How to clean cutlery at home?

Cutlery is an essential part of any kitchen and any table. They differ from each other in the material of manufacture, in size and in their texture. But they also have one thing in common, which is the need for regular cleaning. And this is not just about the classic dishwashing, but about the special treatment of devices from plaque and complex dirt. How to properly clean cutlery made of various materials, and how to care for them - we'll talk in this article.

Means used
Forks, spoons and knives made of any material are not enough just to regularly wash in warm water and detergent. In some situations, it is necessary to carry out their general cleaning - wash out the embossing, clean the surface between the teeth and cutters. And it is not always possible to use conventional abrasive cleaning agents for these purposes. In some cases, their use is generally prohibited.
The specific set of tools and materials required for use during general cleaning depends on the type of contamination that needs to be dealt with.
- From old fat Standard detergents - dry mustard powder, salt and lemon juice - help a lot.
- Get rid of the blackness, which appeared due to long-term improper storage of devices, can be helped by toothpaste, soda, tooth powder or special products, for example, "Whiteness".
- Tea bloom from appliances remove salt, soda or even just plain foil used by housewives in the preparation of various dishes.
- Rust stains can be easily removed with special chemical cleaning agents and onion juice.Tooth or mustard powder also copes well with them.
- Old welding stains removed with soda, lemon juice, mustard and charcoal or chalk tablets.

When choosing a cleaning agent, be sure to take into account the material of manufacture of cutlery. In some cases, certain substances are unacceptable for use - maybe they will help to cope with stains, but they will cause other defects on the surface of the devices.
For example, scratches, abrasion of the gold plated layer and complete elimination of shine.
In addition to the above means, such as wood ash, ammonia, soda ash, juice and gruel from potatoes can be used. You also need to prepare in advance:
- gloves to protect the skin of the hands;
- 2 containers with warm water - one for soaking dishes, the other for rinsing;
- sponges (soft and metal);
- foil;
- a toothbrush for hard-to-reach places;
- paper napkins;
- clean flannel small towels.

Only when all the necessary materials and tools are ready, you can proceed to the direct procedure for cleaning the cutlery.
Features of cleaning different metals
Having made a decision on general cleaning of cutlery at home, you should know in advance what material or alloy they are made of. The point is that for each metal it is necessary to use separate products for removing stains of various types. Otherwise, instead of shiny and crystal-clear cutlery, you can get very dark and unusable forks, knives and spoons.
Since ancient times, silver kitchen utensils have been considered dishes of aristocrats. It should be understood that this metal itself is quite soft, therefore it is not recommended to use any strong agents for cleaning. It should also be remembered that silver cutlery can be of two types and should be cleaned in different ways.

Blackened silver
Utensils made from it are not only rather dark in color, but also often heavier. You can clean it with an ecological folk remedy.
For this, raw peeled potatoes are cut into slices and placed in cold water. Cutlery, previously washed in clean warm water, is also placed in the container. Leave for one hour, after which the silver items are washed in warm running water and wiped dry.
If there are dark spots on the devices, they are first rubbed with an ordinary stationery eraser, then all products are smeared with gel - dishwashing detergent and baking soda 1: 1. Leave for 15 minutes, then rinse in warm water.
If single spots remain on the surface, they are wiped with ammonia and then washed with water again.

Regular silver
Cutlery made from this material can be cleaned in the following ways.
- The tea plaque is removed with moist fine salt. Sprinkle salt on the rough side of the kitchen sponge, rub the appliances, and then rinse in plain water.
- Finely ground and sifted wood ash applied to damp dishes and rubbed into it with your fingertips. Then it is set aside for half an hour, and then washed in a large amount of running water.
- Dark spots are easily washed off in an acidic environment. To do this, add 1 tablespoon of 12% vinegar or a couple of tablespoons of lemon juice to a liter of water, immerse the devices in the solution for 15 minutes. Particularly dark places are additionally rubbed with hands, and then simply washed.
- Even the most old fat from hard-to-reach places is perfectly removed with a mixture of mustard powder and baking soda (2: 1 ratio)... They are applied to damp dishes, left for 10 minutes, and then rubbed with a regular sponge and washed in water. This cleaning not only removes stains, but also brings back the shine.

If all of the above means turned out to be powerless, then you can either take the cutlery to special workshops, where they will be put in order for a conditional fee, or use ready-made pastes and mixtures for cleaning silver and jewelry made from it.
A distinctive feature of spoons, forks and knives made of this material is their great weight and beautiful, one might even say, rich appearance. The main problem with such dishes is their rapid and intense darkening. Cupronickel cutlery is cleaned as follows.
- Dark bloom that appeared from acidic products, long-term storage or tea can be easily removed with dry ground coffee or chalk powder. Apply a sufficient amount of funds to a slightly damp surface, rub them in, and then rinse well in cool water.
- Potato broth helps to remove all types of impurities except old fat. To do this, put the dishes in it and boil it on low heat for 5-7 minutes while boiling, then cool it in the same container and wash it first with hot and then cold water.
- Old fat and stains easily removed with a mixture of ammonia and ordinary or soda ash. These products are mixed to obtain a thick and smooth paste. It is applied in a thick layer, left for 25 minutes, and then the devices are washed in warm water.
- Remove dark plaque activated carbon also helps. To do this, the tablets are crushed into powder and poured into the desired place. A few drops of ordinary water drip from above.
When the hissing process stops, the devices are rubbed with their hands for several minutes, and then they are simply rinsed.

All types of dirt can be removed with a special paste designed for cleaning silver and cupronickel products. It is used only according to the instructions. It is important to remember that it is forbidden to clean cupronickel cutlery with any means containing chlorine.
Stainless steel
Such cutlery appeared in the USSR and today they are in almost every home. The easiest way to clean them is using industrial agent "Whiteness"... In this case, it will be possible to get rid of not only any stains, but also to produce powerful disinfection.
To do this, the product is diluted according to the instructions on the bottle in hot water. They put devices in it and leave until the temperature reaches 35 degrees. Then the spoons, forks and knives are taken out, wiped thoroughly with a sponge and washed well in hot and then in cold water. The specific smell from the product disappears rather quickly.

If you do not want to use chemicals, then you can use the following method.
- Pour 2 liters of water into a saucepan and add 100 g of regular salt and 60 g of baking soda to it. Previously, it is necessary to lay a foil folded in several layers at the bottom.
- Put the container on the fire, and when its temperature exceeds 40 degrees, immerse the contaminated cutlery in the water.
- Bring to a boil and simmer for 10 minutes under a tightly closed lid.
- Remove the pan from the heat and, without opening it, leave until the water has completely cooled.
- Remove cutlery and particularly dirty areas and clean them with a toothbrush. Rinse the dishes in clean water and store.

This cleaning option is not suitable for stainless steel dishes with wood, stone or bone inserts on the surface. They can change their color and lose their radiance.
These forks, knives, and spoons are considered festive and are usually only placed on the table on special occasions. Therefore, during storage, they can fade, and stains and stains appear on their surface. You can get rid of them in the following ways.
- Soak a cotton pad in good quality pure rubbing alcohol and wipe thoroughly on all sides. There is no need to rinse them with water after processing.
- Fresh egg white, whipped into high foam, is dotted with a thin brush on dirt. Leave for 10 minutes, then wipe with a dishwashing sponge, rinse with water and dry.
- Turpentine helps to cope with even the most stubborn dirt. To do this, it is applied with a cotton pad to the device and kept for a quarter of an hour.
Residues are removed from the surface with a soft cloth, and the dishes are washed in warm water, without cleaning agents.

Experts say that Wine vinegar also helps to cope with impurities. But it must be natural. It is used in the same way as turpentine.
Such cutlery is rare today. They are short-lived and easily deformed. However, if the farm has just such, then they can be put in order.
- Boiling for 30 minutes after boiling in a solution (water - 5 liters, soda ash - 100 g, stationery glue - 100 ml) allows you to remove any kind of dirt. The devices are left to cool in a container, and then thoroughly washed with water.
- Forks, knives and spoons are poured with an acidic solution for half an hour, then wiped with a sponge and washed in boiling water. Fermented milk products, brine, water acidified with vinegar or lemon juice can act as a solution.

In principle, at home you can easily clean cutlery made of any materials efficiently and quickly. The main thing is to choose the right remedy and strictly follow the recommendations.
The polishing step is the final step in cleaning this type of kitchen utensil. It helps restore shine, shine and original factory look to fixtures.
All that is needed is to take a clean small piece of woolen cloth and wipe the device from all sides in a circular motion. Already after 1-3 minutes, it will become clear that the knives, forks and spoons have regained their original appearance.

Storage rules
You can save the result obtained for a long time, but only if the following rules are followed.
- Gilded devices are stored in special containers with lids, the bottom of which is lined with velvet. The containers with the dishes themselves should be removed in a dark place.
- Silver dishes are individually wrapped in special soft paper, then, if necessary, each item is stacked on top of each other and placed in cardboard boxes. It is important to remember that if you tie the devices together with a thread, a strip will appear on them in any case. Therefore, this is not worth doing.
- Products made of aluminum and stainless steel do not need any special storage conditions. The main thing is to protect them from excessive moisture levels and exposure to too high temperatures.
- Cupronickel cutlery is stored in a soft cotton fabric, in a dark and cool place and separately from dishes made from other alloys.

These rules will help to restore cleanliness and shine to the cutlery and keep them for a long time.
For information on how to clean cutlery at home, see the next video.