
Sponge mittens GreenWay

Sponge mittens GreenWay
  1. Description
  2. How to use?
  3. Review overview

The GreenWay sponge mitten is of great interest to girls and women who prefer natural methods of facial care. The reviews of this product are very promising, and the description and use of this product only reinforces the opinions of the customers. A detailed review will help you understand what makes the AQUAMagic Laska reversible mitten unique and what advantages it has.


The GreenWay company presents the sponge mitten in two versions at once in the AQUAMagic Laska line. Each of the options deserves special attention.

  • Reversible sponge mitten for the face. A light pink cosmetic accessory with a loop for drying and edging along the edges has an oval shape, different hardness of the sides. This type of sponge helps to keep the skin toned, has a massage and lymphatic drainage effect, well exfoliates the skin surface without scrubs. The smooth part of the mitten is used to give the surface of the face a radiant and healthy look, and helps to close the pores after exfoliation.

  • Sponge mitten for makeup remover. This soft-looking pink mitten has the ability to remove makeup without leaving a trace. The special fibrous structure of the sponge provides easy removal of mascara, foundation, eye shadow and lipstick with ordinary water, without additional chemicals. The fleecy surface has an antibacterial silver-based impregnation. And also, moistening it with cold or hot water, before the procedure, you can tone or steam the skin.

The uniqueness of these products lies in the fact that with them you can make your face care more natural, by giving up the use of harsh abrasive peels and other products. Washing your face in the morning and removing makeup in the evening will only require the use of plain water.The base made of polyamide and polyester is hypoallergenic, the fleecy part is made of microfibers with unique properties.

Such mittens-sponges do not damage the skin, demonstrate excellent moisture absorption, relieve irritation, breakouts, blackheads and enlarged pores.

How to use?

There is no one-size-fits-all application for different products. AQUAMagic Laska sponge mittens also require a different approach. You can use the scrubbing double-sided version without restrictions, on any type of skin. But morning routines usually start with a gentle wash accessory.

Here are the basic rules.

  1. Moisten a soft fleece mitten with cold water. Massage the skin, toning it up. This will remove morning swelling. With daily exposure, a gradual reduction in the number of expression lines can be achieved.
  2. Go to intensive scrubbing. It is required no more than 2-3 times a week. With the hard part of the reversible mitten, you need to walk along the massage lines and problem areas.
  3. Polish the leather. To do this, turn the sponge over with the smooth side. They are carried over the skin, paying special attention to previously scrubbed areas.

It is very important to combine the action of different products. Evening procedures are slightly different from morning ones. In this case, first, make-up removal and washing are performed, and only then a glove heated with water is used for steaming. If the skin is prone to flaking, you can supplement the treatment with a gentle scrubbing.

The products themselves also require care. The service life of each sponge in the form of a mitten does not exceed 2 years, then it will have to be replaced with a new one. For the longest possible preservation of products in good condition, they require simple maintenance.

  1. Wash regularly with GreenWay laundry soap by hand. Machine wash is also acceptable. In this case, use special plates "BioTrim" on a natural basis. The temperature regime should be gentle, no more than 60 degrees.
  2. Do not expose to chemical attack. Even a relatively harmless fabric softener can harm the materials of your sponge mitten, not to mention the bleach or stain remover. Contact with them is strictly prohibited.
  3. Dry naturally by hanging it on a special loop. Contact with batteries and other heating devices is strictly prohibited.
  4. Avoid ironing. The special structure of the fibers is easily destroyed by thermal action. Even contacts with the iron at the minimum heating level should be excluded with the steam generator.

Rinse and rinse accessories after each use. Since products absorb water strongly, care should be taken to spin thoroughly before drying.

Review overview

According to customers, GreenWay sponge mittens have a number of significant advantages. Praise is given to the convenience of these accessories in use, good caring and scrubbing properties, and durability. It is noted that it is convenient to take the mitten with you on trips and travels, on vacation, replacing it with a whole arsenal of familiar cosmetics. Particular attention has been paid to the hypoallergenic properties of the materials - this treatment is suitable for those who cannot use conventional scrubs and formulations for removing cosmetics. After regular use of mittens-sponges, the pores of the skin are noticeably narrowed, the complexion is evened out.

The disadvantages of this product, customers include the need for a separate purchase of a scrubbing sponge and an option for makeup remover. For many, the natural drying of products after use has become a problem. They simply do not have time to lose all moisture during the time from evening to morning washing.

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