
Features of bronze figurines

Features of bronze figurines
  1. Species overview
  2. The most expensive models
  3. Tips for choosing a gift
  4. Figurines in the interior
  5. Care rules

Bronze is a unique material with natural flexibility and ductility. Thanks to these qualities, various sculptural compositions can be made from bronze. From ancient times to the present day, bronze items remain very popular, especially for antiques lovers. Today we will talk about what bronze statuettes are, their types and values.

Species overview

Bronze is an amazing metal. Regardless of the weather outside and the time of the product from this alloy will look solidwhich adds value to them. Bronze items are distinguished by elegant shapes, have attractive appearance, varied design. The use of such a material for casting makes it possible to produce very beautiful and original products. They can be a great option as garden sculptures or figures to decorate spacious rooms, living rooms and offices.

The assortment of bronze models is varied.

  • Sculptures in the form of various animals... You can often see models in the form of a pair of pigeons or single figurines, which depict a horse, eagle, lion, boar or bear. Horses are one of the most common options used by craftsmen to create interior items.
  • Compositions depicting people... This is a very broad category that unites personalities with their special character and versatility. These can be figures of women or men, children. The statuette "The Little Prince of the 21st century" attracts attention. This miniature sculpture depicting a boy is made in a modern style.
  • Thematic compositions... In this category are bronze sculptures dedicated to a specific event or selected according to the theme. The composition "Monument to the Perished Sailors" and the miniature "Chinese Golden Fish" attract attention.
  • Bronze items with a historical theme that immortalize historical and political figures and great events in their lives. Such crafts depict a certain person. It could be a bronze sculpture by Winston Churchill or Stalin, Charlie Chaplin or Sherlock Holmes. This includes other historical characters such as Evpatiy Kolovrat or the cheerful Cossack. Such products are made in the form of a bust, a whole figure or a torso.
  • Crafts dedicated to the signs of the zodiac. Usually they are made in the form of miniatures. Zodiac signs in bronze will be a good addition to the interior. Such products are often used as a gift option. You can hand over a miniature for a birthday or an industrial holiday. In this case, products depicting a treble or wrench, a book or the Ostankino TV tower will be appropriate.
  • Sculptures depicting mythical characters, as well as products depicting saints... The category includes a figurine of Mary Magdalene, sculptures of the goddess and god Nefertum, the "Rose Goddess" statuette, an Indian deity, figurines of angels.
  • Figurines, which are made in the form of netsuke figurines, they are presented in a wide variety.
  • Household models, personifying ordinary life.

Separately, one can single out objects of art that have a symbolic direction, with their help, one can consider human vices and virtues.

The most expensive models

Now in antique shops or at auction you can buy antique bronze figurines, products from the times of the USSR, modern models. Their price can be very diverse. Let's list the most expensive models.

  • Sculpture of the Moreau brothers "Parting". Its estimated cost is 850,000 rubles. These authors are considered the most famous sculptors of the Art Nouveau era. The working title of this work is "Jesus and Mary". The Moreau brothers wanted to present a large sculpture at an exhibition in Paris in 1863. This miniature became her prototype.
  • "Nymph and Little Faun"... The famous French sculptor Henri Alluard was the author of this bronze sculpture. Such a piece of art, depicting a beautiful nude nymph in love, repulsing a young satyr, will undoubtedly adorn the room. The price of such a product is about 430,000 rubles.
  • Sculptural composition from bronze "Girls with a tambourine". Its price is over 450,000 rubles. Its author is the famous French sculptor Etienne Henri Dumaige. In this composition, the author managed to subtly convey the dynamism of the dance, to awaken the audience's interest in beauty.

Every year, the collection of bronze items includes thousands of new unique sculptures. It is believed that the most expensive piece of work is the "Walking Man" sculpture, which was estimated at 65 million euros.

Tips for choosing a gift

Bronze statuettes are traditionally considered attributes of a wealthy, successful life. They are used to decorate the interior. More often you can see such objects of art in offices, living rooms, halls. Initially, bronze sculptures were affordable only for people with considerable income. Currently, such products have become more affordable and are often used as a gift for an anniversary or other celebration.

Sets of figurines dedicated to a specific topic are in special demand:

  • the hunter can be presented with the "Hunter (Falconer)" or "Hunter with a Dog" statuette;
  • law enforcement officers will appreciate the product in the form of a bronze statuette of a policeman with a seal;
  • it is advisable for an athlete to present a model "Footballer" or a figurine with the image of figure skates.

Items of historical value are considered important.They are characterized by a considerable price, and you can find them at an auction or in a specialized market.

No less popular are modern models that have semantic meaning. Thus, a miniature depicting an elephant with a raised trunk will become a symbol of prosperity and good luck. The sculpture of a frog will symbolize good luck in family life, and the handed model of a turtle will bring health and longevity to the house. The miniature "Sitting Monkey" will help to emphasize the special style and individuality, as well as to create an interesting and unusual interior.

When choosing exclusive models, it is advisable to study their symbolic meaning. This will allow you to present a gift that brings good luck.

Also, not only bronze figurines can be used as a gift, but also stands, book holders, made in a certain style.

Figurines in the interior

Bronze products are durable and reliable, they look very beautiful and unusual. When choosing a bronze figurine for an interior or as a gift, it is important to consider that such products should correspond to the chosen design, emphasize the style and not get out of the concept of the interior.

  • For rooms decorated in classic style, bronze miniatures depicting characters of antiquity or heroes of works are more suitable.
  • Into rooms matured in oriental style, products with a mythological orientation will organically fit in. Figurines of Buddha or miniatures in the shape of a toad or an elephant will attract wealth to the house and promote good luck.
  • For rooms decorated in style provence, animalistic figures will be preferable.
  • For modern rooms or high tech choose symbolic options that emphasize the uniqueness of the styles.
  • Bronze models with a historical theme will decorate the office of a business man. The statuette of the great commander will increase the creative aura in the room and attract success.

Care rules

Bronze art objects can be inherited and stored for many years, so they need to be carefully looked after. It is not difficult to do this, and the material does not badly tolerate the effects of water, the rays of the sun.

  • To clean figurines made from this material, use ordinary soapy water. Soda is also used to clean products.
  • In order to polish the product and give it a shine, a piece of woolen cloth or cloth is suitable.... Experts advise rubbing objects with a Trilon solution.

After taking a few minutes while cleaning to clean and polish bronze items, you can admire their beauty for a long time.

The process of creating bronze figurines is very interesting. You can familiarize yourself with it by watching the following video.

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