
Description and use of silicone sponges

Description and use of silicone sponges
  1. What is it and why are they needed?
  2. Top brands
  3. How to use it correctly?

Silicone makeup sponge has recently appeared on the market, but has already found its fans. Among the advantages of the new device are the ease of use and care of the item.

What is it and why are they needed?

A silicone sponge is a silicone pad that is used to apply makeup. The beauty tool is transparent, flat and looks like a flattened drop of water. However, today you can already find this object in the shape of a heart, a rectangle with rounded edges, a circle. The elastic material from which the sponge is made resembles rubber in appearance and properties, but it feels softer and smoother to the touch. Regardless of its shape, it has a more convex and flatter side.

The face sponge has a homogeneous structure, devoid of pores. Thanks to this, it does not change the texture of the product, for example, foundation or blush, and does not thicken the applied substance. The coating that forms on the skin turns out to be light, even practically weightless, which means that it becomes more comfortable to wear. In addition, this property of the sponge prevents the absorption of liquid and creamy substances, and therefore will reduce the consumption of such cosmetics. The resulting savings will be a pleasant bonus for both makeup artists and ordinary users.

The service life of the silicone sponge is much longer than that of a beauty blender, and the large and flat surface allows you to quickly cope with cosmetic procedures.

The absence of pores is also responsible for the hygiene of the pad: inside it, along with excess cosmetics, bacteria do not accumulate and do not multiply. As a result, the silicone instrument is safer for the skin, without provoking inflammation, irritation and other unpleasant consequences. It is also worth mentioning that the silicone pad creates a uniform, smudge-free coating.

You can use the sponge with any creamy texture: foundation, liquid blush, bronzer or highlighter. Thanks to the quick cleaning, several products can be applied with just one “drop” in one make-up session. As for dry friable products, the smooth structure of the sponge simply will not allow them to be removed from the box.

It is important to understand that the quality of a beauty device still depends on the materials used, and therefore on the price. Economy options from nameless manufacturers quickly fail: they turn yellow or darken and even break.

High-quality products from trusted brands, made of hypoallergenic materials, of course, do not suffer from this - they do not lose color even with repeated use, and it is simply impossible to tear them. It should also be remembered that cheap silicone devices often contain components of unknown origin that cause itching, irritation and rash.

Top brands

One of the best silicone sponges on the market is the Sephora Collection Silicon Make-up Sponge. The first thing that catches your eye is the pink color of the beauty unit, which is different from the usual transparency. The pad has a comfortable shape, ideal for a woman's palm, and is designed to distribute any cream and gel substances. The substance can be shaded into a translucent veil or applied in a thick layer. A functional elastic item does not absorb liquid products, and therefore can be cleaned with ordinary soapy water. It is also not necessary to wait for natural drying, it is enough to get wet with a dry napkin and remove it to where the sponge is usually stored.

Sili Blender from Beauty Bar also gets good reviews. A tear-shaped flat transparent object with a pointed edge is characterized by increased flexibility, which makes it possible to easily distribute any creamy substance over the skin. A durable and flexible item has a very affordable cost, but make-up with it requires a finishing application of a soft sponge or fingers.

SIiliconic Make Up Blender by Catrice became the trend of the season at one time. The cushion, made of high quality silicone, is soft, smooth and has a pleasant texture. The elastic material quickly returns to its original position when changing shape. Despite the noticeable weight, the sponge is quite comfortable to hold in your hands. The teardrop shape of the device allows you to apply foundation even to hard-to-reach places, such as the eye area and the wings of the nose.

However, it should be remembered that the coverage will be uniform only under the condition of patting movements.

Makeup Sponge HB-201S from Ruby Rose resembles dense jelly in texture. The presence of a thin film on the surface is felt, but does not cause discomfort. The device significantly reduces the consumption of tonal means, and therefore significantly saves the budget. The sponge spreads the substance over the skin in a thin layer in a few strokes, without creating streaks or streaks.

The silicone sponge of the L'Etoile brand is also quite good. A smooth transparent polyurethane pillow filled with silicone costs about 200 rubles, and therefore is considered budgetary. After use, it can be easily cleaned with soap and water.

Makeup Revolution's Unicorn Tears Silicone Sponges are also worth mentioning. The set consists of three pieces of different shades in the shape of a tear.

Silicone makeup sponge from DE. CO. resembles a transparent flat bar of soap in the shape of an oval, very pleasant to the touch. The device does an excellent job of distributing the foundation even in difficult places, for example, near the nose.

How to use it correctly?

To get acquainted with a silicone sponge, it is recommended to use a drop-shaped model, which allows you to apply cosmetics even to hard-to-reach places, for example, in the area of ​​the nose.

  • Make-up application begins with the fact that a very small amount of foundation is squeezed out onto the flat, that is, the wrong side of the pad - either in the middle or along the edges. The volume of this drop can be almost half as much as in the case of conventional sponges.
  • With the larger part of the sponge, the substance is distributed over the face with stroking movements along the lines of least stretch. With a pointed end, a foundation, concealer or corrector is applied to areas that require detailed work of the makeup artist. If there is a need to create a denser coating, then the second layer is applied in the same way.
  • It should be mentioned that the use of budget segment silicone pads requires a certain skill. If you just run them over the skin, then irregularities, roughness and peeling may occur, as well as wrinkles stand out. It is also likely that the substance will get into folds and pores. Therefore, when using cheap sponges, it is necessary to apply the product with a patting motion, and then distribute it in a circular motion over the surface.

A high-quality silicone pad from a trusted manufacturer allows you to apply the foundation on the face and neck with regular stroking movements.

Some girls manage to use a transparent sponge to care for the skin around the eyes. To do this, you first need to put the beauty unit in the refrigerator, and then put it on the area around the eyes. After a few minutes, the sponges can be removed and you can enjoy the disappearance of circles and bags under the eyes. The tool is also suitable for even application of skin care products, sunblock or bronzer to the skin.

The innovative device is very easy to care for: just rinse it with water and dry it thoroughly with a towel or napkin. Some girls immerse it in a soapy solution, after which they rinse it under running water, while others usually treat it with soap under the tap. If desired, it is possible to treat the pad with a disinfectant or even alcohol, or even use a couple of wipes: wet and dry.

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