How to create a Japanese Harajuku look?

The amazing and extravagant style of Harajuku originated in the area of the same name in Tokyo. It’s hard to believe that among the reserved admirers of Japanese traditions there can be such informal youth. Moreover, young people in unusual and bright outfits with crazy make-up can be found even during the day. Unsurprisingly, this is where crowds of tourists flock to see this extraordinary local style. It is worth noting that in recent years the fans of this style have noticeably increased, and not only among the Japanese, but also among the Europeans.

The name of the Harajuku style comes from the Tokyo area, which is considered a kind of fashion center in Japan. It is here that a large number of large shopping centers and a variety of boutiques from world brands are concentrated. This place is simply made for today's Japanese youth who have a strong desire to rebel and express themselves. Almost every day you can see a bright and original fashion show in this area, displaying many styles and trends.

This original Japanese style combines a variety of imagery. Of course, at first glance it may seem that young people are simply dressing in whatever is at hand. But actually it is not. Like any style, Harajuku has its own trends, and there are many indisputable authorities among his fans. Taking a closer look, you can even see some distinct styles in the look, such as punk, gothic lolita and many others.

Japanese street fashion in this style attracts with a wide variety of colors, various textures and the most unique images. The world saw this amazing style in 2004 thanks to Gwen Stefani.However, in Japan, he was known long before that.

A large number of representatives of the style, its fans and tourists who want to contemplate new fashionable items, gather in the colorful and bold area of Tokyo. You will not see so many incredible looks in even the most fashionable nightclub. The origin of Harajuku began back in 1964 during the Olympic Games in Tokyo. It was during this period that bright and adventurous youth tried to open shops in the Olympic Village, where many people flocked from all over the world.

Towards the end of the 70s of the last century, the Laforet shopping center, the most outstanding in Harajuku, was opened, which made it possible to consolidate the glory of a fashionable Japanese center for this quarter. According to one of the versions about the origin of the style, it began with a mixture of traditional Japanese kimonos and geta with trends from Western designers.
The area is famous for its extravagant fashion, which is also constantly changing. Young people do their best to keep up with fashion trends and tendencies, as well as to influence them.

This amazing style combines high fashion and subculture, turning into something unique.
Having visited Harajuku and met his fashionistas, tourists are instantly filled with an eccentric and positive mood. However, it shouldn't be mistaken that this style is simply assembled from pieces of random styles. In fact, each outfit is chosen with great care to reflect the chosen image as accurately as possible. Moreover, it is worth dispelling the myth that only girls choose the Harajuku style - there are also many adherents among young guys. For example, a trend called "Gothic Lolita" with a lot of gender-neutral features is perfect for men.

The style and its frequent changes can be easily traced in publications such as the Style-Arena. jp and FRUiTS. All weekly and monthly updates can be seen here. In addition, by the abundance of photos in such publications, you can easily create an interesting image for yourself in the style of Harajuku. Many foreigners know this style by the name "fruit fashion", but the Japanese themselves do not use this term.

What kind of clothes do style aficionados wear?
Fans of the Harajuku style are distinguished by unprecedented courage and inspiration. What is just mixing school uniforms with elements of clothing in the Gothic style or from famous designers. This style is able to combine the incongruous. For example, you can often see how colors and patterns that are completely inappropriate at first glance are combined in one image. The main goal of the style is to convey an individual, thoughtful image.

Different images of the Harajuku style can reflect several directions at once. So, the image of Gothic Lolita consists of elegant clothes and Gothic things. The result should be a living Victorian doll.
There is also the sweet Lolita style, in which the rococo style is more visible. It is based on a childish image, fairy-tale characters, fantasies. Here you can most often find a dress in light colors with an abundance of ruffles, bows and other cute accessories.

Inspired by the London punk movement of the 70s, Japanese punks can be seen wearing pants, sweatshirts, and sneakers showing sheer rebelliousness. Harajuku also includes cosplay. Here you can safely turn into your favorite character from a computer game or anime. Ready-made things are used, such as leather pants, T-shirts with an unthinkable print, original homemade shoes.

The decorative image is dominated by bright colors, a lot of shine, but the most important thing is the abundance of accessories. Moreover, they can be hung around a jacket, jacket, hats and even socks. The image of kawaii meaning "cute" includes ruffles, mostly pastel colors, toys. The wamono trend reflects a mixture of traditional Japanese clothing with western trends.

Among the main features of the Harajuku style is the layering of clothing. A skirt over trousers, a hoodie and jacket, T-shirts over a blouse add some features to the image. Do not be afraid to redo things for yourself. For example, if you like a second-hand skirt, but it seems that it will look better in a shortened version, then it should be safely cut to the desired length.

Nobody forbids gluing home-made prints on things, making the most unique clothes.
Style involves wearing those things that are suitable for a particular person, and not following a number of rules. It is enough to pick up all those things that suit your face. For some, a combination of rainbow fabrics with polka-dot and checkered fabrics may suit, and for others, men's boots with a pink dress in a childish style.

It pays to show the courage to acquire uniqueness, combining everything you like in a harmonious way.
Harajuku involves wearing flashy accessories. Everything that is most expressive is used, be it a belt, earrings, hairpins, bags or any jewelry. It is important that all of this is bright and does not match the clothes. In this case, accessories can be hung from head to toe. Some style adherents even add bells to the image so that the wardrobe is not only colorful, but also loud.

However, the most important accessory in this style is a smile. After all, such brightness always attracts many looks. Therefore, it is important to learn to smile kindly at any attention, including not too positive. The main thing is positive and bold posing in front of the camera lens.
Makeup and hairstyles
Makeup in the Japanese Harajuku style can rather be called makeup. It is clearly far from the usual makeup options and looks more theatrical. After all, using cosmetics, you can create a sad or funny image, or you can even scary.

As for the hairstyles, there is complete permissiveness. Of course, most often you can find girls with pigtails and ponytails. Hair coloring, both full and partial, is very popular. Here you can do everything you have enough courage and imagination for.

Beautiful bows
Surprisingly, even in the midst of the greatest madness, very beautiful images come across.
- The Harajuku-style punk direction can showhow you can combine dark clothes with neat hairstyles and a few bright colors and expressive prints. And here one can already see not madness, but original self-expression.

- Delicate pink in combination with light jeans looks very cute. And if you add here more stripes and a funny handbag, then the image is simply caramelly sweet.

- Blue hair looks catchy on its ownbut they can look very elegant and attractive when paired with rich blacks and bright yellows. Funny glasses and some metal jewelry - and the image of a stylish bully is ready.