Attic bedroom: arrangement and design

A house with an attic has its own characteristics. The attic room today can be used in the most unexpected way: depending on the footage, billiard rooms, kitchens, dining rooms, offices, recreation areas are equipped in it. We will discuss how you can arrange a bedroom in the attic - a place where none of the household members will interfere with your peace.

Features of the room
The attic is a rather peculiar element of the house. It differs from the attic in that it is heated and is listed in the regulations as the living quarters of a particular dwelling. However, the degree of convenience she has is much less than that of typical rooms, and therefore the approach to her arrangement under the bedroom should be special. At the same time, you often have to think about conducting water, creating a comfortable warm floor, and taking into account the nuances of the layout.

A distinctive feature of the attic is the sloping walls. Here their role is played by the roof slopes. And therefore, when thinking over the design and arrangement of furniture, one has to take into account the height of the walls, their angle of inclination, the number of slopes. It is the type of roof that will be a fundamental factor in choosing furniture and its size. In addition, it is the walls that will indicate the type of wall cladding used.

The peculiarity of the attic is the oblique or vertical arrangement of the windows, and, depending on the design of the roof itself, they can be not only symmetrical. NOften they are designed so that they differ in size and even shape. Some rooms have a glazed wall with a balcony.

Of particular importance is the illumination - in the attic it always leaves much to be desired. If at the same time the windows face the north side, the attic seems not only dark, but also visually heavy. In this case, special attention has to be paid to the nuances of its arrangement. It is necessary to select a finish for a wall ceiling taking into account its potential for the apparent expansion of the room.

It is important to take into account the location of the doorways leading to the attic and balcony. (if available). Often, the attic floor is complicated by heavy beams that wreak havoc with the furniture arrangement. However, with a skillful approach to drawing up the interior of the bedroom, they can be used as zoning elements. This technique is especially appropriate in a small room, where it is necessary to use every centimeter as efficiently as possible.

The layout of the attic bedroom can be different. It depends on the type of premises, the height of the roof, its complexity, the type and method of opening the windows, their size and location. Based on the features of the layout, the attic can be asymmetrical and symmetrical, with a sloped ceiling or balcony. But regardless of the available footage, it should be cozy and comfortable for a comfortable stay of a person.

To create the best conditions for a particular person, when planning, it is necessary to take into account his habits, gender, age, lifestyle, preferences in interior style. Together, these factors will help create a design project or the so-called scheme of the future bedroom. In it, it is necessary to arrange all the elements of the arrangement in the most rational way, leaving space between the pieces of furniture for free passage.

The design project will allow not only in the arrangement of furniture: it will show which of its elements will better fall into place. He will save households from the tedious rearrangement of furniture in search of the best option. This scheme is especially necessary when the attic is small, with low sloping walls. A visual drawing will allow you to arrange the necessary set of furniture in it, making a clear distinction for organizing the space.

A project with a diagram can accommodate not only a bedroom with a minimum set of furniture. If there is enough space in it, some part of the space can be set aside for a dressing room. If this is an attic floor, there will be room for a bedroom with a bathroom. In addition, the attic can serve as a combined room, in which a bedroom can be combined with a nursery or an office.

An excellent option for arranging an attic in a country house is a bedroom + recreation area for a teenager. Such a room, in addition to a bedroom, may have functional zones different in purpose. For children, these are play spaces, for teenagers - corners where they can play sports, boxing or develop musical skills (playing the guitar, electronic instruments, singing).
Moreover, the layout itself often suggests how best to use its design features for a specific design.

Space zoning
Interior zoning is an important component of any room. It allows not only to divide the bedroom into cozy corners, but to give it maximum comfort for every centimeter of usable area. You can zone the attic in different ways:
- using separate lighting for a specific area of the room;
- decorating the walls with different wall finishes;
- playing with different functional corners of the space by means of floor cladding;
- enclosing a specific area of the room with a carpet;
- creating partitions from pieces of furniture;
- separating the sleeping place with a screen or textiles;
- using constructive protrusions, niches, attic beams.

As for lighting, here you have to build on the number of zones. For example, the space of the bed is allocated, in addition, built-in lighting is added around the perimeter. If the bevel near the walls is large, the wall lamps are replaced with floor lamps.When the roof is not gable, but has 4 slopes, and the height allows, sconces are fixed on the walls.
Carpets are classics of the genre, with their help, in addition to zoning, an atmosphere of home comfort is created. The division of space by furniture can be done by turning, for example, a rack or bed. The same racks can separate the sleeping area from the recreation area, which contains a sofa and a couple of armchairs. You can set the desired atmosphere and delimit the space with the help of accessories, for example, a small gallery of paintings or framed photos.

The protrusions or existing partitions perfectly delimit the sleeping space. But at the same time, it is better to put the bed closer to the window so that when a person wakes up, time disorientation is not created. Moreover, even vertically positioned windows can become zoning elements if the bed is placed directly below them. At the same time, the berth is well segregated when it is bounded on one of the sides by a shallow niche.

Color solutions
The color schemes of the bedroom in the attic are subject to its dimensions and degree of illumination. Considering that there is always little light here, preference is given to light colors, including white, milky, beige. If the room is light, you can add a light gray companion, bluish, pink, lilac, or something bright to the white. The light green color looks very good in the interior of the attic. And in order for it to harmoniously fit into the design, its quantity can be quite small.

When choosing a particular color, you must take into account the style of the interior. This nuance will allow you to choose a color, taking into account the desired texture, beating the shortcomings of a particular room. For example, the same blue or pink can be satin or glossy, which is good for modern design trends and visually increases the space. In this case, the tone can be cold, neutral or warm.
A design in light gray tones will be quite appropriate if part of the finish is cast with mother-of-pearl or silver.

The children's bedroom in the attic can be made in a combination of pink with white, pinkish with pistachio, blue with beige or sand. If the room is flooded with the sun, which is rare, bright colors can be used in the arrangement: orange, juicy green, pink, turquoise. As for harsh and aggressive tones, they are not suitable for decorating an attic space, as well as their rough combination (for example, red with black, acid orange or poisonous lemon with black, red with green, black with woody).

When choosing a color, it is necessary to take into account not only gender, age and tastes of a person - color perception is also of particular importance. For example, the blue color, in addition to bringing coolness into the interior, can cause an incomprehensible depressive state. Red over time begins to irritate, it does not allow you to relax. Pink is good for the beautiful half of humanity, but men don't like it. Decisions in favor of light shades of beige can be neutral options that are suitable for everyone.

Style selection
The style of the interior is often prompted by the type of ceiling and windows. For example, the existing beams allow you to create a loft or Provence-style bedroom from the attic. In addition, with a skillful approach to design, here you can bring to life such design directions as styles:
- grunge;
- country;
- chalet;
- eco;
- Scandinavian;
- ethnic;
- Oriental;
- minimalism;
- modern;
- high tech.

The interior of the attic bedroom in a private house can be very diverse, be it modern style or retro or classic. At the same time, a lot will depend on what style is taken as the basis for the design of the house itself. The style should not be radically different, because when entering the bedroom, users may experience discomfort.
Bold solutions can be afforded by teens, as well as creative and creative individuals.For example, it can be posters, abstract paintings of a small size against the background of roughly finished walls.
In the classic version, the attic bedroom should have the illusion of palace solemnity. This is necessarily gilding, the presence of white, stucco elements. This is possible if the house has a spacious attic floor under the roof. The eastern directions allow the use of compartment doors as screens, although their installation, due to the slopes of the roof, is not possible everywhere.

Minimalism is one of the best solutions for arranging a small attic. Such a bedroom does not have unnecessary pieces of furniture, often everything you need here is built into constructive protrusions or for specific things, the drawers of the bed or its shelves are used (in the case when the bed has them). A minimum of things and accessories visually increase the space. Modern is notable for its elegance, although this style of interior needs space.

Interior decoration
The finishes for the walls and floor in the attic are selected with particular care. If the room is small, it is undesirable to use cladding materials that require the creation of a frame. As a rule, in this case, about 7 cm of usable area is taken from the walls, and therefore the room may seem tiny and uncomfortable. Insulation can also steal an area, but if you cannot do without it, then there is no other way out.
The choice of material largely depends on the style of the bedroom, taken as the basis for the design. As for the lining, this lining is quite specific, although it is in demand among buyers. However, wood-like decoration in a wooden house often gives the bedroom the atmosphere of a bath, and therefore the room with it seems extremely uncomfortable.
At the same time, customers often do not take into account the fact that wood is quite capricious in the interior and needs a contrasting contrast.

For example, when there is a lot of it, the texture is lost, the bedroom seems like a wooden box, and quite heavy from the point of view of perception. However, such cladding cannot always be justified by an eco-friendly design style. When choosing a finish for the attic of a wooden house, you can choose wallpaper or painting. The accent part of the wall can be decorated with laminate or photo wallpaper.
Depending on the number of roof slopes and its shape, part of the ceiling can be decorated with a stretch film. Of course, in this case, with inclined windows, the frame structure will be quite complex, but the view from such a ceiling will be very respectable. The walls inside can be sheathed with light-colored wall panels.
If at the same time the floor cladding differs from them in color and texture, such a room will look very beautiful.

The windows inside can be decorated with curtains by purchasing bars for fixing them at the bottom. The curtains of a modern type, the size of which usually does not go beyond the windows themselves, look quite harmonious on the attic windows. For example, it can be blinds, pleated blinds or Roman options.
If the ceiling in the attic is high and there is enough space, it can be decorated with a pendant chandelier. You can support the design with wall sconces by placing them by the bed. The accent part of the wall at the head of the bed can be decorated with a stretch film that extends to the ceiling. Depending on the chosen style, the corresponding drawing may be located on the finishing material.
The ceiling can be decorated with modern creative lighting (for example, built-in lamps, a spider lamp, spots), and it can be partially painted, deliberately highlighting the beams.

Successful examples
We bring to your attention several successful ready-made projects, the ideas of which can inspire to update the interior of the bedroom, if it is in the attic:
- bedroom decoration in light colors brings light and lightness to the interior of the room;

- a beige bedroom seems really cozy and disposes to serene relaxation;

- the interior in a modern style will appeal to every person walking in step with the times;

- creative design will be appreciated by extraordinary and creative personalities;

- a white bedroom creates an atmosphere of purity and inner harmony;

- the use of pistachio color makes the attic bedroom emotionally pleasant and inviting;

- an example of using a bright color with good lighting in an attic bedroom;

- space zoning allows you to give the bedroom a great organization;

- the design of the bedroom in pink will appeal to the beautiful half of humanity;

- a well-equipped corner where you can relax, sleep and completely relax.

For the design project of a 65m2 attic cottage in the Moscow region, see the following video.