How many years do spaniels live and what does it depend on?

Many people have pets - cats, dogs, parrots, etc. However, one should not forget that the life of our smaller brothers is much shorter than human, it is worth knowing in advance how long it will last so that it does not become a shock, especially for kids. This article describes spaniels, the characteristics and varieties of the breed, their average life expectancy, and gives advice on optimal care and maintenance of such dogs.

Features of the breed
The spaniel family includes more than a dozen breeds, the most famous of which are:
- English cocker;
- English Springer;
- American cocker;
- Russian spaniel;
- clumber;
- field;
- German spaniel (Wachtelhund);
- sussex;
- King Charles;
- Cavalier King Charles.

The last two breeds belong to the group of decorative dogs, the rest belong to the groups of cops and retrievers. Each breed has its own distinctive features. But the following characteristic features are common to all spaniels: long hair, often wavy, large drooping ears, harmonious constitution. The tallest representative of this canine family is considered to be the Irish merman - at the withers they reach 60 cm.The smallest is King Charles, the height of a dog of this breed is approximately 23-28 cm.
Spaniels are very beautiful and friendly creatures. The character is often playful, non-aggressive... He loves and needs active rest, because the spaniel is a hunting dog (excluding some decorative representatives). The ideal place to live for her would be a country house, especially for Russians, Fields and Irish dogs.

The history of this family deserves a separate mention.The surviving written evidence suggests that the spaniel was known as far back as the 16th century. If we talk about the homeland, then it is customary to consider Spain as such, but there is still no absolute accuracy in this matter. For a long time, Great Britain held the palm in the popularity of the breed, and now these cute dogs are known and loved in many countries of the world - both indoor and hunting subspecies. They are used as cops and hounds for hunting, as companions for children, pets, etc.
Almost all members of the family they swim excellently, have a keen sense of smell, are very smart and easily learn new things. They are devoted friends of man, energetic and playful. Many of them possess the rudiments of empathy, subtly feeling the mood of the owner.
Sometimes, due to these qualities, dogs are used to treat children with autism (in a not too severe form).

average life expectancy
Among spaniels, the Russian spaniel is considered the record holder for longevity: the average life span of representatives of this breed is 14-15 years, there are cases when Russian spaniels lived up to 20 years - a deep canine old age. The second place is occupied by American Cocker Spaniels: they live on average 13-15 years, the record is 17 years. English cockers can live 15 years at home, but their average life expectancy is only 10-12 years.
What factors can influence how long your pet will stay with you? The most important ones are listed here.
- Absence / presence of genetic disorders and predisposition to various diseases - for this you need the pedigree of your spaniel and information about the health of his ancestors.
- The dog's own health. To monitor the condition of the spaniel, at least 2 times a year, take the dog to the veterinarian for an examination, it is especially important to do this when it reaches the age of 7. The older the dog, the greater the risk of obesity or kidney or liver problems.
- Proper maintenance and care of the pet. It is necessary to provide the dog with a comfortable place, walk several times a day and preferably for 1-2 hours, spaniels are born hunters, active recreation in the fresh air is vital for them.
- Balanced diet. The dog should not overeat, however, lack of food will also negatively affect it. Even from puppyhood, make sure that the dog gets all the necessary minerals and vitamins with food. The best option would be to use ready-made dog food (both dry and wet) of premium class.
- Force Majeure. Spaniels love to run at breakneck speed, and sometimes it comes out sideways for them. Various injuries, from superficial to internal injuries, can affect the health and longevity of a dog. Of course, it is unrealistic to foresee such cases, but the main thing in such a situation is to act quickly and clearly. Call your veterinarian right away or take your dog to him. After all, you most likely will not be able to diagnose, for example, internal bleeding.
This means that a specialist is needed, and time in the event of an injury plays an important role. The sooner help is provided, the greater the chances of saving the pet and avoiding complications.

How to extend the life of your pet?
If you love your pet and want him to be with you for a long time, try to follow a few simple recommendations.
- Pay attention to him, play with him, walk more often. Let him run around the yard, if possible, go out into nature with him on the weekend.
- Monitor your pet's diet. Dog food should be healthy and rich in biologically active substances necessary for the spaniel. Check with your veterinarian to calculate a portion of each meal to help prevent malnutrition or obesity.
- Equip a sleeping place for your spaniel - so that it is protected from drafts.
- Check your dog's health regularly. Comprehensive vaccinations play a very important role in the health of the spaniel. Do not forget to vaccinate your pet every year at the next examination by the veterinarian. Unfortunately, at the present time there are constant mutations in the direction of increasing the causative agents of various diseases, and vaccinations are practically the only way to protect your dog.

Of course, even the observance of these conditions does not guarantee a long life. But this is not a reason to dismiss advice.
Love your dog, watch your health - and in return it will delight you with its presence for many years.
For information on how to properly care for an English Cocker Spaniel, see the next video.
Our cocker is 17 years old. True, blind and deaf, and so leads an active lifestyle.
You are a good master, then!
Our American has lived for 20 years. She became blind at the age of 10, deaf at the age of 15. Nevertheless, she was active and mobile until the last days.
My Russian spaniel will turn 17 years old: deaf, going blind, wears diapers, but nothing .... we live!
Six months ago, our baby died at the age of 12 years and 8 months. The last six months have been treating the heart: the valve did not work. He was already half-blind and deaf, but active to the last: kidneys failed. The second was sheltered 11 years ago, an animal of extraordinary kindness, how old he is, we do not know. The last six months I was ill, a month ago they found cancer in the abdomen, and also left. There was only one wild pain in my soul. Good health and long life to all your pets.
Hello! I am very sorry for you with the loss of your beloved pets ... What colors did your dogs have?