
Russian hunting spaniel training

Russian hunting spaniel training
  1. Character and behavior
  2. At what age to start educating?
  3. General recommendations
  4. Puppy training
  5. How to train an adult dog?

Russian hunting spaniels are a domestic breed of dogs that are widely used for hunting. Such animals are smart, hardy and active. However, without proper training, dogs will become naughty and will get out of control of the owner. Despite the fact that Russian hunting spaniels are easy to train, their training has some nuances that every owner should know about.

Character and behavior

Hunting spaniels have all the essential qualities that enable them to be excellent hunters. These dogs are persistent, have excellent flair and are easy to train.

Animals are ready to carry out the commands not only of the owner, but also of any other person on the hunt, who has a gun in his hands.

Russian hunting spaniels are brought up not only for hunting. These dogs prove to be excellent companions for all family members. They are mobile and enjoy playing with children or going on hikes with adults. Animals are by nature good swimmers and will not miss the opportunity to splash in the water.

The dog gets along well with other animals in the house. Spaniels easily get along in the same territory, not only with other dogs, but also with cats. However, it is not recommended to keep the dog together with small pets, for example, with hamsters or guinea pigs. The chances are high that the spaniel may succumb to the hunting instinct. If desired, the ward can develop guard qualities.

However, it is believed that if you use a dog as a watchdog, then its hunting characteristics significantly deteriorate.

At what age to start educating?

Raising and training Russian hunting spaniels is an obligatory and responsible business. If not properly trained, your dog will grow up to be naughty and can bother everyone with hyperactivity. It is recommended to start raising puppies as early as possible.

Young individuals respond better to commands and absorb new information more easily.

At the age of 8 to 12 weeks, puppies rush to actively explore the world around them. They are curious and willingly study each new subject, get acquainted with people and other animals, if any, in the house. During this period, it is recommended to start teaching the pet to the simplest commands. The puppy must begin to respect the authority of the owner and unquestioningly fulfill his requirements. At this age spaniels are usually trained to respond to at least 2 commands: "Come to me!" and "Location!"

General recommendations

During training, it is necessary to take into account the nature and behavioral characteristics of the pet. Each animal has a number of features that distinguish it from other individuals, and therefore needs an individual approach. When interacting with Russian hunting spaniels it is equally harmful both to show endless love and to be overly strict.

During training, the method of reward and approval is widely used. It lies in the fact that after each successfully completed command, you need to reward the dog with a small amount of your favorite treat, praise and stroke. In addition to praise for obedient execution of commands, there should be a system of punishments.

It is not recommended to resort to physical force when punishing the dog. It is better to try to explain the reason for the dissatisfaction with words, slightly raising your voice. During training, you should be careful about addressing your pet and commands. It is impossible for the animal to react to its name in the same way as to the call "To me!" To do this, before each command, you must pronounce the name of the dog, which will serve as a kind of signal.

Raising a Russian hunting spaniel at home is not as difficult as it might seem at first glance. The key to success, first of all, is the respect of the pet for the owner. The easiest way to train are dogs, whose education they began to engage in from 1 month of age.

Puppy training

The starting point for the upbringing of puppies of the Russian hunting spaniel can be considered its training to the owner. This process begins from the very moment when the animal is weaned from the mother and gets to the person. Training by and large boils down to the fact that the owner should be near the pet as often as possible.

Only the owner should feed, walk and play with the puppy. Thus, the animal will quickly become attached to one specific person, to whom it will listen most of all in the future. During this period, in no case should you be rude to the spaniel and shout at him. Otherwise, the psyche of the animal may be disturbed.

Nickname training

A basic skill for dogs of all breeds is the ability to react and respond to their name. The puppies are accustomed to the nickname immediately after they fall into the hands of a person. For boys and girls, it is recommended to choose light and not very long names. When referring to an animal, you should not change the nickname in any way, be it just a change of stress or an abbreviated and diminutive version.

At first, you need to pronounce the pet's name when communicating with him as often as possible. It is better to give him some kind of treat after contacting the animal. Over time, the animal develops a reflex, and the call by name begins to be associated with receiving delicious food.


An important point in upbringing is teaching puppies to their place and accuracy. First of all, this is necessary so that the dog does not spoil the property in the apartment and behaves in a disciplined manner. After the little puppy was brought home, it is necessary to equip a personal space for him.

At the chosen place, a bed for the pet is arranged. If the animal bothers the owner with its pranks or tries to go to sleep somewhere else, then you need to loudly address him by name and then voice the command "Place!" Then you need to lightly slap it with your palm on the back of the body and carry it to its territory. After the animal is on its bed, the command "Place!" pronounced again to fix the result.

Offering items

Command "Give!" considered basic for hunting dogs. It is recommended to teach her at an early age. A bunch of bird feathers can be used as an object that will personify prey. A bunch of feathers must be thrown and the order "Give!"

When the animal finds the object and takes it with its teeth, it is necessary to approach it and offer a treat. The hand with the food should be held above the dog's nose, and the empty palm should be held under the jaw. When the pet begins to open its mouth to receive a treat, the command is pronounced again "Give me!"

How to train an adult dog?

The principle of training an adult is practically the same as training a puppy. The mechanisms of action in both cases will be almost identical. Most of the difference lies in the complexity of the teams. Puppies are trained to learn basic skills and primitive commands, while older animals are taught more complex tricks.

After the pet has mastered the command "Give it!" and it will be easy to carry out, you can start accustoming to water. Russian hunting spaniels dive well for wild water birds. That's why, if there are plans to take a dog for hunting, it is simply necessary to develop the potential laid down by nature.

The first lessons are best done on shallow water bodies. An object (stick or toy) familiar to the dog is thrown into the water, on which the command "Give!" Was practiced, at a distance of no more than 1 m from the shore. If the dog willingly goes into the water, then gradually the length of the throw should be increased. You do not need to overwork the dog and ask him to bring an object from the reservoir more than 3 times in a row without interruption. Over time, the length of the throw should reach 30 m.

Having learned to swim, the pet will willingly rush into the pond without commands.

Another useful skill for hunting is the ability to jump over massive objects, felled trees. A disciplined pet will easily master it. Walking with the animal in the forest, you need to approach some obstacle, for example, a large stone or a lying tree, and jump over the barrier yourself to the cry "Gop!" The spaniel must immediately follow its master. If this does not happen, you need to slightly pull on the leash.

Gradually, the obstacles should get higher and higher. Over time, you also need to give up the leash. It is useful to teach your spaniel how to jump not only over high barriers, but also over holes.

You can learn all about this dog breed from the video below.

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