Clumber spaniel: what does it look like and how to care for it?

The Clumber spaniel is an animal that differs from its counterparts in its pronounced hunting characteristics. This breed is considered English in origin, but has deep French roots.
As for the external characteristics of the dog, they are quite different from other spaniels. The dog has a calm and balanced character, and is also undemanding in terms of maintenance and care.

Origin story
First of all, it is necessary to pay special attention to the history of the origin of the Clumber spaniel breed. The breeding of this variety dates back to the late 18th - early 19th centuries. It is impossible to say exactly which country is the birthplace of the animal. The thing is that French scientists believe that the breed appeared in England, and breeders of conservative England attribute France to the merit of breeding such dogs. Thus, there is some confusion.
One way or another, but it is known for certain that the dogs that became the progenitors of the modern breed were born thanks to the efforts of the French duke de Noaille. During the revolution, he took his pets to the English estate of Clumber Park, owned by the Duke of Newcastle.
Later, during the hostilities, Noaille died, and his dogs remained to live in Great Britain.

In addition, the records of the famous British livestock breeder James Farrell have survived to this day, who argued that the original ancestors of the Clumber Spaniels are the Alpine Spaniels, St. Bernards and Bloodhounds (the crossing of French dogs with the latter happened already in England).

For the first time, the Clumber Spaniel breed was shown to the general public at an exhibition in 1860. Since then, this breed of dog has become popular among the upper classes of society. Later, such love spread to all classes (this was due, first of all, to the fact that the cost of the dog dropped significantly in the post-war years).
The official standards for the Clumber Spaniel breed were published by the International Cynological Association as early as 1954.

If we talk about the appearance of a dog of this breed, then, first of all, it should be said that the animal is harmonious enough in proportion. One of the most important features of a dog is the presence of a strong and durable bone. As for the mass indicators, then the average weight of an adult representative of the Clumber Spaniel breed varies between 30-35 kg (the weight of females is 5 kg less). The growth of animals rarely exceeds 50 cm.

Moving on to the anatomical structure, one cannot fail to note the fact that the animal's head is quite impressive in size and has a square outline. The structure of the jaw apparatus is very powerful, the bite is scissor-shaped.
Also on the head are brown eyes. The head merges into a thick neck of medium length. The latter, in turn, continues with the back, which in its anatomical structure is rather wide and long, at the same time, rather straight. The end of the back is the tail. Moreover, this part of the body of the Clumber Spaniel is set quite low and can be docked.

The fur of the animal has special distinguishing features. It is quite thick, but soft and silky to the touch. The entire body of the animal, including the chest and limbs, is covered with long hair. As for the color, it can be very diverse, but the most valuable is the uniform snow-white color of the body, on which small inclusions of cream, reddish and yellowish spots may be present.
If we talk about the character and behavioral habits of the dog, then it is important to note that the animal is, on the one hand, rather calm and docile, and on the other, very active and energetic. Dogs of the described breed are good at contact with people - pets can be got even if small children live in an apartment or house.

The only situation in which a spaniel of this species can show some kind of aggression is the struggle for territory, since this instinct is developed in the animal quite clearly and can be very intense.
How to choose a puppy?
The Clumber Spaniel is a fairly rare breed that is mostly distributed overseas. However, in our country there are several nurseries that are engaged in professional breeding of animals of this species.

First of all, it should be noted that the price for a thoroughbred puppy today is about 45 thousand rubles. If someone offers to buy a pet at a cost that is significantly lower than this, then you should think about whether such a deal is fraudulent, since there is a high probability that a non-purebred individual is being offered.
Also, when choosing and buying, you should pay special attention to the appearance and behavior of the puppy. The coat should be well groomed, the eyes should be clear and the behavior should be active.

Among other things, you should ask the seller to demonstrate the puppy's parental pair and all the documents he has. Thus, you can protect yourself from deception.
Feeding and diet are important components of the entire care package and must be given special attention. First of all, it is necessary to take into account the fact that Clumber Spaniels are prone to weight gain, so their diet should be such that the dog does not gain excess weight and does not accumulate adipose tissue.
Like any other animal, Clumber Spaniels can be fed dry food and organic foods. In this regard, the dog is not picky, and its digestive system and gastrointestinal tract will quickly and easily get used to any of these options.

Nevertheless, in any case, it must be borne in mind that nutrition should be healthy and comprehensive. It is necessary to ensure that the animal consumes all the necessary amount of vitamins and minerals that ensure the normal functioning of the dog's body. In no case should you give your pet a spoiled product or food that has passed the expiration date. If you give preference to dry food, then you should choose only proven elite brands. Don't forget about water balance.

From time to time, a variety of additional treats can be purchased at zoological dog stores. This is especially true in the process of training and learning as a reward for the performed action.

The rules for caring for a Clumber Spaniel are pretty simple. First of all, it is important to remember that the animal is rather difficult to tolerate heat and high temperature indicators. For this reason, you should carefully weigh all the arguments before starting such an animal in your house, since living conditions can be very uncomfortable for him. This is especially true for the hot regions of the country. But residents of the northern regions should not be afraid - the dog can easily endure freezing temperatures and is quite hardy in this regard.
Clumber can be kept both in an apartment of a multi-storey building, and in private lands. If in the latter case there are no problems with a sufficient amount of activity, then in the situation when a person keeps a dog in an apartment, additional care must be taken to ensure that walks are regular and long.

Among the negative characteristics in terms of keeping the animal, breeders often note the fact that the dog is actively shedding, therefore, dog hair is constantly found throughout the house. In order to reduce the intensity of these processes, it is necessary to systematically perform activities such as combing and grooming. Such procedures should never be neglected.

After walking, you need to carefully examine the animal's fur and skin for the presence of parasites (fleas, ticks and other unpleasant insects). They are quite often attracted by the long and thick coat of Clumber Spaniels.

Also from the care measures should be highlighted regular examination and cleaning of ears and eyes. This must be done with cotton swabs and cotton pads. Do not forget about the processing of the dog's claws.
Bathing should be done once a week.... In this case, it is allowed to use only those detergents that are specially produced for animals. Shampoos, soaps and shower gels that a person uses himself can have a negative effect on the health of a pet.

Health and longevity
It should be said right away that the average life span of dogs varies from 11 to 13 years. However, such indicators are achievable only if all the rules and recommendations for care and maintenance are followed, as well as with a healthy diet. However, even if all the instructions of veterinarians and scientists are strictly followed, hereditary diseases may occur. Such ailments are most often:
- hypothyroidism;
- skin diseases;
- ear infections;
- diseases of the eyes and eyelids;
- problems associated with the hip joint;
- violations in the structure of the spine;
- anemia.

Unfortunately, when it comes to genetic diseases, they are difficult to deal with. The only way out is to buy a healthy puppy, whose parents were not predisposed to any hereditary ailments.
For how the clumber spaniel looks and how to care for it, see the next video.