All about the American Cocker Spaniel breed

The American Cocker Spaniel is one of the smallest hunting dogs. This animal is distinguished by mobility and endurance and literally glows with joy and optimism.

Origin story
The history of the origin of this hunting dog breed can be judged by the intricate name. It is believed that the very first spaniels appeared in Spain, famous for its hunting grounds. After some time, they ended up in Great Britain, where English breeders actively took up them, starting multiple crossbreeding. As a result, many of the newest species emerged, including cockers, all of which were commonly used for hunting.
It can be clearly argued that the word "spaniel" has Spanish roots. It was there that these animals were common among the knights-crusaders - great lovers of hunting flying game and rabbits. However, if you take into account the data of archaeological excavations, pets with long ears came to Europe from Malaysia, therefore, with a high degree of probability, it can be argued that before getting to the Iberian Peninsula, the ancient ancestors of cocker spaniels lived in various countries.
Dogs of a similar species were bred in the Balkans and North Africa, and from there the Carthaginians brought them to Spain. In those years, the Spanish lands were literally flooded with rabbits - it is no coincidence that the name of the country in translation from Spanish means "country of rabbits", so breeding dogs there was a necessary measure.These animals proved to be excellent hunters who quickly coped with the invasion of eared rodents. It was this feature of them that became the reason why local dog breeders started active breeding of the breed.
Later, the ancestors of modern cockers mastered a variety of specializations - they took part in hunting for falcons, hunting with the help of a net, and when people invented firearms, they became ideal pets for weapons.

It is difficult to say exactly when the animals got to Britain, but one thing is clear - as soon as this happened, the British simply could not pass by and not pay attention to this hunting breed. In those days, spaniels at the English court enjoyed an impeccable reputation and were considered court favorites. In the 10th century, a rather serious fine was imposed for the theft of this four-legged thief hunter. This is not surprising, because spaniels then cost a whole pound - at that time, quite a lot of money.
Over time, spaniels gradually spread throughout England, and since different regions of this country have their own specifics, the number of varieties of dogs, respectively, increased. Animals differed in their size, color and coat length, each new breed received its name in honor of the nobleman who owned them.
So, the smallest spaniel was bred in the rich castle Blenheim. It was here, under the supervision of the Duke of Marlborough, that Field Spaniels were bred, as well as Sussexes, which became the main progenitors of today's English cockers.

Even experts now find it difficult to calculate how many breeds of dogs appeared in England over several centuries. The earliest information about Cocker Spaniels dates back to 1697, when the breed was actively bred in the largest counties of Devonshire and Wales. By the way, it was during that period that they began to cut off the tails of the dogs so that during the hunt they did not receive life-threatening injuries.
English cockers then boasted a variety of colors and differed from their fellow tribesmen in their small size, more elongated body, light weight and rather thick coat. As before, the breeders continued to try to infuse them with the blood of some other species of spaniels. The situation changed only in the middle of the 19th century, when the English cockers were singled out as an independent breed, and in 1859 the dogs even took part in an international exhibition. The winner then became the owner of a cocker spaniel named Obo. In those years, a dog with this strange name was considered a real standard of the spaniel breed, which many generations of breeders were guided by.
The descendants of Both were repeatedly recognized as leaders in competitions, two of them - Bo-2 and Chloe-2, were later taken to America, where they laid the foundation for the famous breed of American cockers. After meeting these animals on the territory of the United States, a funny puppy was born, which the breeders, without hesitation, nicknamed Obo-2.
This dog was a little different from typical English cockers - he had very large eyes. In England he was immediately recognized as a defective puppy, but in America they saw the opportunity to create a new adorable breed that would be not so much a hunter as a good companion for children and adults.
This is how the American Spaniel Club was formed and a few years later a program for the development of the newest dog breed was created and announced.

Description of the breed
American Cocker Spaniels differ from their English counterparts in several parameters, the main of which is the shape of the head. The muzzle of the Americans is 2-2.5 times shorter than the skull, while the transition from the forehead to the muzzle has become more pronounced. The eyes look so large that the dogs look a bit like a humanoid.
Their coat has become a little more luxuriant and elongated, and the undercoat is denser. In American cockers, it seems to fall off the body of the animal, and the sternum and ears are covered with rather thick curls.
Despite the fact that the animals of the American species are not suitable for hunting, they are distinguished by a strong skeleton and developed muscles. This is a very hardy and extremely active animal, ready to run around tirelessly all day long.
The American Cocker is a fairly compact breed, small but very strong at the same time. The animals are distinguished by a graceful head position and pronounced musculature.
According to official standards, their height at the withers is 34-37 cm, and their mass is approximately equal to 12.5 kg.

The muzzle is usually wide, the ears are low-set, always drooping, with a long coat. The tail is usually docked, but this is left to the discretion of the owner.
From the English cocker dogs of the American variety, they are distinguished by a silky, thick and rather long coat, slightly wavy and with a good undercoat. Its color can be very diverse. Brown, chocolate, fawn, black and red dogs are widespread, two- and three-colored animals with white spots, as well as colors with tan, are less common. By the way, in black dogs the nose is also black, and in all other colors it is most often brown.

Character and behavior
American cockers are restless and affectionate dogs that are ready to follow their master even to the ends of the world. These dogs get along well with cats and other pets. However, this does not apply to birds - the blood of hunting ancestors still makes itself felt, so dogs can encroach on the life of birds. In the presence of a dog, canaries, parrots and other birds are best kept in a cage, and released for a walk only during those hours when the four-legged hunter disappears from their field of vision.
A dog adores all members of its owner's family - they appear to him as being of a higher order.

American Cocker Spaniels are friendly with children, but at the same time they cannot control themselves 100% - they are enthusiastically given to games, therefore, in excitement, they can attack the child and even bite him a little. In general, the American is distinguished by a lively character. As breeders say, this is one of the few breeds that, even in adulthood, fully retains all their puppy habits.
These dogs do not take cunning, so they feel when the owner is giving up the slack, and take advantage of it to the fullest. Feeling free to act, they remain charming, but at the same time they become uncontrollable mischievous people who do not at all recognize any restrictions.

American cockers are so dependent on the presence of a person that sometimes it turns into an almost manic addiction. That is why the breed is not suitable for workaholics who disappear in the service for days. This dog does not tolerate loneliness, and an irrepressible temperament requires a constant burst of energy, which the owner who is always absent from home is unable to provide them.
Therefore, putting your pet under lock and key for the whole day, be mentally prepared for the fact that upon your return you will find gnawed shoes, wallpaper torn from the walls, broken blinds - your pet has been trying all day to entertain himself as best he could. The nature of this dog is such that, without activity, the animal comes up with an exciting activity for itself and the house turns into a real sports ground.

Keep in mind that the American Cocker Spaniel is a water lover, so take walks near a river or lake in the summer whenever possible. For these animals, swimming is the best exercise.
The spaniel is a hunting dog, not a guard dog, so it will not guard your home and will not act as a bodyguard. Despite the wary attitude towards strangers, the American quickly establishes contact with them and immediately imbued with trust. These dogs express any displeasure with a slight roar, biting only in the most extreme cases.

Advantages and disadvantages
It should be noted that American Cocker Spaniels are true masters of seduction, who are well aware of how favorable and disarming the impression they make and actively use their knowledge for a variety of purposes. For example, if your American woman wants to feast on something tasty, then she will turn on all her charm to get the coveted “delicious”. But do not follow his lead, otherwise the animal will gain excess weight very quickly.
Sometimes this dog begins to show aggression during games - it can hang on the leg, bite on the finger and cling to the hands with sharp teeth. While the dog is small, it may look interesting, but as it grows up, teeth begin to give owners a lot of trouble, and getting rid of acquired habits is almost impossible.

The advantages of the breed include the talent of a hunter, peaceful character, compact size. This animal has everything to become a good companion and companion in hunting, it is perfectly adapted for life in a city apartment and does not require much space. American cockers easily get along with other pets, they can doze with cats and dogs, feeling like part of a large flock.
Of the minuses, it is necessary to note the need for careful care of the claws, eyes and hair of the animal, as well as their predisposition to certain hereditary diseases.

How to choose a puppy?
When choosing a pet, first of all, you need to decide on the class of the puppy and assess your financial capabilities. If you need a dog of the show category, which is allowed to participate in exhibitions and serves as an excellent breeding material, be prepared to part with a rather large amount, as well as the costs of constant traveling and maintaining a spectacular appearance of your dog. If you need a pet just for fun, then you can buy a cocker with defective features that make it impossible for him to participate in contests, but at the same time do not detract from his cheerfulness, love for the owner and funny appearance.
An important criterion for evaluating dogs is gender. Bitches are softer, they quickly adapt to a new place of residence, while males begin to figure out who is the boss. However, if you acquire a female for further breeding of puppies, then you will also not be immune to her behavioral twists at the time of estrus.
Seriously check the kennel's reputation, get acquainted with the Cocker's pedigree, it will be useful to personally see his parents. Carry out an external examination of the pet - it must correspond to all basic breed characteristics.

The optimal age for acquiring a young American cocker is considered to be 6-9 weeks. If the puppy is younger, separation from its mother will be difficult for him, and if you buy a dog of an older age, the chances are high that the young dog will miss some important aspects of socialization. For example, if he spent too long time in the open-air cage - unfortunately, there are such unscrupulous breeders.
A reliable indicator will be the friendliness and energy of a young cocker. To make sure he is agreeable, you can do a small test - put the dog on its back and press a little with your palm on the dog's belly. If the baby perceives this as a new game and does not get angry, buy it without hesitation, if the dog starts showing aggression, it is better to refuse the purchase.
Be sure to check your ears and armpits for fleas that often live in the long coat of cockers.

It is not recommended to buy an already adult dog. The fact is that the separation of such an animal from the owner is always accompanied by psychological trauma, since cockers are very strongly attached to a person. It is possible that you will not be able to establish contact with your pet.

From about 8 weeks, cockers begin to feel fear of strangers, so during this period it is extremely important to establish their communication with all household members and guests of the family. If this moment of socialization is missed, it can grow aggressive towards people or, on the contrary, be too timid.
If you are offered the smallest puppy from the litter - do not agree, most likely, this is an animal with weak immunity. Such a dog will often get sick and will live very shortly.

Height and weight by months
New American Cocker Spaniel owners are usually worried about the increase in height and weight of their puppy, therefore they are often interested in the growth rates of puppies at different ages.
The approximate parameters of such pets are:
- 1 month - 1.5 kg;
- 2 months - 3-3.5 kg;
- 3 months - 5-6 kg;
- 4 months - 6.5-8 kg;
- 5 months - 8-10 kg;
- 6 months 9-10 kg;
- 7 months - 10-12 kg.
The weight of an adult male is approximately 12.5-15.5 kg, and that of a bitch is 12-15 kg. Height at the withers in males is 40-43 cm, in females - 38-41 cm.

Conditions of detention and care
Since the American Cocker is more of a decorative companion dog than a hunter, its habitat can be both a house and a small apartment, but the pet must be properly looked after. On the street this dog is taken for a walk twice a day, but always after vaccination... In the first 6 months, the young cocker is not allowed to descend the stairs himself, otherwise the position of his limbs may deteriorate.
Caring for an American begins with decorating a corner with a couch, buying bowls, drinking bowls and, of course, toys. It is better to place a sleeping place in a secluded place where the household will not touch the dog's feet, where drafts do not penetrate, but at the same time, you should not equip a corner of a four-legged friend near the battery. In the very first days of being in the house, the cocker spaniel will try to ignore all your efforts and will certainly try to lie down on the couch, armchair, or in any other place that seems attractive to him.
Do not indulge in these whims under any circumstances. You should not take him to bed, no matter how he asked, otherwise, after a few weeks, the dog will finally "sit on your neck."

Americans are very fond of walks, we can say that they need them like air. In the process of walking, be sure to let the animal run and warm up, the dog is very eager to race with you. It will be useful to train her in maintaining good posture - for this you can allow the walking dog to pull you forward. But contact with other animals, especially homeless ones, is better to limit, since cocker spaniels have a high predisposition to various kinds of infections.
Please note that the Cocker Spaniel is the dog is not for irresponsible owners. Maintaining the tidy state of her coat will take a lot of time and effort. Newly made owners should definitely get a slicker, as well as a tangle cutter and several combs. These purchases need to be done as quickly as possible, since the cocker needs to be combed every day. Do not be reassured by the fact that babies have a rather sparse coat - as the pet grows up, it will become much thicker.
The brushing process is quite tedious, because the sooner the puppy is accustomed to it, the better it will be for him and for you.

Puppies and adult dogs love active walks, because a lot of dust, dirt and road debris stick to their fur coat, which indicates the need to wash the dog much more often than dogs of other breeds - about every 2 weeks. Best for washing use special shampoos from a veterinary pharmacy designed for long-haired animals. It is best to supplement the treatment with the use of conditioner balms.
To facilitate combing, you can rinse your pet after the bath procedure with acidified water - the use of weakly concentrated citric or acetic acid gives the coat a beautiful shine and also protects the skin from fleas.
The coat of the American Cocker has a tendency to fall off, and this is not affected in any way by the quantity and quality of dog care.
The most affected areas are the armpits, near the hocks and in the groin area, so before each wash, be sure to remove all matted tufts of wool using a collar cutter.

It is very important to constantly practice the ears of the American Cocker Spaniel. Before eating, you need to lift them up and fix them securely with a soft rubber band so as not to dip them into the food. American auricles quickly accumulate wax and ear dirt, so mites are often found in them. To avoid such troubles, you should at least once a week inspect the auricles and auditory canals, remove the accumulated dirt there. To do this, a couple of drops of slightly warmed vegetable oil are instilled inside and the surface of the shells is wiped with a solution of boric alcohol or a special veterinary lotion.
There is also a lot of trouble with the eyes of an American. In some dogs, the eyelids do not fit tightly, so dust and debris often get on the mucous membrane, which leads to the development of inflammatory processes. Inflamed eyes are soothed with a weak solution of furacilin or chamomile infusion. If the eyes start to fester, albumin can be instilled into them.
Brush your dog's teeth twice a week, especially if it feeds on natural food. If dry food predominates in the diet, its grains perfectly clean off plaque, so the procedure should be carried out much less often - about once a month.
Instead of brushing their teeth, some owners offer their pets to chew on the bone. Of course, this is an effective way, but you should not overuse it, as American cockers grind their teeth quite quickly.

From time to time, American cockers need to be cut. It is best to teach the dog to this procedure from 1.5-2 months, if you delay with this, then the dog is provided with a lot of stress. For pet dogs that do not participate in competitions, the usual hygienic treatment, which is carried out every two to three weeks, is quite sufficient.
During the procedure, mats are cut out for the animal, long hairs in the ear opening are plucked out, and the hair is also ripped out between the toes. Once a quarter, you need to visit a groomer - he shortens the fur in the back of the head and on the side of the muzzle with the help of a typewriter, in addition, at the request of the owner, he trims the length on the sides and mills the coat in the area of the shoulders and sternum.

It is not uncommon for American cocker spaniels to suffer from indigestion and are prone to being overweight. Allergies also make adjustments to the dog's menu, so it is best to give preference to dry food premium and super premium class and series for small breeds with sensitive digestion when feeding animals.
A mixed diet is allowed. In this case, natural products are added to it:
- fermented milk - low-fat cottage cheese, kefir, sour cream;
- lean meat - rabbit, chicken, beef or veal;
- eggs - no more than two chicken eggs per week and no more than one quail eggs per day are allowed;
- seafood - necessarily without pits and shells.
Some owners prefer an all-natural pet menu. In this case, the share of meat should account for about 70-75%, and for all other products - about 30%.
In this case, it is imperative to add chopped greens or sprouted grains to the mash, as well as vitamin and mineral complexes.

Education and training
Even if you do not intend to take your American on a hunt, you will have to train your four-legged friend at least for the sake of your personal comfort and the peace of mind of your household, because a poorly brought up dog is still that outrageous one who does not obey any norms of canine behavior.
Animals of this breed easy to train, but congenital restlessness does not allow them to learn commands. The lesson will be learned faster if the lessons are played in a playful way.The food reinforcement method will be a very good help - rest assured that no American Cocker Spaniel can resist a delicious treat.
Training begins with the study of the simplest commands - "sit" and "not allowed." From the very first days of living in the apartment, the puppy must definitely learn its nickname, and also clearly remember the essence of the command "place".
Be sure to teach your baby to hands - he should not twitch from human touch and panic if he is lifted a little.

Any abuse of animals should be avoided. Cocker spaniels have a rather delicate mental organization, so with a loud cry, and even more so with beatings, you will only achieve unnecessary phobias.
In America, cockers are known as athletes - they are frequent participants in agility competitions, so it is imperative that the pet be trained in a high-quality correct stance. So, to form good posture, you can walk your dog on the "ring", which is a shortened ribbon with ends twisted into loops. This type of leash allows the dog to pull up its head, keeping it in a slightly raised position.
Keep in mind that such an accessory must be used strictly in dosage. -the animal should never feel like it is being pushed around.
Using treats, dogs are taught to move around the ring correctly - in this case, the animal first walks in a circle after its owner, receiving treats from his hands. Later, the dog begins to freely do without treats, responding exclusively to the appropriate commands.

Health and longevity
American Cocker Spaniels live quite a long time - 14-16 years, however they are not distinguished by strong immunity, therefore they are characterized by congenital and priority diseases, which representatives of this breed often encounter. First of all, this includes behavioral anomalies that are the result of improper upbringing - aggression, a tendency to panic states.
Spaniels have cutaneous asthenia, in which the skin loses its sensitivity. Due to a carnitine deficiency, the heart muscle suffers, which often leads to dilated cardiomyopathy.
In American cockers, eversion of the eyelid and keratoconjunctivitis, as well as inflammation of the outer ear and inflammatory infections on the paws, are common.
Sometimes puppies develop retinal diplopia, and adult animals are often diagnosed with melanoma, which is a rare cancer among tetrapods.

Suitable nicknames
There are a lot of nicknames suitable for spaniels. The most important thing is that the name sounds melodic, indicates some specific properties of the breed, or has a certain meaning. The most popular names include Cosmos, Max, Jim, Jerry, Zeus, Watson, Leater, Ninja, The Hobbit, or Bilbo.
Some owners come up with names for their boys that characterize the features of the suit, for example, Akira (pearls), Yuki (snow), Ren (lotus), or reflect some of the character traits of the pet - Kyoko (happy) or Haru (spring).
Eared pets are distinguished by a playful disposition, therefore they look harmoniously with such names as Shaman, Circus, Tenacious, Igrun, Sharp, Cowboy or Dexterous.
Some breeders prefer names from Slavic mythology, such as Anchar, Valdai, Arman, Nada or Parom.
Cocker Spaniel girls are commonly referred to as Bertha, Molly, Alma, Tacey, Remy, Ilsa, Dolly, Sheldy, Sophie, Anda, Greta and others.
In total, there are more than a thousand names suitable for a Cocker Spaniel, so every owner will certainly be able to choose the one that will be the best fit for his pet.

Breeders' reviews of the American Cocker Spaniel are mostly positive. As a rule, the characteristics of dogs describe them as excellent companions who will charge everyone around with their love of life and optimism.People appreciate their kind and cheerful disposition, and, of course, their spectacular appearance that does not leave anyone indifferent.
The dog looks like a large plush toy, but it is far from the case. When adopting such a dog for upbringing, throw away all your affection and start training immediately, only in this case the pet will show all its best features.

For the characteristics of the breed, see the following video.