
What is maneki-neko and where to put them?

What is maneki-neko and where to put them?
  1. History
  2. Meaning
  3. Species overview
  4. How to arrange in the interior

A figurine in the shape of a cat with a raised paw is a popular Japanese amulet, which is referred to as Maneki-neko. Such a figurine, according to esotericists, brings happiness and good luck to the house. More details about the origin of Maneko-neko and what this or that type of this figurine means will be discussed in the article.


Maneki-neko is the name of the Japanese talisman and amulet. Many believe that it brings good luck, wealth and happiness to its owner. This talisman represents a cat that lifts one of its paws up.

The name "Maneki-neko" can be literally translated as "inviting cat".

According to tradition, this talisman is made of ceramics and painted white, after which it is painted with different patterns and additional shades. There are many legends about the origin of this amulet, which tourists who decide to visit Japan can often hear.

One of them tells about a very rich man who passed one of the holy places - the Gotoku-ji temple. At that moment, it started to rain, thunder rumbled, and lightning flashed. The traveler decided to wait out the bad weather under the tree and move on, but suddenly noticed a cat that seemed to be calling him to go to the temple and wait out the rain there. He entered the temple, and the very tree under which he intended to hide was struck by lightning. It turns out that this cat turned out to be a real salvation for the rich man, and therefore he gave the order to make a figurine in honor of the animal, which is now a talisman for many.

Another legend is associated with a girl of easy virtue who loved cats. Once, at night, she needed to visit the ladies' room, but her cat clung to the girl's clothes, not allowing her to leave the room. A guard came running, having heard the noise, and, deciding that the animal was mad, cut off its head. She later ended up on the ceiling and grabbed a poisonous snake with her teeth. So the cat saved the girl's life. She missed her pet very much. Because of this, one of her clients, to make her happy, gave her a figurine in the form of a cat.

There is another legend in which the cat also saved the life of its owner. It tells the story of an old woman who lived with her cat. She was so poor that she could not even get a piece of bread. Because of this, she had to sell her cat, however, the money from her sale soon ran out. The old woman was starving again, because of which she could die, but one night she had a strange dream in which her former pet strongly recommended that she sculpt figurines in the form of kittens in order to sell them later. The old woman decided to obey. As a result, the figurines charmed people, they were bought very quickly, which saved the woman from starvation.

As you can see, in each of the legends, a cat somehow saves a person and his life. It is not for nothing that this animal is so honored in Japan.


The Japanese believe that the cat figurine attracts happiness, success and good luck. It is also believed that this talisman provides the apartment with protection from thieves, and the raised paw of the cat, which, as it were, waves at it, symbolizes an invitation to the house of guests and other visitors, and, in addition, the figurine itself as a whole contributes to the improvement of relations between people.

It is because of this that in Japan, Maneki-neko figurines can so often be seen in various retail outlets, in eateries, in places where there are slot machines, in offices. Often, such figures can be seen in the home of the Japanese.

If you delve into what the cat figurine means, then here it is worth paying attention to its color and pose.

Species overview

By pose

Most often, there are figurines of a cat with one raised paw. So, if the right paw is raised, it symbolizes luck and wealth. Such a charm is usually acquired by people who wish to attract wealth to their home and, in general, slightly improve their financial situation.

The left paw raised by the cat means happiness, joy, friends and companionship. Such a figurine is acquired in order to make it easier for its owner to establish relationships with other people, build friendships and other kinds of relationships with them.

Sometimes there is a variation of the Japanese figurine, in which the cat has two legs raised at once. Such a figurine means wealth, friends, and fun all at once.

Besides, the figures may differ in the height at which the cat raises its paws.

If you believe the esotericists, then it depends on the height of the raising of the paw how powerful the flow of energy intended for the owner of the statuette will be. The higher the paw is raised, the greater the power of the energy flow will be.

Sometimes there are such figures of Maneki-neko, which represent a cat holding an object in its paw. This is also a very important detail in the statuette. For example, a paddle in a cat's paw symbolizes success, the presence of a fruit in its paw symbolizes success for a couple who wants to have a baby, a fan means protection from evil spirits, and a rattle or a tumbler in a paw means the fulfillment of dreams.

By color

The color of the Japanese figurine is as important as its posture. The traditional color option for Maneko-neko is considered to be white, which is usually complemented by specks of two colors: black and orange.

This feline color is called "calico" in Japan.

It is believed that the figurine in the shape of a white cat helps its owner to improve spiritually., and also contributes to the achievement of harmony and tranquility, helps to realize his pure thoughts, and also symbolizes stability and constancy.

Red, present as an addition to patterns or being the main color of a cat, is a symbol of strong will and determination. A figurine of this color provides a person with protection from evil spirits, diseases and other problems. And the red cat, raising its right paw, is also a kind of magnet that attracts vitality and positive for its owners.

This gold-colored cat figurine is a real magnet for attracting wealth and success. Usually it is recommended to buy it for those people who decided to work for themselves and do business.

A blue or bluish-colored cat helps a person to control his feelings and emotions, as well as to find peace and harmony with himself. It has a great influence on the spiritual component of its owner and largely assists him in establishing relationships with others.

The figurine of a black cat is a strong amulet. It protects its owner and his home from thieves, unkind looks from the enemy side and repels unkind spirits. For a person, it is also a support in difficult life situations and with various difficulties. It is the black figurine of Maneki-neko that will help you find the strength in yourself to cope with big problems.

A green figurine of a cat is usually purchased for those people who study in school or higher education institution. A figurine of this color helps to better memorize the material and, in general, has a beneficial effect on all educational activities, making it more successful.

In addition, such a figurine has a positive effect on a person's creative streak, and therefore it is also suitable for creative individuals who often experience a crisis and lose inspiration.

A pink cat is suitable for those who seek to find a loved one or a loved one, but fail in this matter. Such a figurine helps to get rid of loneliness, overcome all fears and, finally, become more successful in love affairs. Such a statuette is also suitable for couples whose relationship has been going on for a long time. In them, a pink cat will bring romance, invigorate feelings and generally refresh relationships.

The yellow Maneko-neko is usually given to those people who marry. Such a cat protects their union, and also attracts money and happiness to the home of a young couple.

How to arrange in the interior

According to Japanese traditions, the Maneki-neko amulet must be placed near the entrance to the house. In a country house, it can be planted near the door from the outside, right on the street.

If you live in an apartment building, then it is recommended to place the amulet on a pedestal in the hallway.

In both cases, the cat's face should be turned towards the front door, as if looking at it.

Besides, Maneki-neko's action can be enhanced. To do this, the figurine needs to be placed on a small pillow or rug made of red fabric. This color choice is explained by the fact that red in Japan is a symbol of happiness.

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