
What do the owl statuettes symbolize and where to put them?

What do the owl statuettes symbolize and where to put them?
  1. Meaning
  2. What are the types of figurines?
  3. Where to locate?

The owl is a nocturnal bird. Many believe that it is a symbol of wisdom and knowledge, therefore they acquire figures in the form of it. Read below about what these statuettes symbolize and where it is better to place them.


The owl has been revered and endowed with special mystical properties by many peoples since ancient times. For example, in ancient Greece it was believed that the owl accompanies Athena, the goddess of wisdom. In India, they believed that this animal symbolizes a seer who is able to tell about the future. In Egypt - that this animal has a close connection with darkness and death, and in Slavic mythology, the owl was considered the keeper of wealth.

An owl statuette in a house is most often perceived not just as a decorative figurine to decorate the interior, but as a talisman or amulet. The figurine of this bird means wisdom and discernment. It is believed that its owner will be able to learn to solve difficult issues profitably for himself, and will also become more dexterous in many things. In addition, such a statuette also makes it easier to assimilate educational material, when it comes to students or schoolchildren, it enhances the craving for knowledge, helps to systematize them.

Many also believe that an owl figurine in the house is a magnet for financial benefits. It protects the owner's pocket from irrational spending, and his house from thieves, envious people and other evil forces.

What are the types of figurines?

Figures in the form of owls are very different, what the animal symbolizes depends on it. So, the material from which the figurine is made has a huge impact on the value of a souvenir.

Many argue that poultry should be made from natural raw materials, which will have a beneficial effect on energy and only enhance it. Wood, stone, clay - any of these materials are suitable.

An equally important role is played by the coloring and posture of the figurine.

  • An owl, which has a white or gold color, is the keeper of the family hearth, it attracts happiness, prosperity and good luck to the house.
  • The bird, which has a light color and spread its wings, helps people who are striving for career growth. It not only promotes career advancement, but also increases wages and business prosperity.
  • The white bird that folded its wings is a symbol of calmness, diligence and discretion. Such a figurine has a beneficial effect on children, especially if they are excessively active and are restless.
  • An owl figurine, which was made of mahogany or ebony, has a beneficial effect on a person's attentiveness, and also has a good effect on his memory, making it stronger.

Often, owl silhouettes can be found on women's jewelry made of silver or gold, as well as on ordinary costume jewelry. Such a pendant helps a young girl to find family happiness and a good husband, it also contributes to the development of female dexterity and cunning. For more mature and already married women, such a pendant is a symbol of well-being, it protects its owner and her home from scandals and quarrels, protects the family hearth.

Where to locate?

The location of the owl figurine is of great importance. Often such a figurine is taken with them to the exam so that it helps to concentrate, calm down and get the highest score in a particular subject. You can keep such a figurine in the office on the table. Such an arrangement will contribute to career prosperity and better work practices.

Placing an owl on a book pile will be ideal for those looking to improve the assimilation of new knowledge and strive for mental development. Most often, such a figurine is placed in children's rooms so that the child begins to study better, and his activities are really useful and productive.

In addition, a figurine of a nocturnal bird can be placed under a pillow at night or between the pages of a textbook or book read, which also has a beneficial effect on the assimilation of knowledge and large amounts of information.

In order for a night bird to keep and protect your family, it is recommended to place it in those places where people most often gather with the whole family.

Please note that you cannot quarrel in the room where such a figure is located, as this contributes to the release of negative energy from its side.

It is also not worth placing it in empty and cold rooms.

If you want to correct your condition in terms of finances, then it is recommended to place the owl next to the money tree or with a toad-shaped figurine with coins. Both the plant and the toad are magnets that attract financial energies. The owl, on the other hand, helps to competently dispose of the wealth that has arrived. In addition, for the same purpose, you can put the statuette in the place where you keep your money savings.

You will learn even more information about why it is worth purchasing an owl statuette for your home in the video below.

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