All about wishes for the old New Year

Although the old New Year is not an official holiday, many people love and honor its traditions. One of these customs is considered to be making wishes. Belief in a better future and adherence to all age-old canons for the old New Year will help bring goodness and magic into your life.
How to make a right guess?
According to astrologers and specialists in the study of other worlds and outer spaces, desires can and should always be made, because all our dreams can come true if we believe in them. However, the wishes made for the old New Year are charged not only with our energy, but also with the power of the date itself.
Old New Year is the Julian New Year (Old Style), starting on the night of January 13-14. It is celebrated in those countries whose churches celebrate Christmas on January 7th. According to the calendar tradition, Christmas should be preceded by the Nativity Fast, after which the time of the old New Year comes. Such a countdown and the tradition of celebrating this day began back in 1918, and therefore the date is charged with joy, goodness and faith of many generations. In addition, the night of January 13-14 marks the religious holiday of the Circumcision of the Lord, making the day even more powerful in terms of energy.
Despite the magical properties of this night, not all desires are fulfilled, because any most cherished dream must be comprehended and thought out.

Secrets of dreams that come true.
- Desire should be your own, not imposed by anyone. So, the dream of marriage should be felt by the girl herself, and not by her parents and their desire to quickly acquire grandchildren.
- A dream should not only bring good to a specific person, but also not harm others.For example, the desire to get a new position of deputy director by removing an annoying colleague from it is unlikely to be heard and fulfilled by the Universe. In addition, do not forget about the always current boomerang rule, when envy through a series of events returns to envy, and anger at a certain time comes to its creator. Only goodness and bright thoughts should guide a person in the old New Year, and therefore one should take seriously the formulation of his cherished dream.
- Sincere belief in the magic power of the holiday. Gloomy skeptics who do not believe in anything but themselves will not engage in such rituals, because only those who believe in a miracle are able to meet with him in reality. Doubts, questions, guesses and speculations on the night of January 14 should not disturb the mystery of making wishes with their presence.
- Send kindness to the Universe by transmitting your good mood to it. Heavy thoughts will not allow you to tune in and reveal your inner strength, and therefore it is wiser at such moments to postpone the rituals to another day.
- It is good when, while making a wish, a person clearly imagines himself having already received this benefit. Visualization is a powerful method of creating your own reality.
- As you continue to visualize, you need to follow the very formulation of the dream. Among the formulations that are erroneous are: “I will not get sick”, “I want to be healthy”, “May my children be successful”, “I don’t want to live in poverty”. It is interesting, but such seemingly correct thoughts are only harmful. The Universe does not recognize the "not" particles in our words and does not know the future tense, and therefore the dream "not to get sick" is read in the space of eternity as a message to illness. Desire should consist only of positive words, be it words about love, wealth or health. “I am healthy, my family is next to me, I am happy. Thanks!" - an example of the right message.
- Writing about a dream should be specific and precise, which is why it is so important to present images in front of you.
- It is best to ponder your dream a few days before the old New Year in order to arrive at the appointed time filled with inner strength and faith in the best.
Note that the cherished thought may not be one, but a whole list. So, there is a ritual when, on the night of January 13-14, 12 notes with wishes are placed under the pillow, and one of them is received in the morning.
The content of the extended note is destined to come true in the coming year.

Necessary rituals and ceremonies
Most often, experts advise not only to write your desires, but also to increase their power with the help of the power of fire. Burning notes on a white plate with a candle, scattering the ashes in the wind.
The ceremony of burning a note with a cherished request to the Universe is a classic version of a petition, but far from the only one. On the night of January 14, the most courageous and self-confident can look out the window and loudly shout about their desire. The strength of the voice in this case will directly affect the speed of execution.
And yet, most of our deepest and most cherished dreams are shrouded in mystery, and therefore it is rather difficult to shout about them. A wish written on a New Year's card and mailed to yourself in an envelope is a great alternative to screaming from a window. In addition, this postcard will be a nice reminder of your goal.

There are other ways as well.
- Cut out of paper a figurine of the animal that dominates the Eastern calendar in the New Year, and whisper to him about your desire, and then hang it on the tree. Later, when the time comes to put away the Christmas decorations, the figurine is removed and placed in a secluded place. This method can be not only useful, but also very interesting for children who will carefully lay the figures under the pillow and dream about the most important events in their lives.
- Decorating a Christmas tree with dream symbols. Christmas decorations in the form of hearts, coins, bills and even jewelry are a powerful tool that helps to tune your life to the wave of love, success and prosperity.
- Reflection of a dream in a festive outfit. Embroidered symbols, hand-made pendants for the holiday are able to create real magic, combining the energy of our own hand-made labor and the celebration itself.
- Creation of a wax mascot on the night of January 13-14. Wax from a lighted candle should be dripped into cold water, uttering a wish, and then take the resulting intricate pattern and wear it until the dream comes true in your pocket or purse.
- Generosity towards birds and animals. On the morning of January 14, it is necessary to go out into the street with grains, seeds and bread crumbs and put the treat under the tree and in the feeders with the words: "I give, I receive, I make my dream come true."

Psychic advice
Guessing and fulfilling other people's and their own desires for psychics is a common and daily thing. Each of them knows many effective methods and attributes that will definitely help in achieving the goal. Mirrors and candles are considered the most powerful attributes. So, the famous psychic Marilyn Kerro recommends writing about your desires on mirrors, strengthening the words and reflecting them, as well as on candles, and then lighting them. You can whisper about your dreams in an opaque bottle, tightly corking it and hiding it from prying eyes.
Basic rules of psychics:
- any dream loves silence and solitude;
- any message needs unshakable faith in its fulfillment.
Every kind and light desire has the right to life and fulfillment. The Universe hears our thoughts, and the most ancient holidays help to strengthen their voice and give them power.