Who is a hipster and how to become one?

Subcultural youth trends are constantly changing and complemented by modern varieties. The hipster movement first emerged back in the 40s. of the last century, throughout the history of its development, its popularity soared up, then fell down. Let us dwell in more detail on who the hipsters are, what is the history of the emergence of this movement, and how it differs from other subcultures.

Who are they?
Under the influence of modern trends, the hipster subculture has now received its rebirth. It manifests itself in characteristic wardrobe items, stylish hairstyles, as well as thinking and worldviews. Hipster men and women pay special attention to contemporary art, alternative literature and cinematography.

Visually, the hipster bow is a kind of symbiosis of punks, hippies and even a little emo. Representatives of the subculture are distinguished by a beard, elongated hair, glasses, unusual models of hats, as well as a specific selection of shoes and clothes.

Many people have heard the word "hipster". However, it is unlikely that they can say for sure what features and characteristics distinguish it. Literally translated, the term is derived from the expression to be hip, which means "to be in the subject."

For the first time, hipsterism appeared in America among the secular crowd; today, representatives of this movement can be found everywhere, regardless of their field of activity.
The most prominent representatives of this trend can be called the journalist Ksenia Sobchak, the famous actor Jared Leto, as well as many famous writers, critics, artists and musicians.

The very first representatives of this subculture came from among writers, artists and artists. But soon enough, the culture spread among singers, actors, and jazz musicians.

As the movement became popular, a bohemian counterculture began to form around it. During this period, people began to be classified as hipsters, the image and behavior of which are contrary to the traditional foundations of society. That is, the definition of "hipster" was understood as an extraordinary person who swims against the tide.

The hipster movement became the basis for the beatnik movement, the so-called broken generation. Representatives of this trend were conventionally divided into two subgroups: quiet and silent people, as well as emotional expressive characters with burning eyes and crazy ideas.

Today, among hipsters, there are mainly youth groups aged 14-30 years. These people are in search of self-healing and self-awareness. However, as before, their hobbies include fashion, cinema, music, contemporary literature and culture. Nowadays, politics has been added to them.

In essence, hipsterism is a way of personal expression through the latest trends in fashion and culture.
Another feature of this trend is its worldview. Representatives of this trend do not defend their interests and do not defend their rights. They do not get stuck on the socio-political problems of the country and the world, do not participate in discussions and disputes.

Summing up, it can be determined that hipsterism unites representatives of wealthy urban youth who are interested in alternative music, art house cinema, foreign fashion and literature. With all this, there is hardly a single young man who can 100% describe himself as a hipster. If we compare with each other all the subcultures presented today, then it is hipsterism that will be the most relevant, but at the same time the most controversial.

What do they do?
Since the inception of the movement, hipsters have opted for philosophy, not-for-all literature, and independent art. As a rule, such people have solid knowledge in the field of cultural studies and humanitarian disciplines. They often associate their professional activities with the world of fashion or music. A good education often allows them to relate with some sarcasm and irony to what is happening in the world around them.

Music is a key component in the life of any member of this movement. But it will be non-canonical alternative music by unknown artists. It is the hipsters who are the very first to know about the creation of new groups. But when musicians are successful, hipsters immediately lose interest in them - this is where their independent spirit manifests itself. They like to be on the move and tread the path for the rest of the people.

This quality is not only about music. It is these characters that have sparked the demand for i-D and Numero magazines in the past. They were among the very first to register their accounts in most social networks and services - Look At Me, Facebook and Instagram. Going abroad, they always brought Topshop clothes with them, as well as H&M or Uniqlo.

However, only until the moment when they did not open their offices in Russia. The hipsters were the first to get on the longboards and sit on the fixes.
Any hipster has a modern Apple brand gadget, a film or SLR camera, a sketchbook, as well as a cassette player or notebooks. These people are necessarily registered in social networks. Many of them run their own blogs, and this is not surprising - it is the Internet that has become the main platform for them to find like-minded people and exchange ideas.

The entire hipster lifestyle revolves around consumer practices. They do not carry the philosophy of life and the ideas of reorganizing the Universe. In politics, they adhere to liberal views.They are characterized by the thinking of postmodernism and non-conformism. Their circle may include people from the creative urban class creating craft products, coworking spaces, and concept art.

In the hipster environment, it is customary to move around on bicycles, and on the simplest single-speed ones. The overwhelming majority of representatives of this subculture promote the right food. These people care about environmental issues and support the rights of the oppressed.

For hipsters, the visual is extremely important, which is why they often have photoblogs. These people can easily name popular clothing brands. And, of course, in the midst of the conversation, they will certainly, allegedly inadvertently, voice the names of famous creative people.

Thus, they demonstrate their closeness to a certain circle.
It should be noted that Russian hipsters differ from European and American ones. The movement of the latter was formed in conditions of general political tension in the world and post-war conflicts. Young people at that time lived in a conservative state that suppressed freedom of spirit, they were oppressed by the fear of a nuclear conflict.

That is why the first hipsters preached the philosophy of "live today, because there may not be tomorrow." Modern American hipsters are the descendants of that very war-torn generation, they live for one day, not obsessing over successes and failures.

Modern Russian hipsters live by the same principle, but underneath there is no longer any idea. The domestic hipster is a representative of the near-bohemian secular crowd. This is a culture of snobs who choose their idols from among representatives of fashion houses, artists and musicians, and adopt their lifestyle.

Young people are now classified as representatives of the hipster trend. These people closely follow fashion trends. They have a high level of well-being, so they can afford high-quality and stylish clothes.

For men
A typical hipster's wardrobe includes skinny pants, jeans or leggings. Moreover, the narrower they are, the better. Shortened models with a slightly tucked bottom are welcome.

It should be noted that in the hipster environment, some androgyny and thinness are popular. Thanks to this, men of this subculture have the opportunity to wear the most tapered models of trousers. From brands they choose Pepe Jeans, Ralph Lauren, Tommy Hilfiger, Scotch & Soda, Bench and Gap.

Influenced by the British style, hipsters prefer bright colors with all kinds of inscriptions and original prints when buying T-shirts, tops and T-shirts. They choose products from little-known designers. Nevertheless, in the arsenal of any self-respecting hipster, there is sure to be a polo shirt from Lacoste, Ben Sherman or Fred Perry.

The love of representatives of modern youth for sweaters with deer and chunky-knit sweaters came to us precisely from hipsters. These people were the very first to combine skinny jeans with thick knitted sweaters and complement them with sneakers. Thus, they created a deliberately careless style that combines "grandmother's" retro and the latest trends.

However, the creation of each bow usually takes a lot of time and effort.
For women
The hipster subculture is characterized by a unisex style. That is why women's and men's clothes are very similar. Girls, like guys, wear skinny jeans, capri pants with a turn-up, plaid shirts and oversized scarves. True, girls can complement this image with floral designs.

Free-cut men's shirts are very popular among hipsters. They can have a wide variety of prints - from trendy plaids to traditional classics. Among the brands, the most widespread are Merc London, Gant, Ralph Lauren, as well as Burberry, Marc O'Polo and similar brands.

As a shoe, hipsters prefer sneakers.But given the changeable weather, they also buy boots - these can be tennis shoes, brogues, moccasins, as well as slippers or loafers. The perfect hipster look involves Adidas, Reebok or Nike sneakers. But going to social events, young people rely on Oxfords. Girls wear massive platform shoes or thick heels.

Accessories and decorations
Hipsters pay a lot of attention to accessories. They wear all kinds of hats and caps, voluminous scarves. You can see expensive branded watches, many pendants, chains and bracelets on them. A hipster look is unthinkable without golf and brightly colored socks. The finishing touch will be belts, bags and a backpack from Napapijri.

Hipster glasses with round or square frames are a 100% hit in style. They are worn even by people who do not have any vision problems - they just buy the simplest products without diopters. From sun-protection models, the choice is made in favor of Ray Ban.

A must-have attribute for hipster girls will be multi-colored headbands, children's plastic bracelets and bags.
Hairstyles and haircuts
Hipster culture imposes certain hairstyles. Men in this style are distinguished by thick bangs and light curls that form a creative mess on their heads. All this creates a harmonious tandem with other things.

A mustache and beard is a must-have for a hipster look. And if the hairstyle can have a touch of negligence, then the facial hair should be as neat as possible. It's no coincidence that any hipster guy's arsenal includes spray, beard foam and small combs. By the way, these brutals often weave flowers into their beards to create stylish photographs. True, after the photoset, they must be taken out.

Popular trends include the following hairstyles.
- "Dirty" curls. It should be noted that such a step in creating a hipster hairstyle will be quite risky, since modern society does not accept dirty hair. Therefore, the hipster uses gels, waxes and mousses, which will create the effect of moisturized and slightly dirty strands.

- Long bangs. It can be combined with short and elongated curls. For young hipster guys, bangs play a fundamental role, they are made out in almost every haircut. But you can lay it as you wish: make a fleece, twist it with a tuft, or lower it, closing one eye. All other curls should look sloppy.

- Gulya. This styling is in great demand among the hipster trend. Despite its seeming simplicity, this hairstyle requires a professional approach. Gulya, as well as fleece, is suitable mainly for those young people who have the opportunity to regularly visit the barber.

For girls in this style, a simple bun is enough on the top of the head. However, this is not the only possible haircut in this direction.
- Careless hair. One of the easiest solutions for girls. This styling gives the impression that its owner has just woken up, it is distinguished by a touch of gypsy style. It doesn't take long to create this hairstyle. If you have long hair, just add some volume to it with modeling products.

- Retro. Retro hairstyles are very popular among hipster girls. Chignons of the 60s look especially impressive. or "bee hive".

- Sharpened pixie. The super short pixie is paired with a hipster wardrobe for a pretty eye catching look. For those who do not like creative options, you can make a classic pixie - while the long curls remaining in the upper part can be transformed into sloppy spikes using a special modeling wax.

- The hipster mohawk has nothing to do with the punk mohawk. In this direction, it can rather be called "false".The hairstyle is created using hair gel - volume is created at the top, and the curls are lubricated and smoothed on the sides.

- Harness-rim. This is one of the simplest choices and fits perfectly with the hip aesthetic. Take a small curl, twist the tourniquet behind your ears and secure with a hair clip at the back of your head.

Style in the interior
The hipster subculture is sure to be reflected in the room of representatives of this trend. A real hipster must watch art-house, shoot with rare film photographic equipment and listen to alternative music. This has an impact on the atmosphere in his home.

Features of design in the interior of a hipster.
- Rough wall and ceiling decoration. Usually it is concrete or brick, wallpaper in such an interior is inappropriate. Walls are most often painted with paints in neutral tones.

- The walls are decorated with posters and paintings by contemporary artists. An unusual solution would be to use a bicycle, it is displayed in the most conspicuous place, for example, it is hung on the wall in the living room.

- Of the decor items, books, records, a turntable and everything that can reflect the lifestyle of the owner of the home are often used. Such items are not hidden in the closet, but displayed or even made an element of the installation.

- Furniture can be anything: modular, built-in, modern cabinet or even retro. Moreover, all furnishing elements can be of different styles. The most important thing is that the owners of the premises like them.

- Lighting must be multi-level with division into functional zones. The emphasis is on handmade loft lamps and sconces.

- It should be noted that a real hipster will prefer things bought at a flea market over any antiques and ultra-modern designer items. Even if they are covered with cracks, holes or peeling paint, they will still organically fit into the style of a hipster apartment. The industrial style is most in demand, therefore, when decorating, you can safely use concrete, wood, steel and cast iron.

- But what hipsters will never skimp on is household appliances. In their house, you can see a robot vacuum cleaner or refrigerator, which itself makes reminders to buy groceries. It has an efficient heating system and modern climatic equipment. These things greatly facilitate the quality of life and provide the comfort of the hipster.

Examples of images
Hipsters are young people between the ages of 14 and 30. Their appearance invariably attracts the attention of others.

They dress in tight pants, printed T-shirts and tops.

Checkered shirts are a special chic.

A distinctive feature of a hipster man will be a beard, mustache and voluminous bangs.

Hipster girls look pretty creative.

For photo shoots, an unusual image is tried on for boys and girls - however, as soon as the shooting is over, these guys become ordinary children again. But the result is, without a doubt, impressive!

Thank you so much, I found myself!