
Buddha figurines and their meaning

Buddha figurines and their meaning
  1. Meaning
  3. What are they made of?
  4. Accommodation in the house

Many people try to attract good luck, money and prosperity to themselves using various amulets. Nowadays, Buddha figurines are very popular. Figures of this deity can be seen in many houses and apartments.


Despite the fact that statuettes depicting a laughing deity are now popular not only in Japan and China, but all over the world, not everyone knows where they came from. The character that everyone is used to seeing is the Buddha Hotei, one of the seven Japanese gods of happiness. However, many people mistake him for Shakyamuni Buddha, the founder of Buddhism.

The prototype of Hotei was a monk-traveler. To life in a monastery, he preferred wandering around the country with a staff and a begging bag. Legends say that wherever he appeared, luck and money came to people. In addition, the man had a great sense of humor and easy character. It is thanks to his luck and carelessness that he was remembered by people.

Figures depicting the god of fun appeared in the East in the 15th century. Most often he was portrayed with a bag in his hands. It is such a simple canvas bag that is called "ho tei". This is where the name of this deity came from.

Another version of the origin of the eastern god of happiness associates him with such a character as Buddha Maitreya. In one of his incarnations, the Buddhist god was very attractive. He drove a huge number of women crazy. But since Buddha did not want to be with any of them, he had to break the hearts of the girls in love with him. To end the suffering of women, the good-natured god decided to take the form of a fat bald deity. In addition, he decided to make amends to them, giving them good luck and wealth.

It is believed that modern Buddha statues also bring material prosperity and joy to the inhabitants of houses and apartments. That is why they can be seen in the interior of many apartments.


There are several different types of Buddha figurines. Each of them has its own purpose.

  • Hotei with a bag. The most popular option is a smiling deity with a bag in hand. The oriental god can be depicted in various poses. Most often, he either stands or sits next to a bag or a pile of coins.

You can find such figurines in modern stores and in the collections of antiques lovers.

  • Buddha on a three-legged toad. Such a figurine is considered a very powerful amulet. She not only attracts wealth to the house, but also protects the inhabitants of the house from unreasonable spending.

According to an ancient legend, the toad thus fulfills its sins from a past life. As a punishment for greed and malice, she now has to bring money to people.

  • Hotei with a dragon turtle. The small figurine is also very popular all over the world. It is believed that it helps its owners to make profitable deals, adds wisdom and strength to them.
  • Buddha with a fan. The figurine of the laughing deity helps protect the family from evil influences and backbiting. Waving his fan, the Buddha clears the space of negative energy.
  • Buddha with a peach. The figurine of a fat deity with fruit in his hands brings to the house not only wealth, but also health and longevity.
  • Buddha with a pearl. Such figurines are bought into their homes by those who strive not only for wealth, but also for spiritual growth.
  • Buddha with rosary. Such figurines are also suitable for those who seek to develop spiritually.
  • Hotei in a pyramid with coins and golden sand. Such a deity in Feng Shui helps to build a successful career.
  • Buddha with fish. Figures depicting various animals, such as elephants or tigers, are very popular in the East. The Buddha is most often depicted with a fish in his hands, a sack next to it. This choice is quite logical, because fish in Buddhism symbolize happiness, because they are free and carefree.

It is believed that such a statuette also brings joy and freedom to the owners of the house from all problems.

  • Figurine with children. These figurines are bought by those who want to have offspring. In addition, the Buddha figurine attracts prosperity and happiness to the family.
  • Buddha 4 faces. The sculpture of the many-faced deity brings peace and tranquility to the house. According to legend, Buddha at some point was able to completely withdraw from all his emotions. This brought him happiness and tranquility. The figurine, made in the form of the head of a god, symbolizes 4 human emotions: anger, joy, sadness and happiness. It is believed that on different days of the week, you can spin the figurine. When she stops, you need to look at the dropped face. The emotion that it conveys to a person needs to be worked out at this stage of his life.

The colors of the figures may also vary. Most often, there are statuettes of white, bronze or golden color.

What are they made of?

Figures are also distinguished by what material they are made of. The most valuable are jade, emerald, opal and agate products. Bronze and coral figurines are also common. An antique figurine made of precious metal will be an excellent gift for a loved one who is fond of oriental culture.

Products made of clay, plaster or even plastic are cheaper. Many souvenir shops sell metal or plastic figurines with a bobble head or any other interesting addition. You can choose the right decoration for your home for every taste.

In general, it is believed that the material from which the figurine is made does not really matter. Therefore, you can buy a product even from bronze, even from clay. The main thing is that the figurine is selected taking into account the desires and intentions of the person and is always surrounded by attention.

Accommodation in the house

It is very important to place the purchased or donated figurine in the right place. First of all, it is worth remembering that the statuette should always be in sight. Most often, a Buddha figurine is placed in the hallway, right at the entrance to the apartment. This protects the room from getting into it negative.

But it can be installed in any other part of the apartment. Large figurines are usually placed directly on the floor. For small items, you can find space on shelves, tables or even in the work area... It is very important to pay attention to which part of the apartment the Buddha will stand in.

  1. The southeast part of the house is the wealth sector. To attract money to the family, you need to have Hotei there with coins and gold. And also there you can put a figurine of a three-legged toad with a coin in its mouth. It should be remembered that the southern sector of the room is a fire zone. Therefore, you cannot put metal figurines there. In this case, there will be no benefit from them.
  2. Eastern part of the apartment. The health sector is located in this part of the dwelling. There it is worth placing the figure of a deity with a fruit, bamboo or ginseng root in his hands. In this case, the Buddha will attract well-being and health to the house.
  3. North-eastern part of the house. In the sector of wisdom, it is worth putting a figurine with a pearl or a scroll in hand. This will help the person make the right decisions in many difficult situations.
  4. West side of the apartment. Those who want to have children usually put a figurine in this part of the room.

It is advisable to place the statuette facing the entrance to the room. And also it is worth remembering that it should always be well-groomed and wiped from dust. From time to time, the figure is stroked on the stomach. With this simple gesture, you can attract good luck for the whole day.

Hotei Buddha is a popular symbol of good luck, health and prosperity. If the cheerful god is in a good mood, he will bring happiness and prosperity to the house.

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