Tibetan spaniel: breed description and content

The Tibetan Spaniel is a small cute dog that is considered decorative. Our article describes the description of this breed, as well as the features of the content, training of such dogs and much more.
Origin story
Tibbies have become famous for a very long time. Tibetan monks used to keep such dogs. They were used for religious services and for protection. As a watchdog, the Tibetan spaniel was planted on the wall of the monastery, and when unexpected guests appeared, he began to bark loudly. Such dogs could not provide protection from strangers, and here they were helped by more serious watchmen: Tibetan mastiffs.

Spaniels also turned prayer drums (they usually contained texts needed for religious services). Such dogs were allowed to live with the monks: the four-legged companions were with them even during travel. These dogs were not allowed to be sold, they were only given. So the Tibbies ended up in China. Then many other breeds arose from them, however, scientists still have a lot of controversy on these topics.
Europeans learned about Tibetan spaniels only at the end of the 19th century. Miss McLaren, a British breeder, brought these dogs to England. Since the middle of the 20th century, tibbies have already spread throughout the world. Every year these dogs are given more and more attention, and they are rapidly gaining popularity.

Features of the breed
It may seem to an inexperienced dog breeder that the Pekingese and Tibetan Spaniel are the same, however, there are still differences. As for the description of the Tibbi, it is immediately noticeable that this dog is larger than the Pekingese.Tibbies can weigh up to 6.8 kg and are 26 cm tall. The proportions of the Tibetan Spaniel are quite harmonious., its body is strong, slightly stretched. The dog's movements are confident and light.
The Tibby's skull is prominent and the head is rather small. The muzzle is slightly flattened, short, however, there are no folds. The transition from the muzzle to the forehead is weak.
The eyes are oval, set rather wide, and of medium size. The gaze is directed straight ahead. Eye color - dark brownish.

The color of the nose is usually black. Ears set high, long, hanging on cartilage. The lower jaw protrudes slightly (the bite may be straight, but undershot is more common). The lips are thin, tightly pressed against the jaw; ideally, the teeth are not visible.
Neck and back
The Tibetan Spaniel has almost no neck. At first glance, it may seem that his head is attached directly to the body. The loin is slightly arched and the back is straight.
Tibbi's limbs are not heavy, but strong, rather short. The front legs of the Tibetan Spaniel are curved, neat. The hind legs are straighter, more muscular, and stronger.

Tibbi's coat is silky, thick, very beautiful. The length of the coat is medium. The coat is two-layered, very well developed. Males usually have a fairly large collar around their necks. On the chest, in the area of breeches, on the tail and ears of Tibetan spaniels, there are frills.
The color of the tibby can be almost anything, there is no strict characteristic in this regard. There are often white spots on the limbs of these dogs. The most valuable are the dark Tibetan spaniels with white spots on the forehead, tail and chest. Dogs of golden color are also valuable.

What do puppies look like?
Tibby puppies are born small, blind. They open their eyes approximately 2 weeks after birth. At this age, the puppies already quite confidently keep on their paws, they begin to move much more. Babies become heavier, they stop sleeping a lot.

The coat of Tibetan Spaniel puppies usually begins to darken or lighten with age: it all depends on the color. It resembles light fluff for quite a long time. When the dog reaches the age of 1 year, the coat becomes coarser, coarser, the spots increase or decrease. Teeth change usually starts at 4 months.
Character and behavior
Tibbies are cheerful, mobile and playful. Such dogs are quite wayward. They feel great in the apartment, they are usually friendly with all family members. In order for the Tibby to take root better, it is better to take him as a puppy. An adult dog nevertheless already has some definite traits that the new owner does not always like.
In terms of therapeutic abilities, Tibetan spaniels are often compared to representatives of the feline family. These animals are very good at helping to fight stress. In many Western countries, tibbies are specially trained in order to be used later in canistherapy. This is a zootherapy, which is aimed at the recovery of patients with impaired brain function.

Since Tibetan spaniels were kept in monasteries for quite a long time, a certain imprint was left on their character. They are quite distrustful and wary of strangers. Tibby is a small dog, so she will not be able to cause serious harm to a person, however, this dog can easily scare off an intruder and warn its owner about the danger in time. So that the dog does not accidentally frighten the peacefully walking passers-by, it is better to keep it on a leash during the walk.
Tibbies are friendly, but they also strive for independence. Sometimes such a dog can show character and become quite stubborn. For this reason, it is necessary to devote sufficient time to her upbringing.

Tibetan Spaniels are wonderful guards. They immediately react to extraneous movements, rustles and other sounds. These dogs are characterized by significant self-confidence, as well as some alienation, so you should not pester your pet when he wants privacy. It should be borne in mind that tibbies usually do not bark without a serious reason. If the pet nevertheless barked, this most often means that a stranger has appeared on the territory.
Conditions of detention and care
You don't need any special care for your Tibby. The main thing is to properly care for the coat of this beautiful dog. Brush and comb your Tibetan Spaniel several times a week. Brush your Tibetan Spaniel with a furminator or slicker twice a year during the molt.
Particular attention should be paid to the coat on the tail and ears: mats often appear in these places. To make it easier to comb the animal's fur, you can use a special spray during this procedure.

It is recommended to wash the Tibetan Spaniel no more than four times a year. Some owners of such dogs prefer dry shampoo: it removes stains and dirt from the coat very well. Be sure to use the right conditioners and shampoos to effectively care for your dog's skin and coat. After washing the dog, gently dry it with a terry towel.
It is also recommended to dry the tibby coat with a stream of warm air.
No haircut needed for Tibby. If you often cut such a dog, the quality of its coat deteriorates significantly.
After walking with a Tibetan Spaniel, be sure to check its ears: there may be ticks. Clean your pet's ears with cotton swabs and cotton pads weekly to remove wax and other contaminants. They will need to be pre-moistened with hydrogen peroxide. Wipe your Tibby eyes several times a week with a soft cotton pad or cloth dipped in a mild chamomile decoction or plain boiled water. Cut the claws on your pet's paws as it grows back.

Brush your dog's teeth weekly using a toothpaste and a soft brush. You should be especially careful when permanent teeth begin to grow in place of milk teeth. In Tibetan Spaniels, baby teeth may not fall out for too long. In such cases, it is better to go to an experienced doctor.
Apply a flea and parasite repellent to the dog's withers once or twice every few months. In the summer and spring seasons, when ticks become active, it is recommended to use special collars and sprays.

Tibby is an animal that is quite energetic, and this energy needs to be given an outlet. Otherwise, the character of the dog can deteriorate greatly. Tibbi walks should be done every day and should be quite long. Such animals love jogging, active pursuits, nature.
The Tibetan Spaniel is unlikely to want to lie on the couch all day, so it is not suitable for a person who is not inclined to an active lifestyle.
The Tibetan Spaniel usually adapts to various living conditions quite easily, but it should be borne in mind that it cannot live on a leash or in an aviary. In the house for the dog, a separate corner should be distinguished: it should be cozy and secluded. This place should be away from radiators and drafts. In some cases, these pets sleep with their owners.

The thick wool cover of Tibetan spaniels reliably protects them from the cold, but in severe frosts or high humidity, it is recommended to put blankets, sweaters or overalls on such dogs.
Tibbies are doing pretty well in the heat.
Tibetan Spaniels need a lot of nutrients. One of the main rules is to give these dogs as little fatty food as possible. Tibbies eat both natural foods and special blends. Many Tibetan Spaniel owners give them Nutro Choice, Merrick. Tibbies can be fed with these natural foods:
- fermented baked milk, kefir, cottage cheese;
- buckwheat porridge, rice;
- goat, veal, beef;
- sea fish (cod, notothenia, hake);
- boiled vegetables (tomatoes, zucchini, carrots, beets);
- offal (heart, liver, kidneys, stomach, lungs).

As for corn and chicken meat, it should be borne in mind that because of them, Tibetan spaniels often have allergic reactions. If you encounter such a problem, you will need to stop giving your dog these foods. It is strictly forbidden to feed the Tibbi with the following foods:
- tubular bones;
- potato;
- bakery and confectionery products;
- spicy, salty, smoked food;
- pork, lamb.
It is better to cook fish for tibbi, because after eating fresh meat, the dog can become infected with worms. It is better to feed an adult dog, whose age has reached 7 months, twice a day, a tibby, whose age is 3–6 months - 3 times, a small puppy - 4 times a day.
Education and training
Tibby needs early socialization. It is recommended to walk with the Tibetan Spaniel for a long time immediately after it appears in the house: this way you will accustom the dog to other animals and people. If this is not done, the dog can become aggressive towards strangers.
The relationship of the Tibetan Spaniel with its owner must be a partnership. If you often scold the dog, use physical punishment, he will stop trusting the owner and harbor resentment. If you respect the tibbi and demonstrate it in every possible way, the pet will respond with gratitude, devotion and love.

Such dogs can be trained quite well. The thing is that they strive to please their masters and please them in every possible way. However, qualities such as love of freedom and stubbornness can also awaken in the Tibetan spaniel. Some Tibetans start to ignore commands and act on their instincts.
Because of this, it is better not to use such dogs as service dogs.
Health and possible diseases
Tibetan spaniels live up to 15 years. The health of such pets is usually quite strong, but they are still prone to some diseases. Most often, certain diseases in Tibbi arise due to a genetic predisposition. For this reason, it is better to purchase Tibetan Spaniel puppies in reliable nurseries, where they provide information about the pedigree of the animal. Most often, Tibbies develop the following diseases.
- Allergies. Symptoms are swelling, itching, and so on. To avoid the occurrence of allergic reactions, you need to be as serious as possible when choosing the right foods for your Tibetan Spaniel.
- Otitis. It develops due to the peculiar shape of the tibbi ears. To prevent the development of such a disease, it is necessary to maintain good hygiene. After walking in wet weather and water procedures, carefully wipe the coat of the pet next to the ears. This can be done with cotton wool discs.
- Retinal atrophy. Take your pet to your veterinarian ophthalmologist regularly. If the problem is ignored and the disease is triggered, the dog can go completely blind.
- Problems with the musculoskeletal system. Such diseases arise due to the peculiarity of the physique of Tibetan spaniels. They most often develop in older animals.
If you take into account the recommendations for feeding the Tibby and properly care for such a dog, his health will remain for a long time.

Attention should be paid not only to the physical, but also to the psychological state of the dog. Dose the stay of the dog in noisy and crowded places, make sure that he does not get nervous.
The Tibetan Spaniel becomes sexually mature at approximately 9 months of age. The male is ready for the first mating at 12 months, the female - 2 weeks after the onset of estrus. A repetition of knitting is necessary in a day.

The bitch has puppies after 2 months. During pregnancy, the activity of the dog should be limited, and it is necessary to feed it more often: about 4 times a day. Before giving birth, Tibbi usually refuses to eat, shows anxiety. Thick discharge occurs, body temperature decreases. The female usually gives birth to 2 to 4 cubs at a time.

For more information on the breed, see the video below.