TV walls in the living room: varieties and recommendations for choosing

The living room, as a room in which all family members and their guests often gather, needs an appropriate setting. An integral part of it is a comfortable and beautiful wall. Especially if with its help you can place not only one of the main attributes of the living room - the TV, but also many other things.

Advantages and disadvantages
Walls are not in vain very popular. Several advantages speak in their favor at once.
- Such furniture can be used as decoration of the living room. With the help of it, the interior of the room will acquire a complete, integral look.
- The variety of types of materials, types of structures and models allows you to choose the desired option in accordance with the style and color scheme. In addition to decorative properties, you can choose a wall that is ideal in terms of its parameters.
- The wall is good for the TV - it provides its optimal position so that it is convenient for viewing.
- Well-chosen furniture is suitable for placing and storing not only equipment, but also other things - textiles, books, dishes, etc.

Disadvantages of TV walls depend on the correct choice. Not every model can meet expectations. In addition, you should think about some technical points in advance - equip sockets, hide wires from TV and other equipment.

Species overview
TV walls can be divided into the following types:
- straight - are arranged in one line (for example, along a wall or as a partition);

- corner - its parts can be placed along two walls relative to the corner element.

The design of the walls for the living room can also be different. The most common models are with a single frame. These include slides and other typical headsets.

Also, the walls can be modular - they consist of parts, the location of which, if necessary, can be changed. In practice, modular walls are more convenient.
Although their cost is slightly higher, it can be adjusted by the selected elements.
Thus, you can choose only what you really need and give up unnecessary expenses and inconvenient compartments in the slide wall.

The TV should occupy a special place in the wall for the living room, therefore, its position should be given as much attention as possible. There are plenty of ways to place your TV.
- Curbstone is the most practical and reliable option, especially if we are dealing with an old-style device. For modern technology, there are nightstands with a holder. Low furniture is inconvenient if there are children or pets in the house - they can not only damage the equipment, but also get injured. An alternative to the sideboard is a chest of drawers. So, the device will take a position higher - this has its advantages and disadvantages.

- To place the TV, you can use shelf. It can be a regular shelf or a decorative one.

- Also, the TV can be wall-mounted instead of being mounted on a furniture module... Equipment with fasteners can be fixed at any convenient height.

In order to assess the quality of the wall, it is important to know what material it is made of.
- Frame - that is, the lower, upper and side parts, as well as the inner shelves, are most often made of chipboard. This is a material with average reliability indicators. Laminated chipboard has several color options, including wood imitation. Sometimes this material is also used for the manufacture of facades. If it has certificates of conformity for the content of formaldehyde, then this budget option will be a pretty good choice.

- For facades and shelves located in plain sight, MDF is most often used.... It is more durable and safer than the previous material. Such facades can have different texture and gloss. In addition, their color gamut is much wider. The surface of MDF can be smooth, embossed, curved or concave.

- Wood is considered the most preferred material for making furniture. Not only strength and environmental friendliness speaks in its favor, but also an excellent appearance, as well as wide possibilities for processing facades. The only drawbacks are the rather high cost and gentle care.

- Glass usually used for the manufacture of doors and shelves. Usually they use not transparent, but tinted glass. Its alternative is plastic - with varying degrees of transparency and coloration.

Often, ordinary furniture in the hall can completely or partially replace plasterboard construction. You can do it yourself and at the same time save money. At the same time, there are practically no restrictions on the shape of such a wall.

Dimensions (edit)
It is difficult to talk about any dimensional grid for the wall in the living room. In fact, its parameters are limited by the size of the walls of the room or other architectural features.

For models with a common frame, the width varies from 1.2 to 2 m. Restrictions are needed to avoid sagging of the top and to make the delivery and assembly process more convenient.

In modular versions, everything is much simpler. You can order all-wall furniture without leaving a centimeter of free space, or choose a more modest mini-wall, especially if the room is small.

It is necessary to approach in more detail the dimensions of the individual wall elements.
If a TV stand serves as a TV stand, its height can be different - from 40 to 60 cm.
This value depends on the size of the TV, the distance from the wall and the position in which you are used to watching it. As a rule, the cabinet should be slightly wider than the TV - so you can place other useful little things on it.

The depth of the wall depends on the internal filling.
If it has compartments for storing clothes on hangers or bulky things, the depth can reach 50 or 60 cm. If there is no such need, 40-45 cm will be enough.
Moreover, modern TVs are flat, and for them you only need to take into account the width and height.

It will be better if all parts of the wall have the same depth - so its front side will retain a single appearance.
If there are deeper cabinets, it is better to place them on the side. When the wall acts as a storage for various things, the lower level can be made more spacious, and the upper one can be unloaded by reducing the depth.

Design options
For most people, a TV wall is in no way associated with a classic interior, since this definition in relation to furniture began to be widely used only in the last quarter of the last century. Before that, sideboards, sideboards, dressers, decorative tables, etc. were used to furnish living rooms. But now you can order a set of similar furniture. The wall in the classic version certainly looks luxurious. The abundance of wood goes along with rich decor - carved facades, cornices and plinths, gilding, glass with stained-glass windows, etc.
For those who prefer a more discreet interior, neoclassical is suitable. By the way, the TV looks more appropriate in it.

Similar traits have styles country and provence. In them, the tree is most often painted, more attention is paid to accents, signs of aging are allowed.

Another option is retro style wall... In it, the design combines classic features and nostalgia for the Soviet past. Such a model will appeal not only to the older generation, but also to connoisseurs of the past.

More modern living room wall designs may seem overly simple.
Due to the decrease in living space and the changing role of the living room, the furniture has become more functional. This is best manifested in constructivism, where it is clearly visible what function this or that part of the wall performs. Despite its practicality and lack of any decor, furniture can be quite attractive if you work on its shape and location.

A similar impression is made minimalism... In such a living room there will be nothing superfluous - only clear lines, smooth surfaces, the absence of bulky furniture and a light background.

To the living room, decorated in style loft, it is better to choose a wall made of wood or an option with metal inserts.

A modern wall doesn't have to be boring, even if it is enlivened by an always-on TV.
For example, in the style pop Art bright colors are welcome. Decor and all kinds of accessories in the form of souvenirs, frames, vases are of great importance in this style - everything should correspond to the design idea.

Criterias of choice
The criteria for choosing a wall are as follows.
Living room features
Even an ordinary wall can transform a room. First you need to determine its position. Light facades, glass, gloss, lighting - the competent use of these tools will expand the room, get rid of the lack of lighting. The location of the rest of the furniture should also be taken into account. For example, there should be at least 3 meters to the sofa opposite the 55-inch TV.

For the most part, how the wall will look depends on its purpose. If the furniture has only a decorative role, it can look anything you like. In this case, it may contain a large number of open shelves and narrow cabinets. It will be beautiful, but inconvenient. If functionality is primarily important, in addition to the TV stand, a wardrobe, a bookcase, a chest of drawers, floor and wall cabinets, shelves for decor and small things are allowed in the wall.

When choosing, it is necessary to assess its safety, reliability and appearance. In addition, the cost of the finished product depends on the material. It can be significantly reduced by replacing the wall facades with more affordable ones. But it is not worth saving on fittings - it is the key to a long service life of the furniture.

Interior style
Most often, furniture is chosen at the stage of renovation, carefully selecting it for decoration or vice versa. In every detail of the interior, it is important to observe a certain style. If this relationship does not exist, the wall will become a foreign object, will constantly be conspicuous and irritating.

Beautiful examples
Since the TV in the wall is its central part, everything else is located in relation to it. A niche can be provided for this in the body walls.

In a modular system, pencil cases and hanging cabinets are usually located on the sides of the TV and less often above it. The arrangement of cabinets can be symmetrical, usually this concerns the ratio of the top and bottom, as well as the sides. If compact modules are used, the legs are not required.
The floating effect of the suspended structure can be enhanced with regular or colored lighting.

The asymmetrical arrangement of furniture in the living room also has its own characteristics. To make the interior complete, the TV can be hung on a panel to match the facades. The furniture ensemble will look like one whole if the unity of the forms is observed. At the same time, it is better to avoid a large amount of decor and stay on a monochrome version with an interesting texture.

Today, everything is unusual in fashion. A living room wall is a great excuse to stand out and impress others. Modern technologies make it possible to bring to life almost any idea. The wall can consist of several intricately curving tiers. This design will look especially impressive if you use bright colors.

The following video provides an overview of a custom-made MDF TV wall.