
How is the American Cocker Spaniel different from the English one?

How is the American Cocker Spaniel different from the English one?
  1. Historical reference
  2. Exterior
  3. Differences in character
  4. Care features
  5. Differences in health

Due to their affectionate nature, Cocker Spaniels are traditionally considered a good choice as a companion dog for families with children. Currently, the most widespread are two breeds of these dogs - American and English. Therefore, before buying a puppy, it is worth comparing these two types of cockers and finding out how their character, appearance and the rules of caring for them differ.

Historical reference

The first mention of the spaniel breed dates back to 13th century England, where dogs were used to hunt birds. At the same time, this word comes from the medieval French espaigneul (Spanish), which means that the ancestors of these dogs came to Foggy Albion from Spain even earlier.

One popular theory is that these animals came to Britain along with the Celtic tribes who migrated from Spain in 900 BC.

Initially, all spaniels were divided into water spaniels, whose task was to deliver the carcass of a killed bird from the water, and land spaniels, which were used to track down and corral the bird. The breed was much wilder in those years than it is today. The first changes in the technique of training and breeding spaniels occurred in the 17th century, when hunters massively switched from bows and arrows to firearms, which required more control over the behavior of animals. As a result, the representatives of the breed have become much more obedient and affectionate.

At the beginning of the 19th century, a further division of the breed according to the type of extraction began. The dogs that were used to hunt the woodcock, which in English is called woodcock ("forest cockerel"), were called cockers. In 1840, requirements were established according to which cockers had to weigh from 6 to 9 kg.At the same time, different puppies from the same litter could fall into the category of cockers, toys or springers in those days, which means that cockers were not yet an independent breed in those years.

Only in 1885, the Spaniel Breeders Club was created, which began to develop breed standards. Around 1890, the final separation of Springer and Cocker took place, and since then British Cocker Spaniels have been bred according to Club standards.

The first spaniels appeared on the territory of the modern United States as early as 1620, because many passengers of the Mayflover took their pets on board. The American Breeders' Club of this breed was founded in 1881 (4 years before the British) and immediately set itself the ambitious task of creating its own breed of cockers, which would be different from all others (including the British). This goal was achieved in 1905 when the American breed standard was introduced.

For a long time, 2 varieties developed separately, without contact with each other. It was only in the 1920s that the first "Americans" began to enter England. Despite the obvious differences, it was only in 1970 that British breeders officially recognized the American Cocker Spaniel as an independent breed (before that it was considered one of the British varieties). Currently, both breeds have approximately the same popularity.

By the way, the most famous cartoon cocker, namely Lady from Disney's "Lady and the Tramp", belongs to the American variety.


The most noticeable differences between the American and English breeds are in their physical appearance. The difference manifests itself already in such a noticeable parameter as the height of the dog at the withers. For the British, this figure reaches 42 centimeters, while the Americans rarely grow above 37 cm. Accordingly, the mass of animals is also different - if dogs from the United States usually weigh up to 12 kg, then their brothers from Foggy Albion reach an indicator of 15 kg.

Losing in size, the "Americans" surpass their counterparts from another continent according to such an important indicator for predominantly decorative dogs, as the length of the coat.

Almost all representatives of the breed from the United States have a beautiful, thick and long coat with a dense undercoat, while animals of the British variety most often have a coat of medium length with slight elongations on the ears, legs and abdomen.

The shape of the head is also different in the two breeds - if the dogs of the American variety are more characterized by a round head of a small size relative to the body with a slightly upturned nose and a shortened "square" muzzle, then the British usually have a large head and a relatively elongated muzzle. Despite the fact that the body of all cockers is usually close to square shape, the breed from the United States is most often distinguished by a higher position of the sternum, while the British have a back that is usually almost flat from the withers to the very croup.

But unfortunately, you won't be able to tell by the color if you are in front of an "American" or "Englishman", since the standards of both varieties allow for many variations of the color of the dog's coat. The most common colors of both breeds:

  • black;
  • redheads;
  • golden;
  • chocolate;
  • fawn;
  • mixed (most often black and white, red and white, brown and white).

Does not differ in both breeds of cockers and the length of the ears - except that in dogs of the American variety, they can be covered with a slightly thicker six.

Differences in character

Despite the fact that the external differences between the two varieties of cockers are minimal, their characters are very different. Both breeds are generally friendly, affectionate and obedient, remarkably amenable to training.

However, if the British Breeders Club strove to preserve the hunting essence, then the Americans were more eager to get a dog with a more attractive appearance.

As a result of this different approach to breeding, The "British" are more energetic and mobile than the "Americans" and are noticeably more suspicious of the appearance of strangers in the house. But the breed from the USA is calmer, and bursts of activity can be followed by a period of thoughtfulness. On the one hand, such a dog will bother you less often, on the other hand, dogs from Foggy Albion are always open to communication with family members, while the "Americans" may not agree to participate in the planned games.

As for the compatibility of cockers with other pets, then both varieties get along well with cats. However, if the breed from the United States tolerates the presence of any other pets in the house, then owners of "Englishmen" should not have parrots and other decorative birds at home - the breed has retained its hunting instincts, so the life of a bird may one day be tragically interrupted.

Another difference between spaniels from the United States is a very good appetite on the verge of gluttony, therefore, the balance of their diet should be monitored more carefully than when breeding "Englishmen".

Care features

When growing any variety of cocker spaniels, the main thing is to pay enough attention to the pets, since they do not tolerate separation from the owner and are very active. If you do not start training and educating your pet in time, it can grow up too wayward and uncontrollable.

Due to the nature of the coat, American cockers require much more careful grooming.

They need to be combed out several times a day, especially after walks in nature, while the shorter-haired "Briton" will be quite enough one brushing a day.

And here Daily eye and ear cleaning is a must for both spaniels. Pets should be bathed no more than once a week. "Americans" must definitely comb their coat both before and after bathing, while for the British breed such a procedure is optional.

Another difference is that if breeders of active and nature-loving English cockers must definitely devote time to frequent walks in the fresh air, then the "Americans" are quite satisfied with walking 1-2 times a day.

Differences in health

Both Cocker Spaniels are healthy and well cared for live from 12 to 15 years.

One of the most common diseases in both breeds is the so-called rabies of red spaniels, which is expressed in the form of outbursts of unmotivated aggression. It is worth knowing that this is not a character trait, but a hereditary disease... Due to the decorative shape of the head and muzzle, American cockers are more susceptible to eye and respiratory diseases than English cockers.

In the next video you can learn more about the characteristics of the American Cocker Spaniel breed.

1 comment

Good article, I liked it.


the beauty
