All about asceticism

Asceticism in religion, philosophy and secular environment is called a lifestyle associated with abstaining from various pleasures. Proponents of this worldview argue that a life of discipline and strict self-restraint makes a person stronger and helps him achieve great results in many areas of life.
What it is?
Asceticism originated in ancient Greece. Its founder is Aristippus, a disciple of Socrates. Ancient Greek philosophers believed that the benefit of asceticism is that it makes a person stronger.
Ascetics abandoned luxury and led a calm lifestyle aimed at the spiritual development of the individual.

The concept of asceticism was also popular among followers of various religions. So, in early Christianity, ascetics, who lived their lives in self-torture, prayer and fasting, were highly respected. Many of them were posthumously named saints.
In the twentieth century, the word "asceticism" began to be used by psychologists. This definition was first used in his works by the founder of psychoanalysis Sigmund Freud. In psychology, this term means an adaptive mechanism that manifests itself in a situation when a person compares his achievements with the achievements of others and recognizes them as less significant.

Role in history
There have been many significant periods in the history of mankind when such a phenomenon as asceticism served as a protest against excesses.
So, in the days of Ancient Russia, asceticism was a way of passive resistance to all the hardships of this life. Unable to live in luxury, people refused all temptations. Simple, no-nonsense life was held in high esteem at the time.
Representatives of asceticism also met among the leaders of the popular movements of Europe and Russia, who oppose the nobility and do not want to live with them on the same level.
The meaning of the struggle against the upper class was that people sacrificed momentary joys so that their children could live better in the future.

Religious asceticism
Separately, it is worth talking about religious asceticism. Practitioners of almost all religions preach the rejection of many things. The path to enlightenment always lies through the observance of many different restrictions.
In islam
The followers of this eastern religion in their lives are guided by the Prophet Muhammad, who always said that people should live a simple life. It is worth noting that he himself performed great austerities. Even taking the post of king of Arabia, he continued to lead a modest life, not allowing himself any excesses.
In general, extreme forms of asceticism are discouraged in Islam. The only exception to this rule is the practice of fasting during Ramadan. It falls in May-June. For a whole month at this time, Muslims adhere to a strict daily fast. During daylight hours, they do not eat or drink water. Besides, all their free time during this period, believers try to devote to the study of religious texts and prayers.

In Christianity
In the Christian religion, there is also a set of certain rules that should be adhered to by anyone who wants to save his immortal soul. In the Bible, as in the Qur'an, one can find vivid examples of asceticism. These include Jesus Christ and John the Baptist, who fasted for 40 days to cleanse their bodies and their thoughts.
It is also worth noting that in primitive Christian communities, people practically did not have any personal belongings. They lived modestly and did not need anything. Over time, the idea that radical asceticism is the only sure way to the salvation of the soul was rejected. Since then, only monks have led this way of life. The rest of the people just fast from time to time, and also try not to break the main commandments. In Orthodoxy, a person is required to be moderate in his passions and always ready to help his neighbor.

In Judaism
Asceticism played an important role in the lives of the followers of Judaism. For example, Moses also spent 40 days fasting and thinking about God. Many followers of this religion refused any relationship and spent almost their entire lives in seclusion. A significant figure is the sage Shimon Bar Yohai, who founded the Kabbalah. It is said that he abstained from food and drink for 100 whole days. He did this so that subsequently the hellish fire could not have any power over him.

In hinduism
Unlike other religions, this one does not have a specific set of rules that would indicate what can and cannot be done. But most of the people who are considered saints in Hinduism are known for denying themselves all pleasures during life and spending a lot of time in solitude. Now some followers of this religion also practice regular refusal of food, prolonged silence and meditation.

In Jainism
This religion appeared even before the birth of India. She encourages fasting, daily meditation and yoga practice. The main goal of the followers of this religion is to interrupt the long cycle of reincarnation. In order for the soul to finally find freedom, it is necessary to give up worldly passions and attachments throughout life. But only monks who lead a righteous lifestyle can cope with this.

In Buddhism
Buddhists, like the followers of Jainism, strive to achieve nirvana and put an end to the endless rebirth of their souls. In order to achieve this goal, they lead a righteous life and are completely free from violence. Believers devote a lot of time to meditation and yoga practice. They also fast regularly.
Many people who lead an ordinary life leave for some time in ashrams in order to be alone with themselves, to meditate or to make some important decision. You can spend time in such a place both alone and in the company of like-minded people or mentors.

Secular asceticism
Unlike religious asceticism, secularism is aimed not at achieving the immortality of the soul, but at self-improvement. Since ancient times, philosophers, scientists and even successful businessmen have become ascetics. In modern society, the following categories of people can refuse various benefits and achievements of civilization.
- Professional athletes. Before major competitions, many of them give up alcohol, hearty food and sex in order to be more resilient, strong and attentive. In everyday life, they also limit themselves in many ways in order to quickly reach the next stage in their development.
- Artists. Many creative personalities are distinguished by special restraint in everyday life. Very often they give up some kind of entertainment in order to spend more time, effort and money on art.
- Volunteers. Like revolutionary leaders, they give up their own goods in order to change the lives of others for the better. This is especially true for those people who travel to poor countries and spend a long time there, engaging in socially useful activities.
- People with various addictions. Very often they lead an ascetic lifestyle not of their own accord, but due to social pressure. Time constraints allow people to get rid of many addictions. In addition, they help to achieve harmony with oneself and forget about internal problems.
- Vegetarians. Refusal to eat meat is also a sign of asceticism, especially if a person becomes a vegetarian because of his love for animals and unwillingness to be involved in killing them.

For some people, selective asceticism is only temporary self-restraint, for others it is a way of life. Among the famous ascetics, the following personalities can be distinguished.
- Alexander Suvorov. This Russian commander led the same simple lifestyle as his soldiers. For this he was loved by his subordinates.
- Mark Zuckerberg. The founder of one of the main social networks, despite his great opportunities, leads a very modest lifestyle. For him, ideas and projects are much more important than entertainment and shopping.
- Jose Cordano. Another famous ascetic is the former president of Uruguay. Wealth never interested him. Therefore, he donated most of his salary to various charitable foundations.
- Fedor Uglov. He is an internationally renowned surgeon. He became famous for his educational activities and professionalism. The man performed one of the last operations on the eve of his hundredth birthday. He managed to maintain his sanity and desire to live thanks to a moderate lifestyle.
- Nikolay Amosov. This asceticist was also a physician. The cardiac surgeon led a healthy lifestyle, worked hard and always tried to provide assistance to those who needed it. For many, he became a real example, inspiring changes and new achievements.
- Keanu Reeves. The position of this famous actor allows him to live in luxury. But he lives in a small apartment, travels by public transport and loves to communicate with fans of his work. The man donates most of his royalties to charity and cancer funds.
- Mother Teresa. In the men's company of ascetics there is also a place for a famous benefactor. All her life she tried to help others, without demanding any benefits for herself. During this time, the woman saved many lives.
The example of these people proves that ascetics may well lead a busy life and not experience serious discomfort, refusing many things imposed by society.

Fundamental rules
People who are interested in this phenomenon should learn about the basic principles of asceticism. Ascetics tend to control three areas of their lives.
- Body. By refusing food and taking time to exercise, one gradually tames the flesh. Now no one calls on people to starve en masse. It is enough just to revise your diet and give up everything that is superfluous and harmful to the body. A cleaner diet and regular exercise will help a person tidy up their bodies and become healthier.
- Mind. Another important austerity is the rejection of backbiting and idle talk. The ability to control your speech and not waste time on gossip and empty conversations makes a person more attractive both in the eyes of others and in your own.
- Soul. It is very important for an ascetic to control his inner state. Meditation and other spiritual practices help a lot in this.

The male and female aspects of asceticism are also distinguished separately. So, men in their development should focus on the development of inner strength and confidence in the chosen path. After all, their main task is to protect the family. Women must develop gentleness and compassion.
In general, introducing these rules into your life is not as difficult as it seems at first glance.

Where to start your practice?
It is worth starting to change habits and outlook gradually. A set of simple rules will help in this.
- It must be remembered that asceticism does not make life insipid and empty. In the digital age, when a person has to constantly assimilate a large amount of new information, rest from unnecessary noise is only good for him. In addition, all the pleasures that a beginner ascetic still leaves in his life seem to him more vivid and bring more joy.
- You need to change your life step by step. A sharp rejection of all pleasant things will make a person's life hard and boring. Therefore, you need to introduce new habits gradually. The best way is to choose one goal for yourself at the beginning of each month and work to achieve it every day. Within three weeks, the new habit will become part of life. Such a rational approach saves a person from unnecessary suffering and unpleasant sensations.
- Trying to change your life, you need to change your attitude towards food. You don't have to go to extremes and go vegetarian, vegan, or raw food. For starters, you just need to observe your eating habits and make a list of things to give up. Typically, this list includes fast food, alcohol, sweets and various sauces. Harmful dishes can be replaced with healthier ones. People who are used to snacking on the go should try cooking at home. There are many simple and delicious dishes that anyone can cook. This attitude towards food will help reduce food costs. In addition, the person will feel better and more energetic after a couple of weeks.
- Having dealt with your eating habits, you can move on to purifying the surrounding space. There are many different "declutter" marathons that allow you to get rid of everything unnecessary as quickly and without unnecessary pity. To feel more comfortable, you should throw away all things that are rarely used and do not bring any pleasure. This also applies to clothing, dishes, and various souvenirs. Having got rid of unnecessary trash, you should not lug new things into the house. Before buying any regular trinket, you should always think how valuable this purchase is. In the first months of your "new life", it is best to enter the store with a carefully thought-out shopping list. The money that can be saved thanks to this approach to life is worth spending on travel or self-development. It will do a lot more good than buying a new bag or dress.
- To control your changes, you can use a diary or special applications. In them, a person can celebrate all his achievements on a daily basis. This will track your progress over the month. The ability to observe their changes inspires people to work further.
- In the process of the entire path, you need to accept all your shortcomings. Without this, there is a risk of abandoning the started business after the first failure. At the same time, you should not look at your reality through rose-colored glasses. Indeed, without an honest assessment of what is happening, it will be difficult to change something in your life.
- Being engaged in self-development, you should not neglect rest. If a person constantly exhausts himself strongly, his reserves of willpower will very quickly be depleted. This can lead to complete burnout. Therefore, you need to sometimes allow yourself to relax.

Moderation in food, dress, and play can help you focus on achieving your truly important goals and significantly improve your quality of life. Therefore, one should not consider asceticism a relic of the past. This lifestyle is quite suitable for modern people as well.