
Overview of Dulevo statuettes

Overview of Dulevo statuettes
  1. Features and history
  2. Variety of figurines
  3. Are they appreciated by collectors?

Dulevo porcelain was once considered one of the best in the USSR. In this article we will tell the history of Dulevo porcelain and review the famous figurines.

Features and history

Dulyovo porcelain figurines originate in 1832 in the city of Gzhel, where several factories were concentrated at once during the Soviet era. The founder of the factory was T. Ya. Kuznetsov, who rebuilt the factory on the Dulyovo heath. Dulevo porcelain was recognized as the best two times in a row at the World Exhibition in Paris in 1889 and 1890.

In 1917, after the October Revolution, the plant was nationalized and radically changed the design of the dishes. At that time, they demanded maximum simplicity, they had to follow the rules.

After the Second World War, the factory was reconstructed and, in addition to mass products, they began to produce original products.

The main feature of the Dulevo tableware is a floral painting depicting a rose. It is called "agashka". The simple and at the same time delicate appearance of the products has pleased many porcelain lovers. Bright flowers are depicted on a white background, it all looks so beautiful that you want to buy everything at once.

Variety of figurines

Consider the rarest statuettes of the Soviet period.


The author of the sculpture is A.D.Brzhezitskaya. She created this work in 1960. A searing brunette with long hair sits in a colorful skirt adorned with bright flowers and a white blouse. The girl's arms and neck are decorated with massive gold jewelry, earrings in her ears. The price is 4500 rubles.

"Snow Maiden"

A beautiful sculpture in the shape of the granddaughter of Santa Claus belongs to the authorship of N.A. Malysheva. The girl is depicted in a mother-of-pearl coat with brown snowflakes. On the hands are pink mittens, a long braid hangs down to the waist. The price of the product is 4715 rubles.


The sculpture was created in 1964 by N.A. Malysheva. She shows a young girl dancing in a mother-of-pearl dress with a fluttering hem. There is a red scarf on his head. The dancer is depicted spinning around its axis. The price is 4500 rubles.

"Tatar dance"

The product was created in 1951 by A.D.Brzezicka. The sculpture depicts a dancing girl in the national Tatar dress in the form of a flying white dress, belted with a red belt. Price - 48,000 rubles.

"Girl with a teapot"

A delicate 1970 sculpture shows a girl in a white dress with a pink and blue pattern. In her hands she holds a large round teapot in a bright red hue with a floral pattern. A long braid hangs down to the waist and is decorated with a blue bow. The price is 2800 rubles.

"The girl feeds the chickens"

The sculpture by N. Malysheva depicts a girl in a pink dress with a white apron, where food for chickens is folded. She spreads millet with her right hand, and birds with red crests surrounded her and peck at their breakfast. Price - 6500 rubles.


This product was created by A.D.Brzezicka. A girl in a national Russian costume in the form of a burgundy coat with gold edging and a white skirt with a burgundy bottom is dancing the Swan dance. In the hands of a snow-white shawl, and on his head flaunts a hat in the color of a fur coat. The cost is 6000 rubles.


The statuette usually comes with a dancer girl. A young man in colorful clothes sitting on a tree stump plays the big accordion, amusing everyone around. The price is 3000 rubles.

"Swan geese"

The 1967 figurine depicts a large swan flying across a blue sky. A boy named Ivanushka in a red shirt sits on the bird's back and tries not to slip. The price is 7500 rubles.


The statuette was created in 1954 by the author N. A. Malysheva. It depicts young people dancing to the accompaniment of an accordion. A girl in a pink blouse and a fluffy white skirt with a pattern in the form of red roses walks arm in arm with a young man in white pants, a red shirt and black boots. Price - 14,000 rubles.

"Woman with a samovar"

A plump woman in a long white dress with a blue pattern carries a large samovar full of tea for guests. A blue scarf with pink flowers is draped over the shoulders. A high bun and rosy cheeks indicate the arrival of important guests. The price is 2300 rubles.


This product was created by A. D. Brzhezitskaya and depicts a young girl greeting guests according to Russian traditions. In the hands of a large tray with bread and salt. The young lady is dressed in a light green dress with a green edging, a bright red scarf on her head. The price is 1200 rubles.

"Walk with the twins"

The sculpture by N. Malysheva depicts a woman walking with two babies. The lady is dressed in a long white coat with a fur trim, a red and white striped shawl on her head. On both sides, mom is pulled by mischievous twins dressed in the same color scheme. The price is 19,900 rubles.

"Golden sheaf"

The sculpture by N. A. Malysheva depicts a girl with a sheaf in a long blue sarafan with yellow-red edging, surrounded by a colorful belt. She holds a small golden sheaf above her head. The price of the product is 25,000 rubles.

"In the north"

In 1957, N.A. Malysheva created a statuette in the shape of a large deer with branchy antlers, saddled by a small child in warm clothes. Ra caring mother is poison and supports her baby. The cost is 170,000 rubles.

"Dancing Girl"

Brzhezitskaya A. D. became the author of this sculpture, depicting the beautiful girl Dasha in a long beige sundress decorated with scarlet roses. The head is covered with a scarf, which Dasha playfully holds on to during the dance. The price of the product is 4000 rubles.

"The Little Humpbacked Horse"

The original figurine depicting a fairy-tale horse with two humps and a rider belongs to the hand of GD Chechulina. A snow-white horse with a gilded mane and tail rushes to its goal with might and main. Ivanushka sits on her back, holding on to her bushy tail so as not to fall. The price is 2500 rubles.


The figurine in the shape of a heron standing on one leg in a swamp was created in 1964. A magnificent bird is depicted among the vegetation of the reservoir. The price is 4500 rubles.

Are they appreciated by collectors?

The value of Dulevo figurines largely depends on how long ago they were made, and how often they come across on sale. The less often a figurine is, the more valuable it is considered, and the more it is in demand among collectors. For example, sculpture "In the North" is considered one of the most valuable and interesting for collectors.

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