How to create an image of dudes for a boy

Surely everyone remembers the film "Hipsters", which presents a story about a couple in love, which is directly related to the subculture popular at that time. Hipsters have managed to leave a mark after themselves, expressed in the style of clothing. The main highlight of the composed images is brightness and spontaneity. For adults, such characteristics in clothes are most often unacceptable, but this style is suitable for children.

Characteristic features of the style
Hipsters are a subculture of the 50s.
Its adherents were distinguished by the bright clothes of American brands.
A must-have addition to bows is an American-style hairstyle and appropriate accessories.

The presented style has several basic parameters.
- Brightness. Clothing in saturated colors, such as red, orange, yellow, green and blue, is used to create images. Gray tones are strictly prohibited. In principle, they can be used in small accessories, but in such a way that they are not conspicuous.

- Ease. Each element of the style is made of lightweight material, for example, silk fabric, satin or chintz. Others should have the feeling that a potential dude is about to take off. Formal jackets are not taken into account. The same goes for woolen trousers with an ironed arrow.

- Expressed impracticality. Everyone knows that light fabrics get dirty much faster, accessories are often lost, new shoes are sure to chafe. In order not to face such problems, it is necessary to carefully select each element of the image. Shoes or boots should fit the size of your feet; a special chain will help you not to lose your glasses.

The presented characteristics correspond to the "stylish" outfits of both adults and children. A child in the image of a dandy clearly stands out among his peers. It is impossible to take your eyes off him. Moreover, modern manufacturers of children's clothing are ready to offer little fashionistas a wide selection of costumes and individual items of clothing.
The outfits of dudes look very impressive on boys aged 6-12 years. A bright tie or glasses will help add adulthood.

Another important characteristic of the presented style is the special cut, thanks to which things have maximum comfort.
Shoes should also be practical so that they do not create discomfort when walking and dancing.
In simple terms, the image of a dudes should be not only beautiful in appearance, but also comfortable.

What kind of clothes will fit?
The dudes' costume has many differences from the classic outfit familiar to everyone. Regular trousers and a jacket are inappropriate in this case. By the way, jeans also have nothing to do with the presented style. They came to the USSR after the 60s.
The traditional costume of a dudes guy consists of a jacket, trousers and a shirt. The main thing is to choose the right one for each item of clothing.

- First of all, you should decide on the trousers. Guys-dudes at one time wore tight models, outwardly very similar to skinny jeans. Today, pipe trousers, in the fabric of which there are elastic fibers, are the ideal option. This convenience will be appreciated by children of 6-7 years old. They are very mobile, and the inelastic fabric will hinder their movements, creating discomfort.

Another important requirement for trousers is color. It should be bright. Trousers with a checkered print or with vertical stripes will look quite interesting.

- The shirt in the bow of the dudes plays an important role. It should be bright. In this case, the boy can choose the color at will. There are no boundaries in this matter.

By the way, when buying a shirt, you can gradually teach your child to correctly combine the palette of clothes. For example, a shirt with a Hawaiian pattern will perfectly complement dull trousers. If the pants, on the contrary, are glowing with bright colors, a shirt of a calm shade will complement the image.
Sleeve length can be short or long.
This question depends entirely on the time of year and the location of the event.
For example, if this is a kindergarten prom, you can consider a short sleeve, since it's already summer outside. And for a New Year's party, it is preferable to wear a long-sleeved shirt.

- The basis of the dude's image is a jacket. Its cut should not contain even the slightest reminder of the classics. Ideally, you need to choose a bright monochromatic version or with a checkered print. The style of the "stylish" jacket should resemble a jacket, but at the same time it is obliged to sit on the child freely, only slightly emphasizing the figure.

As for the length of the jacket, it all depends on the child's wishes. Styles of the 50s wore elongated models, but a child in such an outfit will be uncomfortable. By the way, it is not recommended to button the jacket. Maximum one button at the waist.
As an analogue of a jacket, you can use a cardigan or a brightly colored jumper. However, this clothing option is only considered for winter events. For kindergarten or elementary school graduation, it is still worth choosing jackets. First, stylish. Secondly, it is effective. There is a pocket in the chest part of jackets where a bright scarf should be located.
For the look of a dudes, it is important to choose the right shoes. Ideally, boots with rubber soles. However, finding such shoes for a little boy is almost impossible. This means that we will have to look for a replacement.

Leather shoes - an exact copy of men's brogues - will look very interesting. However, this option should be considered for boys aged 10-12 years. It is recommended to purchase sandals for babies 6-9 years old. No sneakers or sneakers. Mixing a sporty style with a dudes image is unacceptable

Choosing accessories
Any image compiled must be complemented with appropriate accessories. And in this matter, putting on or attaching the first tape that comes across will not work. Accessories for dudes are bright attributes that should be combined with a common bow, but at the same time stand out in color.

First you need to choose socks. They must be high and must necessarily differ in color from the palette of trousers.
The brighter the contrast, the better.
Socks can have an unusual print.

Another important accessory is a tie. For the look of the dandy, you should choose a narrow model of a bright color. A bow tie will look very interesting on the boy. As an analogue of a tie, you can use a bright scarf, tie it around your neck with a soft knot, and hide the ends under a shirt.

Suspenders will look pretty unexpected. Many have already forgotten about this accessory, but dudes used it for many looks. It is noteworthy that suspenders allow you to abandon a belt that was not in demand among the dudes of the 50s. The checkered print will add originality to the suspenders.
We must not forget about the hat. You can find the appropriate accessory in any fashion store. Outwardly, the dandy hat resembles a classic model, but at the same time it differs in design.

For a summer event, it is extremely important for a boy to complement the style of the style with sunglasses. You can choose a model with a bright frame or unusual shapesNS. It is important that the child is comfortable wearing them.

The hairstyle is also an important part of the look of the dandy boy. The ideal option is the coco hairstyle. You will need to lift the hair over the frontal part and fix it. If the child does not like this option, you can offer a comb along the side parting. In this case, the strands of the crown must be slightly raised and fixed with gel.

Vivid images
Not all parents can correctly compose the image of dudes for their son. Examples of ready-made costumes that made a splash at the prom in kindergarten and elementary school will help them in this matter.
Consider wearing red and green contrast check chinos and a lemon short sleeve shirt for a lazy Sunday brunch. In this case, the bottom of the shirt is not tucked into the trousers. A satin black vest is worn over the shirt, laced shoes on the legs, and a yellow tie with a print in the form of diagonal stripes around the neck.
Black trousers with vertical red stripes look piquant. Cornflower-colored shirt. Blue sandals. Orange socks and coral braces will work as a bright accessory.

More examples put together by fashion designers are worth checking out.
How to dress a boy stylishly, see the video.