All about Rockabilly style

Rockabilly style appeared in the middle of the last century, it combines the motives of country, rock and roll, blues and many other fashion trends. Elvis Presley, Roy Orbison, as well as No Ricky Nelson and Buddy Holly became the founders of this trend both in the art of music and in clothing. Very soon they were joined by famous artists, models, socialites and ordinary people in America, Europe and the republics of the former Soviet Union. This the image is distinguished by positive shocking and bright colors, it literally oozes optimism, creates a holiday atmosphere around itself - this is exactly what people who were exhausted by the hardships of the post-war years lacked.

History of origin
Among the fashion trends of the last century, it stands out brighter than the rest Rockabilly movement... This crazy, slightly playful and extraordinary movement appeared thanks to the musical style of the same name. Everything that relates to him: from music to hair - must be enchanting, colorful and literally radiating optimism.

The subculture is rooted in America in the 50s. last century... Elvis Presley made a great contribution to the spread of the style. He did not play pure rock and roll, his music contained motives of country and western, and in general his style always gravitated towards the motives of Rockabilly.
The costumes for the performances of the king of the stage were striking and even shocking with their ambiguity and pretentiousness. Before the appearance of this artist, the stage had never seen such a bizarre luxury. The musician could appear in public in a jacket completely embroidered with sequins and beads, in white flared trousers, or, conversely, in narrow black pants that did not cover the ankles.
Polished boots were an invariable attribute of the bow, and the image was completed by a complex spinner on the head.

Rockabilly has always been much more than just a clothing style and musical direction. He dictated a certain way of life. The ideologists of the subculture were young people who, with all their appearance and behavior, tried to rebel against the philistine values of their parents. Very soon this trend was picked up all over the world, representatives of Rockabilly appeared in Germany, Austria and even in the Soviet Union.
All of them were similar not only in their essence, but also in their external manifestations.

Boys and girls listened to frank music, danced daring dances, brightly painted and dressed in seductive clothes. Typical representatives of the movement are the so-called bad boys and girls who denied family values and ran away from home to nightclubs, where they had fun all night long. Times go by, but the essence of the subculture remains unchanged. As before, adherents of this trend like to joke, laugh and look at life playfully. A typical representative of this trend today can be called the famous stripper Dita von Teese.

Putting together a wardrobe
A distinctive feature of Rockabilly is brightness in everything. It is no coincidence that this style is often preferred for themed parties; it is often chosen for weddings. A colorful color palette, combined with lightness, invariably creates a festive mood, incendiary cheerful music becomes an elegant addition.
Rockabilly Girl prefers brightly colored clothes that emphasize a feminine figure.

Thanks to this, the girl in any situation looks like a “bird of paradise” against the background of sparrows. It is no coincidence that girls who have chosen this style for themselves always and everywhere experience increased attention to their person from others. Initially, the design of clothes was developed so that it would be convenient to dance in it to sparkling motives, which is why styles that do not hinder movement prevail in women's and men's models.

Basic things
Rockabilly girls prefer dresses, skirts and blouses. Dresses must be graceful and feminine, the so-called Dior's. Fitted look very gentle shirts and blouses, most often they are made from polka dot fabric.

Skirt should be flared, the most widespread is the sun-flared or half-sun cut. It is desirable that the model is lush, the required volume is achieved thanks to fabric petticoats. During an incendiary dance such skirts should flutter beautifully, emphasizing the playfulness and sexuality of their mistress.

Obviously, for such an image it is necessary to select the appropriate underwear... It doesn't have to stand out. It is important that it emphasizes the beauty and splendor of female forms, especially when it is worn under a tight blouse.

The typical Rockabilly man image is not formal. Bright colors prevail in clothes, embroidery is welcomed, it is advisable to unfasten the top buttons. However, this shirt should not be confused with Hawaiian-themed models: these are fundamentally different stylistic trends.
A must-have tweed jacket in rich colors. The preference is traditionally given to a tight fit. A man should look as if his clothes are a little tight in his shoulders. In the style of Rockabilly, representatives of the stronger sex prefer tapered trousers to the ankle or flared models to the floor.

For ordinary people, Rockabilly strongly associates with a sunny hot summer, unrestrained dances and open shoulders. However, with the onset of cold, it is not at all necessary to give up your favorite style. An effective addition to the bow will be a leather biker jacket, preferably a shortened one. However, instead of the traditional brown or black, it is better to give preference to red or blue colors.Girls look spectacular in a fitted, as well as a straight coat of mustard yellow, purple or scarlet. Traditional outerwear in gray and white colors can be supplemented with colorful accessories: scarves, shawls, clutches and hats in rich colors.

Party outfits
A man who prefers Rockabilly can wear the same clothes both in everyday life and on a holiday. But from beautiful ladies when attending parties and other entertainment events, dresses are required. Preference should be given to corset-type models with a heart-shaped cutout, voluminous ruffles and lace, playful looking lace underwear is welcome.

For the perfect bow, you can use the style of the idols of the past Betty Page, Jane Mansfield or Patsy Kline.... The lower part of the dress is made in a sun-flared style, products with a high waist look very elegant: a wide belt emphasizes the chiseled shapes, shows off the chest favorably, and lace inserts shift the accents to skin color.

Shoes and accessories
Women's Rockabilly shoes are a must-have shoes with a steady heel. It can be thick or narrow, high or medium, square or rectangular. Flat models will be inappropriate as they are not compatible with the dance style. In some cases, the classic sneakers, they are combined with cropped jeans and multi-colored socks.
For cool weather, choose ankle boots, they are usually matched to the tone of the dress, blouse, or a shade of lipstick. Accordingly, the most common products from patent leather are golden, bright red, and also blue.
For everyday use, lacquered products can be replaced with more discreet matt ones.

The image of a rockabilly girl involves the use of a small number of accessories, but they must all be catchy and round. The classics of the style are large red beads with earrings in color, such an ensemble is worn with a white dress with red polka dots. Ladies' hair is decorated with bright scarves or hairpins to match the lipstick or dress. Handbags are usually small, they should form a single color ensemble with shoes. The feminine look is complemented by translucent black gloves.

As for men, they prefer to create biker bow. A bandana in combination with a leather jacket matches this perfectly. Glasses with rounded lenses and colored frames will 100% hit the theme for men and women.

Makeup and hairstyles
Hairstyle is one of the main elements of the Rockabilly direction. Proponents of this trend curl their hair with tongs, make large bouffants and lay the strands in the most intricate designs. Have always been and remain in trend coca, pompadour, as well as curls and high tails. The more magnificent the hairstyle, the more accurate the embodiment of the Rockabilly spirit will be. Most of the hair should be concentrated in the occipital region and above the forehead.

The make-up is dominated by simple, nevertheless effective techniques and techniques: arrows a la cat's eye, bright blush in the cheekbones, and red lipstick with a pronounced contour and a subtle shine. At the same time, it is important to choose exactly that red tone that will be in harmony with your shade of eyes, hair and skin.

Beautiful images
There are many interesting images.
- Kat von D, as well as Gwen Stefani and Amy Winehouse are recognized as true icons of style in the Rockabilly theme.

- Rockabilly Girl was successfully portrayed on the screen by Cha Cha DiGregorio in Grease and Heather Graham in The Swingers.

- Cult male characters were and still are Elvis Presley, James Dean, as well as Chris Isaac and Lyle Lovett.

Rockabilly looks in the video below.