
All About Eyeshadow Applicators

All About Eyeshadow Applicators
  1. What it is?
  2. Nuances of choice
  3. How to use?
  4. How to clean?

The women's cosmetic bag is filled with various things, each of which has its own specific purpose. Even applying different types of cosmetics requires different tools. So, for example, special brushes - applicators are used to apply eye shadow.

What applicators are for, how to choose high-quality makeup brushes, how to properly care for them - you will find answers to these and other questions in the article.

What it is?

Externally, the eye shadow applicator is a small pointed brush with a soft tip made of a special material (latex, foam or felt). Most of them are used to apply the eyeshadow evenly, but you wonder where else you can use them.

  • As a sponge for applying eyebrow shadow. The applicator evenly distributes shadows over the entire surface, painting well the skin under the hairs. Its soft base allows you to create a natural brow shade without having to buy a separate brush for this.
  • Evenly distribute mousse eyeshadow, which is very difficult to achieve using only an ordinary brush.
  • Draw the inner corner of the eye. The pointed shape of the tool allows you to accurately apply shadows to the inner corner, which is difficult to reach for a regular brush.
  • Apply loose eyeshadow gently. Many do not use this type of shadows due to the fact that they are very difficult to apply, as they tend to crumble. With the applicator, you can not only evenly apply them on the eyelid, but also create a layer necessary in density to get a bright and rich shade.
  • Shade the eyeliner. Not every girl has a special pencil brush in her makeup bag that is designed for this. This is where a conventional applicator comes in. With its help, you can gently shade the arrow drawn with a pencil.
  • Apply glitter. Glitter is, of course, beautiful, but very problematic in terms of application.

In this case, the applicator allows you to do this much more neatly than a brush, since its porous structure holds the sparkles better, and they do not crumble on the way to the face.

Nuances of choice

We invite you to familiarize yourself with a few guidelines that will help you choose quality applicators for applying eyeshadow.

  1. As mentioned earlier, the tip of the applicator can be different - felt, latex, foam or silicone. Here everyone chooses based on their budget. The cheapest solution is foam rubber, they come in every set of shadows, but this option is short-lived.
  2. When choosing a brush with a foam tip, you should pay attention to its porosity - the smaller it is, the better.
  3. Foam applicators work well with eyeshadow, but are not suitable for neat blending.
  4. The best option is latex or silicone applicator tips. Due to the dense structure of the material, it is convenient to apply straight lines with them, if necessary, make them denser. These tips are also great for shading shadows.
  5. Felt applicators have approximately the same characteristics as latex applicators. They are easy to use and practical to clean.
  6. It is best to buy a set of applicators, as it is recommended to use different tools for different types and shades of eyeshadow.
  7. Eyeshadow applicators come in different resilience. Soft options wear out quickly, hard ones are inconvenient to use, so the best solution is brushes with a tip of medium elasticity.

How to use?

The main purpose of the applicators is to evenly apply different types of shadows to the eyelid. There are two main ways to use special eye pads.

  1. Wet application. This method involves mixing the base with water, due to which it turns out to achieve the most dense and saturated shade. Shadows with this method lay down softly and evenly.
  2. Dry application. The classic version that most girls use. With this method, any shade is applied evenly in a thin layer.

A dry applicator should be used to blend in both cases.

In addition to the usual application of shadows, applicators have a wide range of applications - shading a pencil, applying shadows for eyebrows, drawing the inner corner of the eye, using for applying loose shadows.

How to clean?

Any cosmetic instrument requires regular maintenance. Thanks to this, the tools retain their functionality and durability.

It is best to rinse them with plain water after each use. Once every 1-2 weeks, the applicators should be cleaned in a shampoo solution or using special care products for cosmetic instruments.

For those who do make-up on a professional level, it is recommended to treat the brushes with a special disinfection solution after each use. Or use disposable applicators.

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