Peeling sponge GreenWay

One of the most important treatments is facial cleansing. The modern cosmetics industry offers many products for this purpose. Among them, special sponges are deservedly popular. A good choice would be a product from the GreenWay company.

The skin of the face needs regular cleansing, as it accumulates dead cells, sebum, dust particles in the process of life. If they are not removed in a timely manner, the pores become clogged, the skin becomes dull. Conventional cleansers may not always have the desired effect. Their effectiveness is increased by sponges for washing and peeling.
The peeling sponge GreenWay will help you get an excellent result. It is very easy to use; when using it, you do not need cleaning products for washing: just moisten it with warm water. It has such a feature due to its unique composition. For the manufacture of sponges, microfiber and viscose are used, which, in turn, are obtained from bamboo.

With the help of viscose, the outer layer of the skin is removed, and microfibers help to thoroughly cleanse the pores from impurities. The introduction of silver nanoparticles into the composition makes it possible to achieve antibacterial action. As a result of using the accessory, dead cells are exfoliated, excess sebum is removed, and acne is prevented due to deep cleansing of the pores. In addition, the sponge produces a gentle massage, improving blood microcirculation in the skin. As a result - renewed and rejuvenated facial skin. Creams and masks work better on the dermis prepared in this way.
After a deep peeling with the AQUAmagic Laska accessory, the skin begins to regenerate. It becomes smooth, firm and fresh. In addition, peeling passes, black dots gradually disappear. New acne does not appear, as thanks to the improved microcirculation in the skin, its cells are renewed.

It is also important to consider the fact that the sponge will provide some cost savings, because you do not need to purchase additional cosmetic products for washing... At a cost of about 400 rubles, with proper operation, it has durability, since it is made of durable modern materials. It should be noted that these materials are hypoallergenic.
Unfortunately, it is impossible to purchase a product in a regular cosmetic store; it must be ordered on the company's website. The product comes in a small black envelope, on which the manufacturer has placed information about the effects that the sponge produces and the material of its manufacture. From the insert in the envelope you can learn how to use the product correctly, how to care for it.
Also, the product can be purchased as part of a set, which may include a towel, mitten for facial massage, hair band, sponges for cleaning teeth and other accessories.

How to use it correctly?
The sponge is easy to use and can be used on any type of skin. It is put on 2 or 3 fingers, having previously moistened with warm water and squeezing out excess moisture. Then the product is applied to the face in a circular motion along the massage lines. You don't need to press hard. In the case of oily skin, special attention is paid to the T-zone. The procedure lasts no more than 3 minutes. After its completion, the face is dried with a towel or napkins and moisturizing or nourishing compositions are applied, depending on the type of skin and its condition.
The manufacturer warns that you do not need to use the product for face exfoliation every day. For oily or combination skin, the procedure is repeated 2-3 times a week, for dry or sensitive skin 1 time will be enough. Too aggressive impact can be disastrous for the face.
A mitten is used in a similar way, only they put it on the whole hand. It can cleanse and massage not only the face, but also the neck and décolleté.

In order for the product to serve for a long time, it must be looked after properly. The product should be washed after use. The optimum temperature is 60 ° C. As a detergent, it is allowed to use baby or laundry soap, as well as Bio Trim washing plates. Do not wash the sponge together with other products. Do not use bleach or softener. Under no circumstances should the product be allowed to come into contact with household chemical products.
Dry the product at room temperature. Do not try to speed up the process by using a hot iron or sponge on a battery, or expose it to direct sunlight.... If used correctly, the manufacturer guarantees a product service life of 2 years.

Review overview
Girls leave a lot of reviews about the AQUAmagic Laska sponge for the face. They are mostly positive.... Girls love that the sponge is very easy to use, it is suitable for all skin types. Many people note that with its purchase, there is a rather tangible saving of money, since there is no need to buy additional means for washing, and the product has a long service life. Women like that the hypoallergenic product contains silver nanoparticles that have an antibacterial effect.
The users note that the sponge has a gentle effect on the skin, while it cleanses it qualitatively, it becomes tender, soft and smooth. Some even sometimes forgot to use the cream after the procedure.

Peeling and irritation disappear after using the peeling accessory... In some reviews, it is reported that due to gentle massage, the swelling of the face is reduced. Almost everyone says that after a while, with regular procedures, blackheads and traces of acne disappear.Minor inflammations disappear almost immediately.
However, there are reviews in which they write about the absence of any effect from the use of the product. In rare cases, a deterioration in the condition of the skin is reported. This is usually due to too frequent use of the exfoliator. As a minus, it can be considered that the sponge cannot be purchased in the store; sometimes it takes quite a long time from the moment of ordering until it is received. Some people think that the price of the product is somewhat overpriced.