Korean style in girls clothes

Korean fashion has rapidly captured the whole world, presenting delicate and feminine looks to the taste of fashionistas. Born in the 60s of the last century, Korean fashion has formed its own style of clothing, which is happily picked up by young people in different countries.

The roots of the special Korean style come from the traditional Korean dress - hanbok. Simple style clothing - a loose skirt wrapped several times around the body. This silhouette is still an inspiration to contemporary Korean designers who offer oversized dresses and skirts.

Another important and characteristic point is the red color of the clothes. It was used for festive outfits. Therefore, to this day, Korea retains a love for this color and its shades, with which they pin hopes for wealth and success.

Modern designers have taken the simplicity of lines from the traditional costume. If we consider modern Korean fashion, then all things in it are of sufficient simple cut, but at the same time fabrics are used in bright colors and with unusual prints. That being said, you are unlikely to find clothes in large sizes.
It should be admitted that Korean women are mostly all slender and fragile in appearance. Therefore, the clothes are designed specifically for such women of fashion.

The first thing that distinguishes clothes from Korea is quality, elegance, and practicality. It is worth noting that Korean designers immediately pick up the newfangled European trends and introduce them into their collections. However, this is clearly not reflected in the general Korean style, but effectively complements the designer clothes of this country.
In the collections, you will not find obviously sexy things. Everything is very discreet and elegant. Clothes can be worn for several seasons and there is an explanation for this. Designers specifically select practical fabrics that do not fade in the sun.This is a feature of the Korean climate, which is characterized by changeable weather.

Understanding the style
To look like a Korean fashionista, you should take a closer look at the proposed style. First of all, you need to learn how to correctly combine clothes by color. Each item of clothing should be in harmony with each other and beautifully combined.

Korean clothing is a perfect example of minimalist style. Nothing superfluous - simple cut, comfortable cut, high quality tailoring and fabrics.
You can often see heroes from popular cartoons as decorations. They can look good and fit comfortably not only on pajamas, but also on sweaters and sweatshirts.

Korean-style dresses are distinguished by the lightness of fabrics and the airiness of skirts. Office models are more tight-fitting, but at the same time, the length remains up to the knees and slightly higher. This is the typical length for all clothing models.

In such an outfit, you can perfectly emphasize the slimness of the legs, which is what Korean fashionistas use. But at the same time, you will not find clothes with an open chest. Therefore, the collections mainly contain closed tops, dresses, blouses.

In this style, it is customary to adorn yourself with expensive jewelry. At the same time, outwardly it may look like this - a simple T-shirt, jeans in combination with jewelry. Long beads look very stylish.
In the Korean style, it is customary to choose shoes with a platform or heel, but at the same time the last should be comfortable for long wearing. Used ballet shoes, ankle boots, elegant boots, ugg boots.

Selection Tips
To find the appropriate Korean style look, you need to use a combination of simple things with sports or romantic clothing. It can be voluminous sweaters combined with tight skirts or jeans with loose-fitting blouses. Romantics will add blouses with bows and clothes in pale pink shades. A bag-bag with a cartoon character is suitable for this look.
The most popular way is the so-called "Lolita" style. For this, a light dress with an airy skirt made of several layers is selected. To enhance the image of a young girl, women of fashion wear Mary Jane shoes with white or light-colored socks.

Korean women actively use glasses and hats in their outfits. But this is not only a tribute to fashion, but the practical use of things. The weather changes instantly - the rain is replaced by the bright sun and vice versa. These accessories save their owners from the vagaries of nature.
Korean designers try to keep up with fashion trends in their clothes, but the main style features still remain.

Stylish additions
Often, Korean fashionistas use glasses in their image. These are not only spectacles or glasses for the sun, you can find just frames without lenses. It is believed that this accessory gives a certain zest to the image.

As for hats, baseball caps are the most popular. They come in a wide variety of colors and are adorned with vibrant prints, and anime remains the most popular.

Color solutions in clothes are amazing: women of fashion prefer to choose unusual colors, for example, such as leopard print in acid tones. For a big city, its rhythm of life, bright colors of people's clothes are just a colorful addition.

When analyzing the Korean style of clothing, it is worth noting the love of layering. Fashionistas love to wear a shirt on top of a short dress. However, this only adds to the appeal of the style. In addition, women of fashion love asymmetrical things. Fake collars are used for shirts or dresses.

Despite their love for bright colors, Korean women love the traditional combination of black and white. This applies not only to business style, but also to street fashion.
We have to admit that the Korean style of clothing is most suitable for young girls. However, the variety of styles of elegant dresses, blouses and skirts will allow mature women to choose an elegant outfit for themselves for work and for walks.