Cupronickel cutlery: benefits and harms, how to clean?

Cupronickel tableware is an excellent alternative to silverware. Well-groomed polished cupronickel cutlery looks expensive and aristocratic. They can be found in the table setting of the most expensive restaurants.

Cupronickel properties
The main components of the cupronickel alloy are copper and nickel. Iron and manganese are added to the alloy in small amounts. Alloy elements are natural for our body. Copper participates in protein metabolism and strengthens the skeletal system. Nickel stabilizes blood sugar levels, normalizes blood pressure. Iron is involved in the work of hematopoietic organs and immunobiological processes.

Psychologists note that the constant table setting with cupronickel appliances improves psychological comfort, reduces nervousness and aggression, and helps to eliminate depressive conditions.
Almost all modern recipes of manufacturers provide for silver plating of cupronickel cutlery. This completely dispelled the myth about the dangers of cupronickel cookware for health, which was based on the toxicity of copper, which is the main part of the alloy. If you do not clean the products in super-aggressive ways, there will be no contact with copper, the devices will serve more than one generation of the owner's family without the slightest harm, but only with benefit.

The appearance of cupronickel resembles silver, but cupronickel shades are "warmer".
Products made of cupronickel are resistant to corrosion, durable, and aesthetic. The plasticity of the alloy makes it possible to realize the most daring projects of manufacturers to give products of various shapes with graceful ornaments and openwork stucco moldings. Ideal for stamping, forging, cutting, polishing. High-tech heat treatment of the alloy allows you to apply ligature, openwork casting, deep embossing, blackening, anodizing, spraying on products.

Types of products from cupronickel
Nowadays, the demand for cupronickel products is growing. Consumers appreciated the high aesthetics of the appearance, excellent functionality, durability, and affordability. Devices made of cupronickel are used both in everyday life and in a solemn atmosphere. Today, cutlery made of pure cupronickel can hardly be found on sale, but many have them in family collections that have been inherited. Modern manufacturers use the alloy as a base. Products are often coated with precious metals (silver, elements of gilding).

The blade (cutting part) of table knives in modern sets is made of stainless steel.
The assortment of cupronickel products is diverse: cup holders, dishes, cutlery, coins, candlesticks and more. The number of cutlery in modern cutlery sets is very different. It can be a set of only 4 items for 1 person, or maybe a set of many products for various purposes for several people. The most skillful products from this alloy have long been produced in Russia. Many classic models are still created in the traditional styles of Russian applied art.

Why does cupronickel darken
A high proportion of copper in the composition of cupronickel and its ability to oxidize explains the appearance of a dark coating on products. Particularly intense dark stains appear when cutlery is improperly stored in conditions of open contact with air and high humidity. The aesthetic appearance is lost, the products become unattractive and hardly anyone wants to put such appliances on the table for their family, not to mention the reception of guests. If such a situation does occur, the devices will need to be thoroughly cleaned.

How to clean
The modern chemical industry offers many special means for cleaning cupronickel: liquids, gels, impregnated wipes. They are effective tools that save you time and effort. In case of problems with dishes, you can always contact a jewelry workshop., where specialists will provide a high-quality service for the return of products of dignified appearance.
It is not difficult to cope with the problem at home, especially when you consider that the services of jewelers are not cheap.

With the tools available, you can quickly and effectively clean darkened cutlery. The cleaning method depends on the type of product and the degree of darkening. Here is a list of available products that will not harm the metal and will return the products to their original shine.
- Alcohol. If the appliances are slightly dull, you can soak a flannel napkin with vodka or alcohol and wipe them down.
- Vinegar. Dissolve 1 teaspoon of vinegar in a glass of warm water, soak a soft cloth in the solution and wipe the devices.
- Baking soda. Apply baking soda to a soft, damp sponge and gently polish the product. Immerse the rinse product in the prepared solution (50 g of soda per 1 liter of water), rinse with cold water and wipe dry. Recommended after every use.
- Eggshell. You will need a shell from 2 raw eggs and 1 liter of water. Bring to a boil, immerse the devices in the broth for 2-3 minutes, then rinse and wipe dry.
- Garlic hulls. This is an effective method for heavily soiled appliances. Put more husk in a container, add water, put on fire, bring to a boil, put the devices in the broth and boil until the dishes shine.The boiling time depends on the degree of soiling of the appliances. Do not worry - the high temperature of the boiling broth will not cause any harm to the metal.
- Milk serum. Immerse cupronickel cutlery in warm milk whey for 15–20 minutes, then take it out and rub it with a soft sponge or cloth, wash and dry (wipe).
- Carbonated drinks. Spread the products on the bottom of the container and fill with soda without dyes until completely immersed for 2 hours, rinse and wipe.

Absolutely after any method of cleaning, the devices are rinsed with running water and wiped dry with a soft cloth, then put away for proper storage.
In addition to those listed, there are many other ways to clean cupronickel, but in everyday life the given ones will be quite enough.
Features of care and storage
Compliance with simple rules will significantly reduce the frequency of cleaning cutlery from cupronickel. Here are some of the nuances of leaving:
- do not wash cupronickel products of the Soviet era (early antiques) in the dishwasher;
- wipe dry immediately after washing with a soft towel, avoiding drying in a dryer;
- use soft natural lint-free fabrics (cotton, flannel);
- when cleaning, it is preferable to use special jewelry (for example, "Kupel", "Alladin", "Smak");
- do not use abrasive products to avoid micro-scratches on the products;
- do not expose to strong mechanical stress, so as not to accidentally deform the product;
- storage in the vicinity of chlorine-containing substances is prohibited, they activate the oxidative processes of the metals that make up the alloy;
- store without access to air in a dry place in a special case or in a closed container, as an option - wrapped in paper, cling film, foil; you need to wrap each item separately, cupronickel does not like contact;
- if the devices are used infrequently, carry out regular inspection and preventive cleaning of the devices, even if the appearance of the products seemed to be impeccable.
By following simple rules, it will be possible to preserve the noble, shiny, beautiful appearance of the cutlery for a long time.

Do not forget about rubber gloves, as dark oxides are difficult to wash off the skin of your hands.
If you are going to purchase a cupronickel table set, you must definitely pay attention to the product labeling. It is necessary to choose products from well-known trusted manufacturers who mark the products with their own stamp (breakdown), which indicates the composition of the alloy. If the products are without appropriate marking, then it may not be cupronickel at all, but a fake. Kolchuginsky cupronickel and Mstera brand products are especially popular in Russia and abroad. Branded products are not cheap, but the high quality of alloys, the uniqueness of the samples and the variety of the assortment justify the financial costs of buyers. With proper use, care and storage, such dishes will last more than one decade, they can be inherited as a worthy value.
How to clean cupronickel dishes, see below.