains in the bedroom, see the video below.